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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Page Address

    the page you are currently viewing???Request.Url
  2. I think you will find those are websites offering free services. Anytime money is involved that won't happen, if they are a reputatble compnay that is.
  3. the money will stay there it isn't dependent on how often you login
  4. What is the problem. If the image is the correct size beofre oyu import it there should be no problem. I import images into CR all the time. I size them with photoshop and have never had any problems. Are you trying to resize it once you get it into CR?
  5. try $ref = "Referrer: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; I'm not sure but @$HTTP_REFERER; may be for an older version of PHP. Also by writing an extra part of the string you'll see if it works. If all you get is "Referrer:" then you know it is a problem with the server variable or there is no referrer.
  6. change this line echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address<br />$ref</h1>"; to echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address<br />{$ref}</h1>"; or echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address<br />" . $ref . "</h1>";
  7. wow, I'm digging up an oldy but I finally figured out the cause of this and how to fix it because it happened again today. What lead me to the solution this time was the newest version of phpMyAdmin. Back when I first posted this phpMyAdmin didn't throw any errors, it just rendered weird. This version sent out some errors instead. Turns out that if the mbstring and mcrypt extensions are not available strings get parsed incorrectly (in Wordpress and phpMyAdmin) giving the strange results I had. After enabling those extentions everything was fine.This time and last time I was working with a fresh install of php5 and had forgot to enable some extensions.Hope this might save someone else some grief.
  8. Are you using the CR 11 IDE or are you trying to do this through code?
  9. aspnetguy

    need help

    I don't understand what your question is.
  10. aspnetguy


    this will open your default mail client and a new message where you can type in any address you want. You cannot mail it directly.
  11. aspnetguy


    put this in the head of your page <script language="javascript">function mailpage(){mail_str = "mailto:?subject=Check out the " + document.title;mail_str += "&body=I thought you might be interested in the " + document.title;mail_str += ". You can view it at, " + location.href;location.href = mail_str;}</script> Then use the same approach as the print page except replace window.print() with mailpage()
  12. aspnetguy


    HTML <asp:Button id="btnPrint" runat="server" text="Print"/> C# // in Page_LoadbtnPrint.Attributes.Add("onclick","window.print();");
  13. http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/012203-1.aspx
  14. use<input type="image" src="image source"...>
  15. that is the way it is. The rating system is a builtin feature of IPB. Check out the documentation to see how it works.
  16. definately the css problem. IE is the only browser that supports filter.
  17. The validator doesn't look at the javascript code, only HTML tags.
  18. aspnetguy

    HTML Certification

    Cisco CCNA, MS Certification, Net+, A+
  19. Thanks for catching that.
  20. I couldn't find anything. Some browsers already use the middle click for special events. Firefox uses the middle click on a link to open it in a new tab.
  21. nope it is hard coded into every browser. If you could do this you could change anything about the site and fool people into giving to information, etc.
  22. Paypal has been around for along time and is the primary payment method of ebay. It is very trustworthy. I do all online business through paypal.
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