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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. you mean how there are different blogs under Random Points? Those are all individual installs of wordpress not the same one. If you want something like that all in one package check out CommunityServer.org
  2. I think you are out of luck there. Wordpress doesn't support multiple blogs.
  3. What I do usually is find a theme that i like and install it. Then I make tweaks and mods. That saves time since oyu have agood foundation ot start with.
  4. That is a given no matter what other measures you take, you should always validate data to make sure it is safe and what is expected before executing it or entering it in the database.
  5. aspnetguy


    when I say template I mean I have a file that contains all my XHTML code just like any other XHTML file except in areas that I want the CMS to manage I put in custom tags (I make them up) like <cms:menu/> or <cms:text1/>, etc, etc.Then I load that template file into a string at the beginning of my page then work to replace all the CMS tags with content from the database (ie. the menu generate I showed above).then on the last line I do a Response.Write of the modified templateCode string. Note: In my pageName.aspx file there is only the .Net declartion line and nothing else (it is all in the template file/database).
  6. aspnetguy


    Just output the needed HTML code using <asp:Literal> or something like that, then you can still write valid semantic code using <ul></ul>I prefer to have a "template" that I load on the first line of my CMs apps. Then I proceed to replace template tags with database generate HTML that way in the end I get a clean HTML page.something like this //executed query to get link name and urlstring menuHtml = @"<div class="menu"><ul>";while(dataReader.Read()){ menuHtml += String.Format(@"<li><a href="{0}">{1}</a></li>", dataReader["linkName"].ToString(), dataReader["linkUrl"].Tostring());}menuHtml += "</ul></div>";templateCode = templateCode.Replace("<cms:menu/>",menuHtml);//last line of programResponse.Write(templateCode);
  7. They search sites regualrly for new content, that doesn't mean you will get a high ranking. And we were taking about your custom tags not a off the shelf messageboard (unless you are using these custom tags to mod the board).
  8. thats great but Google, Yahoo, and Windows live make up over 80% of all searches. Google alone makes up over 52%. So ignoring the single biggest opportunity to advertise your site is not wise.It is not that google doesn't include search that other do. Every search engine indexes and searches diffferently. If you are not getting indexed well in Google it is because you are not playing by their rules.Just to say one about your original question, it is like asking "Why shoudl I use nails to build a house when glue works just fine". The point being XHTML is the standard and all browsers, even IE, is moving toward supporting standards and as time passes it will get harder and harder to get sites to look good using tag soup/quirksmode style code. You can agree or not but that doesn't change the fact that it is true.
  9. IE is notorius for creating their on method of doing things and ignoring standards. I imagine this is the case again.
  10. PR is kinda like waiting in line. When some one searches for some keywords that relate to your site Google looks at your PR in determining where in the search results you will show up (along with some other stuff). You should head over to seochat.com and read some of their articles. It has some great advice on improving your visibility on search engines.
  11. the first code selects the text the second could copies the selection to the clipboard.
  12. Well if it hasn't been a month yet then don't worry, it takes a while. The more sites you can get to link to yours the better your rank gets too. I think your main problem is you have no content (real content). your main page is just a bunch of links that lead to text files. That won't get you ranked at all. So not surprising your rank is 0/10 (you can see the rank of any page with the Google toolbar.
  13. that's funny cuz I got a PR3 ranking only after a couple of months on my blog (not the one in signature). I used valid xhtml strict, tableless code, and had new content every couple days. That is exactly what Google likes.
  14. You've got to be kidding, right?That difference is so small it would not be noticed even on dial up It is 1 byte more and you only write it once in your external css file plus that file gets cached anyway after the first load.<tagger></tagger> vs <span class="tagger"></span> this is only a difference of 19 bytes plus you could chane the class name to "tr" and reduce it to 15 bytes difference.15 bytes olny takes 0.004 seconds to download on an average (4Kb/sec) dial up connection. In other words the very small difference in file size will be unnoticable to users no matter their connection speed.
  15. why can you not do this?HTML <span class="tagger">Your content here</span> CSS span.tagger{ margin:5px; font-family:Courier, serif; font-size:10px; color:#000;}
  16. I hear you, I rarely use JS for form validation anymore. I usually process the form on the same page and just postback error messages as html. I find it is much nicer.
  17. I agree, I do not support anything older than IE6 although I do test now for oth IE6 and 7. IE7 is being used by about 29% while IE6 is just under 50% of all users (according to netapplication.com).
  18. he does need them because he is adding that html code to a php variable. You could remove the \'s and declare the variable like this tho $events_list .= 'html code';
  19. I changed onchange to onclick so you get an instant result and I rounded the sum to 2 decimal places when writting it back to the input field. <html><head><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function ADD(name,cost){ var sum = eval(document.ShopForm.total.value); if (name == true) sum = sum + cost; else sum = sum - cost; document.ShopForm.total.value= Math.round(sum*100)/100; }</script><title>Untitled</title></head><body><form name="ShopForm"> <table> <tr> <td>Helmet</td> <td>$27.50</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='helmet' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.helmet.checked, 27.50)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guinea pig</td> <td>$24.00</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='guineapig' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.guineapig.checked, 24.00)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Trike</td> <td>$135.95</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='trike' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.trike.checked, 135.95)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hacksaw</td> <td>$12.50</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='hacksaw' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.hacksaw.checked, 12.50)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Rompersuit</td> <td>$29.99</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='rompersuit' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.rompersuit.checked, 29.99)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Deodorant</td> <td>$3.99</td> <td><input type='checkbox' name='deodorant' onclick='ADD(document.ShopForm.deodorant.checked, 3.99)'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total</td> <td><input size=6 name='total' value='0'></td> </tr> </table></form></body></html>
  20. In a way IE7 just makes things worse. Since its release I have had to use 3 stylesheets per page (normal browsers, IE6 and older, and IE7)It has made some improvements but still has many flaws making it just another variation that you have to code for.
  21. note in the post you quoted They were trying to say that it is ignored not that it produces a comment.
  22. no these are all valid javascript if(some condition) alert("do somethign here)for(looping) alert("do somethign here)while(condition) alert("do something here")if(condition) if(another condition) if(yet another condition) alert("do something here")//etc,etc,etc
  23. do this for strings, the above example is using numbers var userid = "<?php echo $UserID; ?>";
  24. I wouldn't matter if you checked the referrer before processing the data. If it did not come from the correct referrer then don't process it.
  25. I have never had trouble with phpBB in anyway. Then again, I have never modded the PHP code. I have only changed skins.Is this an issue because you made changes to the source or was this an issue out of the box? What version were you using?
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