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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. what are the 2 lengths?have you tried this??? Response.Write(len(Trim(temp))&" "&len(Trim(varASP)))
  2. I like the <a onclick="function()">. I avoid putting it in the href because occasionally IE will barf on this (actually try and find a page called the function name) its weird.
  3. aspnetguy


    AFAIK Kajim is still working on the PHP tutorials. Last time I spoke to him he was working on some new material. It may be coming.
  4. That is what these forums are for.
  5. Nice to see you back Dan
  6. Before this topic goes any further...How old are you??? Do you have a job??? I personally, and I know Skemcin is, am very busy. I work full time and do extra work designing websites and painting houses with my Dad when I am not at work.I am sorry if you feel that it is wrong for us not to want ot make extra work for ourselves. We volunteer to be moderators, we are not paided. We were just regualr members until we were asked to help out. This was not said by any member of the moderating team or administration. This is not the message we are trying to send out. You are twisting what is being said to start an argument.I will say it again. This is a free message board. We offer help to ANYONE how comes here. Registering for an account helps us keep track of who is who and helps moderate the content. It only takes a minute to sign up for an account. That is NOT to much to expect to receive help. If people are unwilling to sign up then their problem probably isn't that urgent.Every web devlelopment forum I go to requires registrationwebdeveloper.comforums.asp.netcodingforums.comsqlteam.comtechguy.orgThis is nothing new. The asp.net forums even require a moderator to approve a post before it is posted. Registering for an account is not that much of an inconvience.
  7. try putting padding on the table or use the cellspacing attribute of the table
  8. do this <div style="width:750px"> <div style="float:left;width:200px;overflow:auto;text-align:center"> ...thumbnails here... </div> <div style="float:left;width:550px;text-align:center"> ..big photo here... </div> <br style="clear:left"/></div> remember if you add margins or padding you need to take that into account when setting the width of the main div.
  9. That looks awesome. phpMyAdmin (for MySQL) is web based and can be a pain in the neck, although it is good if you are away from your server.There is a desktop app for admin mySQL but it cost a lot.
  10. Please don't post the same questions in multiple forums
  11. sorry not going to happen
  12. try this if varJS is a number document.write('<%call check(' + varJS + ')%>') and this if it is a string document.write('<%call check("' + varJS + '")%>')
  13. Too late :)I wish IE would just work like every other browser...So many things that they supposedly support are buggy or don't work at all.
  14. Thanks for the comments. I realize that some of the features are just duplicating the existing features but I was learning object creation as I went along. It helped me understand OOP JavaScript alot.The next version will be a lot nicer.
  15. I agree about the DNS stuff, it is annoying having to make sure you type www but none of us can do that...I don't know if even Kajim could do that...that goes right to the top.As far as allowing guests to post, I don't think that will happen. This is a great community and there are lots of people willing to help...if registering for an account (2 minutes of your life) is too much to get great help with your problems, then...I am sorry. Forcing people to register helps us moderate the forums easier as well.No offence to anyone but we hope to get members who plan to be here long term and if they can, contribute and help others too. That's what a community is.
  16. Flash has no server side abilities...I don't know about it's client side abilities. Flash relies on a server side language to be the middle man between flash and the database, I imagine it would be the case when accessing computer files/folders, etc.
  17. I have made a ComboBox Control and want people to test it and tell me if it is useable and useful.It is based on the html select control. this was my first attempt and used the select as a base. the next major version will move away from the select control to fully XHTML/CSS based Control that will allow for more look and feel flexibility.I realize this release may be very similar to the original select but I have added some new features...at the very least it is a good reference when making objects and methods.You can download the control below:Please download it and give me some feedback. Let me know if you find any bugs,/problems. Also let me know if there are any features that you would like to see and I will try and include them in the next version.Thanks, ComboBox1_0.zip
  18. Looks good. I have never used postgresql...I think I will still stick with MySQL for development since my host of choice and most of the the others I have seen use MySql.Does postgreSQL have a GUI interface??? I don't like having to use phpMyAdmin to administer databases.
  19. aspnetguy

    indexing a table

    You need to make the first column your primary key then use auto_increment or identity (depending on what databse you are using) to have them automatically increment with each new record.
  20. Do you mean 2 different tables??? You be storing all your info in the same datbase, just have several tables. SELECT t1.columnName, t2.columnNameFROM tableName1 t1, tableName2 t2WHERE t1.columnName = t2.columnName Thats the basics of a multi table query. If you post the structure of your 2 tables I can show you the exact query you would need.
  21. can you post the .aspx and .aspx.cs files so we can see how you have Master Pages setup
  22. aspnetguy

    Table width problem

    try thishttp://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_dim_min-width.aspNot sure if it will work in IE though
  23. aspnetguy

    td problem

    you need to use a while or for loop to go through the records and create the columsn and rows inside the loop.
  24. aspnetguy

    from DB to ASP

    read through the ASP tutorials at W3Schools, pay close attention to the part about ADO.This will tell you everything you need to know.
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