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Found 7 results

  1. Hi folks, Would love to get some assistance with some basic XSLT coding for a template/choose or transform. I have the following XSLT coding which is used to essentially transform (replace) the subject line of an email which is generated by the system. This small section of text allows me to put in the company name to be used in the "Value of select" and this I can kind of follow. XSLT Template/Code <xsl:template match="@* | node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="//*[local-name() = 'ReportHeader']/*[local-name() = 'Note']"> <Note> <xsl:attribute name="author">email</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="entryDateTime"><xsl:value-of select="./@entryDateTime"/></xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="languageID">en-US</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="status">Open</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="type">SubjectLine</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="use">External</xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select="concat('Company 1000 - ',.)"/> </Note> </xsl:template> This is the section of the XML that the above template is modifying <Note author="user id" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> When testing the output it successfully changes the above to the following <Note author="email" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Company 1000 - Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> (This is the section of the XML code that refers to the "Report Header" and has the accounting entity in the document ID) <ReportHeader> <DocumentID> <ID accountingEntity="1000" variationID="1012">Acknowledgement_219-00</ID> </DocumentID> In some instances we have multiple accounting entities and what I would love to be able to do is have some XSLT code to "choose" between the various Accounting Entities and apply the above template (with different names for each accounting entities).Or at the min is there a way of saying when accounting entity = value choose "template a" which for example would be Company 1000 or choose "template b" and the value would be Company 2000 (for example) What would be the best way to edit/write this to be able to have, essentially, a different Company name in the subject line that corresponds to the relative Accounting Entity ID? Thanks in advance, Steve
  2. Hi guys, In my work we have to send texts to people through emails. The format needs to be +447123456789@sms.com (as an example). I have an HTML page with some helpful notes, links etc I keep open for quickness. What I want is to have a textbox on the page that I can type a standard mobile number into as '07123456789' and a copy button under it that will copy it as +447123456789@sms.com. So it needs to replace the '0' with '+44' and add the '@sms.com' on the end. I have seen it done before but can't figure out how. I know basic coding but I am better at tearing apart and rearranging to make it how I want than writing from scratch. Might be something really simple but I am just missing it! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
  3. Hey, so I have a code where you click a button, it tells you to translate a word, then tells you if you are correct or incorrect. I am adding something so that when you get a word correct, it goes on the left side, when you get a word wrong, it goes on the left side. My code works, aside from one thing. When you get a word right, it lists it on the left side, but the next word replaces the previous word. Here is one of my functions: function spanishLocation(){ var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * locations.length); var locations_obj = locations[num]; var answer = prompt("Translate: " + locations_obj.spanish).toLowerCase(); if (answer == locations_obj.english){ document.getElementById("icorrect").innerHTML = "Correct"; document.getElementById("AddCorrect").innerHTML = locations_obj.spanish + ": " + locations_obj.english; document.getElementById("CorrectAnswer").innerHTML = ""; } else{ document.getElementById("icorrect").innerHTML = "Incorrect"; document.getElementById("CorrectAnswer").innerHTML = locations_obj.english; } } How do I change the document.getElementById("AddCorrect").innerHTML = locations_obj.spanish + ": " + locations_obj.english; so that it adds the word and its translation to a div, rather than replacing it? Does that make sense?
  4. I am trying to process a string which contains various data relating to an elearning record; Moodle SCORM suspend_data if you're familiar with it Since I do not have access to server side SQL/CLR functions through the Moodle interface, I am attempting to reference, and extract, the relevant information from the string by explicitly referencing the character locations of the information I need in the string and then converting them as required so they can be summed e.g. SELECT prefix_user.username,........ ((CASE(SUBSTRING(value_rep,237,1)) WHEN 'c' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) + ........(CASE(SUBSTRING(value_rep,3659,1)) WHEN 'c' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS "# Videos watched"........FROM ((prefix_user LEFT JOIN (SELECT prefix_scorm_scoes_track.userid, Replace(value,"''","'XX'") AS value_repFROM prefix_scorm_scoes_track WHERE (((prefix_scorm_scoes_track.element)='cmi.suspend_data'))) AS vid ON prefix_user.id = vid.userid The string contains multiple occurrences of the string patterns '','n' and 'nn' where n is any digit 0-9 which I need to replace with the same string pattern e.g. 'XX', so that the total length of the string as a whole remains the same. I Initially thought that the pattern would always exist as '' or 'nn' so it was relatively simple to use a REPLACE(value,"''","XX") I understand it's not possible to use regex in the REPLACE function and have been investigating the use of PATINDEX with STUFF, but understand this is inly suitable for operating on 1 occurrence of a pattern. The report can be output to a CSV for viewing in Excel, so my conclusion is currently to carry out post-processing with Excel VBA where I will have access to loops and other functions. Is what I am trying to achieve possible without the use of a function on the SQL server?
