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  1. Hello I have made a map for my community, but im having some issues... I want to be able to move the mouse over to a certain section of the map and it change colors like a blue or a red. If this is not possible is there a way to do it where just that section is highlighted, for example this first area shape is a polygon, but when i try to the entire map gets highlighted instead. Im not all that experience with html even less so with jscript so im not even sure not to set that up, with this. If someone could at least help me with that first coord that would be awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <head> <style type="text/css"> .pic{ width:640px; height:428px; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); no-repeat; } .pic:hover { opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30); } </style> </head> <body> <div class="pic"> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9ii-g5IQAAwho5.png:large" width="640" height="428" alt="Halo Risk Map" usemap="#haloriskmap"> <map name="haloriskmap"> <area shape="poly" coords="175,293, 161, 294, 155, 287, 145,285, 145, 268, 161, 243, 171, 242, 177, 246, 175, 259, 171, 262, 171, 269, 178, 277, 178, 287" href="www.deadlysinsgaminghq.enjin.com" alt="1"> </map> </div> </body>
  2. Hi there, I am in college right now and I am learning Javascript. I have a lab that requires I display three coloured buttons on the screen that are completely random in order. Now when these buttons are all green, all red, or all blue, you get a bonus to how many points you get. The code below is what I have so far, but right now I want to explain my thinking process and maybe get some help from you guys to help me better my thinking process. What my teacher told me to do was this. at the start of body, create 3 image elements (<img>) with different id's. put your script element on the bottom of the body. in your script, after declaring those vars and assigning them random values, use document.getElementById to get those image elements and put them in their own variable example: var button1 = document.getElementById("image1"); then create a function which takes two arguments; one will be one of the image elements you created variables for and the other will be the accompanying random number that you created. In the function, change the src of the image to red if the number is 1, to green if the number is 2, to red if the number is 3 etc call your function 3 times with the proper variables and you'll be good to go Now I tried my best to make sense of it, but I just could not figure it out. Basically what I am thinking here is that you are making an image tag and giving it an id so in the future you can use the id for something else. It will take the properties of the image tag. Then you set your 3 variables for random numbers. Each of these vars will be assigned to a different button (so 3 in total) then next is where I get really confused. I guess my main question is, is how do you randomize the buttons using code close to what I have here. I have not learned loops or arrays yet so if I do get any help, try not to use those. Also you can see how somewhere in there I tried to do an if statement but it just wasn't making sense to me. <!doctype html><html><head></head><body><img id = "button1"><img id = "button2"><img id = "button3"></body><script>var randomNumberOne = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3);var randomNumberTwo = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3);var randomNumberThree = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3);var red = document.getElementById("button1").src="red.jpg";var green = document.getElementById("button2").src="green.jpg";var blue = document.getElementById("button3").src="blue.jpg";function randomButton(){ if(randomNumberOne === 1) { }}randomButton();</script></html>
  3. I wonder if anyone here can help me... I am having troubles with the table code. It is messing with other elements on my page. Does anyone know how I can fix it so that it only adds a border to the sections I want to have borders and not to everywhere on the page? Every time I add html code bits to my page to create these: It makes the Header look like this: When it is supposed to look like this: *I use weebly as my website building platform, so the elements in the first picture above was created with the custom element tool. Each product block is a single cell table, and this is the code I am using for each product block (apart from a few URLs and Text, etc... each one is the same): <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> table, th, td { border: 2px solid #DCDCDC; padding: 1px; } table { border-spacing: 1px; } th, td { padding: 5px; } a { text-decoration: none; } p.small { line-height: 60%; } </style> </head> <body> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <a href="http://www.rebeckahstreasures.com/happily-ever-after-crochet-pattern-for-fashion-dolls.html"><img src="http://www.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/3/9/14399682/1012548_orig.jpg" alt=”Happily Ever After Fashion Doll Crochet Pattern PDF $10.00 by Rebeckah’s Treasures - You can be a designer too when you mix and match necklines & silhouettes! Grab your copy today here: http://goo.gl/5bXO46 #crochet #pattern #barbie #toys” border="0" width="100%" style="margin:3px 0px"/><h4 style="margin:0px 0px">"Happily Ever After"</h4><h5 style="margin:0px 0px">Crochet Pattern</h5></a> <p class="small" style="margin:0px 0px"><em> $10.00 USD</em></p> <a href="#" onclick="R.cart.add(36645, 220124); return false;"><img src="http://www.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/3/9/14399682/_8947683_orig.png" border="0" width="120"style="margin:0px 0px"/></a></div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, Currently I'm trying to create a website for a project at school, but I found an useful feature and don't know how to create it or even how it's created. For example Steam community groups. What I would like to know is how to create a page like that, which shows: group members, group icon etc. Google didn't give me anything closely related to that. Please help.
