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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Try opening it in WordPad Dan, it reads \n better.
  2. Dan you need to stop arguing with other members. This task can be done in JavaScript with no problems. Infact doing htis server side would be much harder and less efficient.You keep arguing and then say you don't know for sure. If you don't know then stop arguing and posting information. By posting information you are unsure of you confuse the member asking for help and make other member s who are trying to help very frustrated and upset.Be sure before you post, if you are not do some more research.Post wars are unacceptable and get out of hand very quickly!
  3. I am almost positive that is not true. The reason W3C recommends placing color and background together and not just using one or the other is because some browsers don't inherit background or color properly sometimes.They will still work if you use just color or just background but may have quirky behavior in some cases.
  4. Hey I am Canadian and I hate our spelling too. I always use hte American spelling.
  5. Dan...you know full well that that address is for anyone ot ask questions...it has been said many times and we (the mods) give it out often.Please stop arguing with someone trying to give help to the author of this post.
  6. nohttp://www.php.net/zend-engine-2.php
  7. aspnetguy


    doesn't really matter lol, I'll leave it open.
  8. That's right...we have to wait.
  9. aspnetguy


    Hey this is my topic and I'll wander if I want to! I got my answer anyways.Thanks,
  10. Closing...this is a double post plus it is in the wrong forum.
  11. in your js file there is no declartion for nav or biffSubtry this function menufunc(){var nav = document.getElementById('nav');var biffSub = document.getElementById('biffSub');switch (pagenum){ ........ Whether it is in your CSS or not won't make any difference to JS
  12. I think that if you look closely you will see that it actually creates the HttpRequest object in 2 ways...one using ActiveX if the browser is IE and XMLHttpRequest() if it is not IE.If not could you post the code you are using...we'll make it cross browser for you.
  13. Oh come on Dan, You are special ...thats right anyone subscribing would cause this error.
  14. no just topics that contain \', etc...it is a character escaping bug.EDIT: LOL I just got it trying to write this reply
  15. Yes, your subscribing is the cause...not that it is a bad thing...it just triggers a bug in the software.
  16. I have been using C# for almost 2 years now and just realised it has a foreach loop....man, it would have saved me a bunch of time over the last 2 years...lol
  17. you'll need to update this piece to <?=mysql_db_query (\"$dbx\", \"UPDATE **** SET `*` = '*' WHERE * = '*'\"); ?> You are trying to use double quotes inside double quotes...you can't unless you escape them.
  18. var objTable = document.createElement('table');
  19. Try this....open FF...Open Tools->JavaScript Console, Press clear. Close the JavaScript Console.Now load your page in FF. Now re open the JavaScript Console. Are there any errors listed there??? If so please post them here.
  20. By changing the font-size of the select it will change the height.
  21. aspnetguy


    They are just updating their search databases.
  22. I believe it was an oversight when the admins setup the DNS...they know about it but it hasn't made it to the top of the priorities list yet.
  23. try starting herehttp://www.w3schools.com/cert/default.asp
  24. Do you mean -- how do you know if you are on a Linux server?Well if you are runnin ght eserver in your home you should know -- but chances are you are using a hosting company of some sort -- you'll have to contact your hosting company and ask them if the server is Windows, Linux, or Unix.
  25. ??? 18 is 12 years from 30 and 24 is only 6 years...stop being so philosophical
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