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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Unbelievable...I am surprises somebody hasn't tried to sue over that. Hilarious!
  2. aspnetguy


    Okay, what do you mean released? Do you mean W3C just says, "okay the specs are final, here is CSS3" ???Also what good is this new 'release' if no browser yet supports it, although I am sure FireFox will have an update with full CSS3 support shortly after it is released.I am thinking it will still be a long time beofre CSS3 can be used because of IE. We waited 5 years to get almost full CSS2 support.
  3. I think this goes back to the discussion we had earlier about girls liking you more if you play guitar then if you can program!
  4. Are you doing this through a web interface or through a desktop application?
  5. Not that I know of. You could install them then take a drive image of your harddrive?!?
  6. you need to contain your floating elements. <div> <img src="something.gif" style="float:left" alt=""/></div> This will spill out of the div if the image is bigger thant he div. Inorder to contain the image inside the div you need to do this. <div> <img src="something.gif" style="float:left" alt=""/> <br style="clear:left"/></div> At the end of your floated elements you need to clear the floats with a <br>Hope this helps
  7. You should start with a smaller task. Design an easier layout with out tables to get used to it because the more complex the design the more the numerous issues surrounding tableless layouts multiple.You have to know what they are before getting into big design if you are to have any hope of fixing them.
  8. How can you say asp.net is dumb? You can certainly hate microsoft, but I can't understand how you can call the technology asp.net dumb.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, you changed your sig...I am even more hurt :)Seriously, have you tried it? It is a very powerful language. Given the choice I would always pick ASP.Net for the following reasons.1. It is compiled so it runs faster.2. It is compiled so you can hide your source code and still distribute your applications.3. It has the full power of VB.Net or C# because it is not a scripting language like ASP.4. It can easily interact with other popular MS products such as MS Office products.5. Crystal Reports are integrated with ASP.Net.6. Creating custom controls and components is amazingly easy.7. Despite what some may say everything you need to use for development is FREE, IDE, Framework, Database....I could go on but I won't
  9. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time
  10. aspnetguy

    xor html colors

    what is xor color?
  11. Have you even tried you homework yet :)Post what code you have.
  12. I get the same error for all 3 links.
  13. Hey I am learning OpenGL and C++ right now...there is no greater pain and suffering
  14. post the example...I can't see why it wouldn't work. Do you run your own server or is it hosted?
  15. There are lots of games like that Earth2025, Stars Empire. They are pretty boring.
  16. Yup your right. NN2 whats wrong with that
  17. I have been unsuccessful in getting this method to work. Do you have an example?
  18. That would work well and it wouldn't be confusing.
  19. If I really wanted to be garenteed an admin spot I would code a back door
  20. A document that has warnings still passes validation. It is just a reminder that depending on browser settings the line may not function as intended.
  21. never heard of it. Again I will recommend CommunityServer it is the portal the asp.net website and message boards run on.It has many great features.
  22. no you can still do it dynamically you will just have to use a counter to giv ethe img unique ids....pic1, pic2, etc
  23. Sorry to sound rude but that sounds very suspicious. We spend months writing you a game that you will use to make money for yourself, but promise to give us a "donation" once the game has made some money and an admin spot on the game.What exactly will be the benefits of an admin spot on the game except to provide support for the game (more work without pay).I don't think you will get too many people jumping at this opportunity. There are dozens of projects like that on freelance programming sites offering the programmers $400-500 or more.
  24. If you read the ASP ADO tutorial it will tell you everything you need to know.
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