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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Man, after reading one of your insightful posts the world always seems so much clearer. .I agree completly. My problem is finding a niche I want to cater to that already doesn't have a dozen similar sites.
  2. Perhaps you are loading a users information into a form. You need to pass the user's unique id (databse auto generated number) but don;t want the user using hte form to see it. So you store it in a hidden inout field...it will get passed the same as a regular one except the user does not see it.If you get into createing complex applications you quickly realise how useful it is.You could use them to store and pass parameters instead using a querystring too.
  3. Give this a try <script type="text/javascript">function submitForm(){ var oldForm = document.forms[0]; var newForm = document.forms[1]; oldForm.useremailaddress.value = newForm.uname.value; oldform.userpassword.value = newForm.pword.value; oldForm.submit();}</script><form action="">email address: <input type="text" name="useremailaddress">Password <input type="password" name="userpassword"></form><form>ID: <input type="text" name="uname">Password <input type="password" name="pword"><img src="images/go.gif" onclick="submitForm()"></form>
  4. because it got off topic and I wanted to argue
  5. try thishttp://rtfm.atrax.co.uk/infinitemonkeys/ar...sp.net/990h.asp
  6. No I don't...I am only a DBA...what would I know! my boss also owns some retail stores so he has me write software for those stores sometimes and there are multiple prices for each product. Depending on who the customer is they get a different price so the database record has to have the different price fields for each type of customer.Unless you are psycic then you nothing about me...maybe you should know who you are talking to before you make statements like that.
  7. Do you mean you need to check files on remote servers not just the local web server?
  8. looks good, glad it is solved.Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  9. but you tried anyway Please don't just copy what someone else is saying...there is no value in these kind of posts.
  10. They are learning javascript, not php. It is not just cookies that they are having trouble with it is the pace of the lessons beyond that point.The best we can do right now is if you need something explained just post it on the forums and we will explain it the best we can.
  11. He made it inline so the example would be easier to show, you can break it up however you want. Are you saying it works for you or that you don't want to use it because it is not 100% tables? Sometime pure CSS or pure tables just can't do what we need so you have to use a combo.This can't be a very important issue if you won't comprimise a little to get it done.
  12. Isn't the topic settled anyways...there is no Chinese Version!
  13. if you are using IE then select tags will show above eveything except iframes. It is just the way it is and unfortunately you can't work around it. The only solution is to set the select tag to display: none when showing hte pop up and then to display:inline when you close the popup.I am not sure if other browser handle this situation the same or not.
  14. Yeah but the function names are based on english words and meanings or abreviations.
  15. this piece of code uses a GIF but a PDF works the same. Dim MyFile As String = "~/photos/mymug.gif"Dim finfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(Server.MapPath(MyFile))Dim FileInBytes As Long = finfo.LengthDim FileInKB As Long = finfo.Length / 1024Response.Write("File Size: " + FileInBytes.ToString + " bytes (" + FileInKB.ToString + " KB)")
  16. I was thinking the samething...they can do whatever they like...it is their webpage!
  17. because you can just do thistd{margin:4px;padding:1px;}
  18. Simply put you will have to load the blog content from a database and you will have to create some input forms for your client ot update the database content.You could also just download wrodpress and create a template for it that looks like the website you are building and integrate the 2
  19. The only way to do it with tables is to use 2 different tables on top of each other.Back in the day when I still used tables regualrly this is how I acheived such a goal.
  20. yikes! I don't think I could do that. lol Although mine is prety messy right now!
  21. it might be an IE caching problem...check your Internet Options to see how the caching is set.
  22. I have 2 (80Gb and 6Gb lol)I haven't even filled half of my 86Gb...then again I don't download music or videos. Most of that space is games and programming IDE's (COD,COD:UO,COD2,MOHAA,MOHAA:SH,BattleFront2,GTA3,VWD,C#Express,VC++,Dev-C++,MySql5, Sql Server Express)That reminds me I need to clean some old stuff off my computer. I am very wierd about that...like to have a clean desktop, etc.
  23. FireFox seems to be handling it correctly while IE is not. Play witht he margin margin:0.5em; see if it makes a differencetry adding this after the above line margin-left:0px;padding-left:0px;
  24. Why are you building the html elements like that...what is the benefit as apposed to echoing them?I am fairly new to php and am not sure why you are writing everything to arrays.
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