  5. I'm not very good with programming, still learning HTML5/CSS3, so I apologize if this is a dumb request. I'm doing a web page (online portfolio) and I have the layout done and looking near how I want, however, on pages where I am showing samples of my work, I have imageA1 large and in the centre, and to the right, 3 thumbs (imageA1, imageA2, imageA3) so when you click a thumb the central image loads to that jpg. I want to avoid using flash. As it is now, if I click imageA1, it loads the page ../imageA1.html, if I click the thumbnail for image1B, it loads .../image1B.html etc... I'm hoping someone can point me to where I can find a good copy/paste script so that I load .../imageA.html and when I click the thumbs its a simple image replace for the central image instead of loading another html. That way, if I have 10 pieces in my portfolio with 3 images each, I only have 10 html/pages to load instead of 30. Hopefully that made sense. I've found image replace but, always 1 image and a click or mouseover swaps it to another image. I want 1 image in the centre, and 3 thumbs that when clicked or mouseovered swap the central larger image. Thanks.
  6. When I try to run this update query in ms access 2007 I get an error box message that says "Data type mismatch in criteria expression". I know the problem is at the end around replace(property.[park city]," ","")=replace(locations2011.city," ",""). But I checked the data types for all the related columns, which is text, and they all match for both tables. If I put quotes around property.[park city] or remove the replace function from it, the query will run but obviously not how I want it to. I've tested this code with a smaller table and it works so what's the problem? UPDATE property, locations2011 SET property.county = locations2011.countyWHERE property.county Is Null And property.[park state]=locations2011.state And replace(property.[park city]," ","")=replace(locations2011.city," ",""); I know I can just remove all the spaces from the property table with ctrl+h replace all but I'd rather leave the data that's already there alone if possible.
  7. Hi there, I have recently been trying some code out to replace the innerHTML contents from within a table row, i am now to discover that Internet Explorer which a lot of people still use insists of making innerHTML properties read only, although the code works flawlessly in Firefox and Google Chrome. The code i have currently got is shown below: document.getElementsByTagName("tr").innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("tr").innerHTML.replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[0].id,nameandid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[0].name,nameandid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[2].id,calendarid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[selecttdid].childNodes[0].name,selectname); As you can see from the above code i am trying to tell a tag name TR which has an index of i innerHTML to change to itself but with some things replaced. You don't need to know what i am replacing inside the code as that code is all fine. What i would like to know is, what work around do i have to change the innerHTML using Javascript or JQuery? Some people have said to stick it into a Div tag but the problem is that the table is inside of a form and i am sending the elements from a form to a different page and so i would rather keep it inside the table row. I have also read that innerHTML can be used to modify specific cells from within a table i.e. contents inside a TD tag. Does anybody know how i can modify my code accordingly so that the debugger stops spitting out the "operation" error messages when i put debugging on due to trying to write to innerHTML? I have also tried using outerHTML and didn't seem to work either: document.getElementsByTagName("tr").outerHTML.replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").innerHTML,document.getElementsByTagName("tr").innerHTML.replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[0].id,nameandid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[0].name,nameandid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[j].childNodes[2].id,calendarid).replace(document.getElementsByTagName("tr").cells[selecttdid].childNodes[0].name,selectname)); You will notice in the above i am trying to replace the innerHTML of an element(a TR tag at number i) with some things removed and again, because i am trying to modify the innerHTML...it was a no go again. Finally i have tried to modify a value property in internet explorer and this time it spits out a 5007 error saying that it is unable to set the value of the property, anybody know how i can get around this? My code again for this is below to what i currently tried: document.getElementById("unitstartdate"+totaltablerows).value = startdate; The ID's do exist and again this code worked fine in firefox and chrome, just not IE. I think i am more after a work around for both situations rather than you understanding what i am actually trying to replace etc. as the replace part of the code is fine, just will not write to HTML in Internet explorer using innerHTML, outerHTML or change a value of an element as mentioned. Any ideas are great. Mark
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