  5. Hey everyone, I'm pretty green in web design and the company I work for is building a website where they want to feature a custom builder type page. So basically customers can get on the site, design their own simple thing and get an invoice for it. Sorry that might be hard to understand, but here is an example of what I'm talking about. http://www.villycustoms.com/custom-builder/ If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  6. hello w3school mmbrs i have a q. thats makes me confused and its how can i insert data into WEB FORM from a DATABASE Assume : i have a database called 'home' and my table called 'vals' and the table 'vals' have 3 Fields 'username','val1','val2' and i create a web form that's have 2 inputs (val1,val2) so i want to put the values FROM THE DATABASE INTO MY WEB FORM note* , i want to insert data into web form (not from webform) any idea please ?!
  7. I am in the process of creating a website for a new venture but i am SOOOOO rusty on codeing as havent done it in over 10 years and was never very good with anything more than html i am after someone willing to help me create the site i could afford a few pennies if need be but this project is being set up on a very tight budget it will all be centered around maps i need to have the facility to click a location on the map and it opens up alongside all the details of the business, but not in a new page just within a frame on the same page i also need a site search facility i have been trying to get the map to work in a package for days and now at the end of my teather i have used the following code which works as a stand alone but not into the current template i have been using by 123-reg <a><html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Complex icons</title> <style> html, body, #map-canvas { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } </style> <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp"></script> <script> function initialize() { var mapOptions = { zoom: 5, center: new google.maps.LatLng(51.5000, 0.1167) } var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions); setMarkers(map, beaches);} var beaches = [ ['Marmalade <br> 67 Northgate Street <br> Chester <br> CH1 2HQ <br><a href="http://www.marmalade-chester.co.uk">l</a></a>', 53.19384783026191, -2.8605856895446, 4], ['southend', 51.60592667798674, 0.66912150382994, 5], ['tarporley', 55.74326998205062, -2.8699998855590, 3], ['Manly Beach', 51.180229348841784, -1.82709896564483, 2], ['stonehenge', 51.180229348841784, -1.82709896564483, 1] ]; function setMarkers(map, locations) { var image = { url: 'images/foodsmall.png', size: new google.maps.Size(30, 30), origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0), anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 32) }; var shape = { coords: [1, 1, 1, 20, 18, 20, 18 , 1], type: 'poly' }; for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { var beach = locations; var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(beach[1], beach[2]); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, icon: image, shape: shape, title: beach[0], zIndex: beach[3] }); }}google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> </head> <body> <div id="map-canvas"></div> </body> </html></locations></br></br></br></br></script></meta></meta> Any help would be greatly appricated i am basically trying to creat a site similar to the following one if that helps http://www.visiteatstay.com/
  8. Hi, I am having trouble with the page bottom of my website. It is not showing consistently when viewed in different browsers. Chrome and internet explorer seem to be pretty similar, however in safari the information sometimes spills over the page bottom. What is the best way around this? Do i need to get some kind of code to get the different browsers to respect the spacing on my page? Please have a look at: http://www.mygraphicdesign.com.au/pagebottom/faq/index.html What can i do to make this display correctly at the bottom in the different browsers! Another page is: http://www.mygraphicdesign.com.au/pagebottom/index.html As an example Dont look at the other pages as they are the old site. The two posted above are my new site so only for these two pages please. The only solution i have thought of so far was to make the page bottom really really big so that at least it does not get cut off on some of the browsers, but it doesn't really look that great =( Please help!!!! I have no idea how to fix this!!!
  9. Ok, so i could not find this anyways, i don't know maybe i did not loot hard enought but seems faster to just ask here instead since i think this one u all might know except me hehe . I'm trying to expand my knowledge inside CSS Mobile websites, but not only mobile also bigger screens like TV for screens (like mine etc) and so on. I was thinking, does it really "NEED" to be specific numbers before the mobile or screen reacts to the browser? Example: We know that ipads (portrait) uses 768px as a minimum and maximum as 1024px... this is what i have so far: @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : portrait) { #wrapper { margin: 0 auto; min-width: 768px; max-width: 1024px; background-color: #485778; } } And i'm very surten that i got this one right (tell me if i'm wrong)... however, what if i were to build my "own" design? A screen that has something that is between that number or just 1px "above" the 1024px.. do i just add in another pixel like this 1025px and then it will react as normal? My bottom line question is this, does the media query only react on specific numbers related to devices OR is it also possible to related this to custom build devices and screens? Hope someone can answer as always, thanks!
  10. Hey Guys How To In Put Php Script to License Like vBulleting.?....Please Help me
  11. shayan

    Need help in width

    Hi guys iv a problem in css and if you help me i really appreciate that i wrote this: <!doctype html><html><head><style type="text/css" >p {border:solid 3px orange;background-color:yellow;color:green;padding:40px;}</style></head><body><p>This is the fist para</p></body></html> ............................................................................... so you can see there is a text in the border but the text is in the left i wana to be at the center and also i want to make left and right width shorter so if you can help me please pm me
  12. hi, I have a contact form with 4 fields; name, email, input text, and security question.. For some reason, I can get the input fields of Name and Email to sit on the left side of their respective input fields, but for Input Text and the Security Question, the label sits on the right of the input field... Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?? Thankyou!! http://www.atmananda.com/contact-us/
  13. Hello! I am Superior_Nexus. I am new here, as I am new to the whole scripting scene. My question is, can somebody help me with this little piece of JavaScript code!? Please. I read the article on www.w3schools.com many times, and I just don't understand it. I want to make the button work both ways, "forwards" and "backwards". I have the "forward" done, now I just ask for help in setting up the "backwards" part. I will only post my javascript code for now, but if you need more, then i'll be happy to post that too. Note: I am not a professional by any means, and my code is probably the poorest some of you have ever seen, I do this for fun. Here is my code. <script>function menu() {var x = document.getElementById("hidden_menu");x.style.width = "20%";x.style.transition = "width 1s";var x = document.getElementById("wrapper");x.style.width = "80%";x.style.transition = "width 1s";}</script> How would I get this button to reverse this action? Thank you in advance!
  14. first off... You need a help section(if you have one already, my apologies) I know this is the help section, but I feel as if these is more as a moderator section to give information on things that could be helpful to look at... That don't really make sense, but in away it do. Even know you do have "pinned" to notify...<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p id="p1">Click the button to locate where "locate" first occurs.</p><p id="p2">0</p><button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button><script>function myFunction(){var str=document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML;var n=str.indexOf("hi");document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML=n+1;}</script></body></html><!--Finding a String in a StringThe indexOf() method returns the position (as a number) of the first found occurrence of a specified text inside a string:Examplevar str="Hello world, welcome to the universe.";var n=str.indexOf("welcome");Try it yourself »The method returns -1 if the specified text is not found.it doesn't return -1-->
  15. I'm doing a project for a client and the Financial Adviser's in the company needed to be able to visit a page and create a report on the fly: Visit a webpage and be able to create a report based on a question form, This is an example of the report. Client's Name: (Name is entered) This name will be replicated throughought the report as well as other information (this is just a quick exmaple). First Question: "what are you serving the client?" Answers: "Pension", "Investment", "Mortgage", "Protection" Based on the answer a set of questions will appear below relevent to each answer. For example if the Advisor choose Investment then the following question would be (as an example) "What is the clients attitude toward risk managment?" Answers "Incliened to take high risks", "Inclined to take some risks", "Not very inclined to take risks" Based on this a paragraph related to the question would appear in the report which is being created below. Then another question (also which appeared based on the answer Investment) would of appeared This question would also have the same functionality as the one above, Essentially what i am trying to achive is create a report which is created on the fly based on a form and a pool of questions (prefably not stored ina database to keep it simple) related to each answer, then copy the report from the website to a word document. As you can see i have tried to be as descriptive as possible with what i am trying to achive, I have little knowledge of Javascript/Jquery, I would be greatful if you could point me in the right direction by telling me what i need to do or any good tutorials. What would be amazing is if someone kind person could create a simple framework for this page in which i can develop further. Thanks Ieuan.
  16. Okay I'm biulding a website for a client which is required to do the following: Financial Advisor's from the company i am working for needs to be able to login to the website (by creating a account using a code unique to the company). Then be able to add client infomation to their own client list on a database (seperate from other advisors). From there the Advisors need to be able to go back and see a simplified list of their clients (i.e. just the clients name for example with a search option to find clients easily). Then when the click on the client's name they will be taken to a different page which displays the client's information in full, with the ability to edit this information. I understand the difficulty of this task and my skills are more directed towards the design aspect of websites, as you can probably make out I have little experince with databases and PHP, however I have taught myself other computer languages and not worried about the need to learn. All i'm asking for is for someone to outline what needs to be done and point me in the right direction as to where I can aquire the knowledge needed to complete this project. Thanks a million Ieuan.
  17. I'm trying to build a website, and I'm having a little trouble with a couple style pieces, and I would like a little help. The problem is that I'm working with conflicting commands, and I need to be able to make one override the other based on the class, but it hasn't worked for me. So, the color theme I had in mind involves a Navigation bar at the top with a light background and a dark color, and the main text is light text on a dark background. Obviously, what link color I pick for the main text is going to be rather faint if I use it on the NavBar, but I don't know how to make a style that applies specifically to links under the Navbar class. Can I get a demonstration please? And would it be easier to do this inline or in the main CSS?
  18. expensiveal

    Help PHP error

    Hii'am new in this forum yesterday i created an Affilatereferral program with PHP Fixthewindows.combut i'am getting an errorParse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /home/u479191455/public_html/common.php on line 9The code of common.phpcommon.phpin Dreamweaver CC i'am getting more errorsError Line : 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 17 ,24 , , 60 , 61,62,63,64,66 Please Help !
  19. so, what i am trying to do is send an email from an HTML FORM. i want to keep it somewhat simple, meaning i don't want employ JS or PHP. HTML and CSS only. what i have so far: <form name="DriveOnRequest" method="POST" action="mailto:myemail@example.com?subject=Drive On Request" type="text/html" content-type="Multipart/formdata" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="Multipart/formdata" > <table> <td> <tr> <th><label>Requestor Name:<abbr title="Enter your name if you are the requestor or the name of the person who you are requesting the drive on for.">Help</abbr></label></th> <td><label>First</label><input type="text" name="first1" min="2" required></td> <td><label>Last</label><input type="text" name="last1" min="2" required></td> </tr> this is the more important part .. i think as i believe that the problem is somewhere in here. i am closing the form out and have a submit button. everything works fine up until then. when i submit it opens the default email program and is ready to send; however, the email inside looks something like this: Questions: 1. How can i remove the INPUT NAME Tags (first1=) or at least the "=" sign? 2. How can i remove the "&" sign obviously used as space. 3. Is there a way to style the whole thing at all? Because this is really where i need it. In the email, not the form. I am thinking that it has to do with the charset or the encoding but i am not sure. I find everything on the www about how to style the form but no more than bits and pieces about the resulting email.
  20. Hi! IMGnest is a website that me and my friend released as a beta version recently. A brief description of the website is that it is primarily two user bases. First one is people who want their pictures edited and the second one consists of people who want to edit images. As you may have figured out, the concept of IMGnest is that the first user base uploads a picture, the second user base edit the picture and lastly the first user base downloads the edited image. Now we want you to let us know what you think! Please remember that IMGnest is still in beta. Thanks in advance! www.imgnest.com
  21. hi basically i have a text based mafia game and in my database i have a table called statis with 2 columns one called alive and one called allof , what i need is table statis column allof to count all enteries in table users and alive to count all my dead users in table users you can tell dead or alive by column status whitch can be dead or alive can anyone help me please .
  22. i need help with useing one table to count another tables enteries
  23. Hello, i'm wondering how to install Apache2 with PHP inside. So far i've downloaded dozens of apache servers and php servers and always getting the the error below. LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll" not found (or something very similar) Does certain Apache server version require certain PHP version? I'm pointing out the correct directory and its still telling that its wrong folder. Last time i tried these files.httpd-2.0.65-win32-x86-no_ssl.msiphp-5.3.28-nts-Win32-VC9-x86.msi And received same results. Modified php.ini to point out the extensions folder, added these lines to httpd config file (To correct positions). LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpPHPIniDir "c:/php" I have to install Apache2 the hard way since Xampp has been buggy for me for a bit. Please reply with correct version links and other tutorials if there is.
  24. Guest


    Hello everyone, I was wondering how would I create a similar program to the "try it yourself" you see when learning php. I would like to make one that can do CSS, HTML, and PHP, but I can't figure out how to make it understand the script, I like how you can see the script and the product after you hit submit, it makes it easier to figure stuff out. I want to make this to help my best friend with a site he made: http://madsplash.netWith this I could program on my ipad online and email it directly to him, he's sorta my teacher.Any help would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
  25. Hi All, I'm running a website i.e. http://homepageforu.webs.com/, its running good, its a simple website with HTML & CSS, I like to add one signup page/image, which fades all the background icons, until n unless, either visitor subscribe to my website, or click cancel on that signup page (this page is also unblockable i.e. doesn't blocked by pop-up blocker) & in either condition, he/she can visit my website, but if he goes for sign up, than that page should be open in a new window. i've seen this in many websites specially with online shopping or coupons website, like "http://www.shopclues.com/mobiles/mobile-phones.html", the same signup page, when this website opens. Thanks in Advance Ashish
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