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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. you'll have to write a JSP script to process the form and then send the email. That is the only reliable way to do it.
  2. At first glance I think I will like conText editor better because I can integrate diffrent compilers with it. Although I like the built in FTP of Crimson...hmmm decisions, decisions.
  3. Hey thats awesome. I love the tabbed documents.I will have to check this out.Can this be used without overwriting NotePad???
  4. Yes it is 1024x768.Better??? What do you mean...I think the current site is beautiful...it even has that cool frame thing going... ...:)lol of course yours is much better!!!
  5. what other elements??? When I validated it it only flagged h4, caption
  6. I like the navigation although the links could be more 'flashy'. The rest is a bit plain...to much white background . It needs some more attention but you are on the right track.
  7. <caption> is not a block level element. You will need to split up that piece of code and remove text-align from the caption class.Having text-align for h4 is fine but not when you are assigning the same attributes to h4, caption at the same time.
  8. div, p, ul, etc are all block elements.You should not get it with those elements. Post your code and we will see what the trouble is.
  9. secondly you have to use javascript to do that
  10. The stupidest thing is that they actually won 521Milion dollars. That is retarded.
  11. I always use to use XHTML 1.1 and then people told me not becuase IE doesn't read it correctly(if implemented 100% correct). So I dropped to 1.0 strict. But that only applies if you don't send 1.1 as text/html but as xml/application or something.Apparently it violates the specs, but I never understood that becuase it validates correctly. Anyways I am slowly switching back to 1.1 anyways.
  12. aspnetguy

    Ebay and CSS

    They most likely allow inline CSS. I would guess they would block any link to outside scripts but you would have to check with them to know for sure.
  13. Change your doctype to a XHTML doctype and then try and validate it. that is the best place to start. THis will show where you need to make changes to your code.Just post any question you have here if you run into trouble
  14. Nasty stuff.Hey, I invented the first donut with a whole in it. I am going to sue Tim Hortons for infringing on my idea.Stupid gold diggers.
  15. Chances are you could switch to XHTML and see very little diffrence.
  16. You can use pure CSS for this but IE won't work correctly so here is a method in JavaScript. When you hover over <span onmouseover="this.style.fontWeight='bold'" onmouseout="this.style.fontWeight='normal'">this</span> word it will get bold.
  17. XHTML is more strict when it comes to structure rules. Many tags from HTML are depreciated in XHTML because W3C wants to seperate strucute from presentation. Many things people use to do in HTML is now handled by XHTML and CSS.By seperating structure from presentation it makes the pages more managable and makes changes quicker and easier.
  18. use a <div> <div style="style attributes here">...links go here...</div> EDITlol...no worriesforums.asp.net is really bad for that. Each post/new topic has to be approved by a moderator. You can easily wait 1 - 2 hours to have your post approved. So after all that waiting you have 3-4 posts asking the same questions about your code or giving the same advice.
  19. aspnetguy


    not sure why but if you look closer at the user agent property it clearly states it is FireFox
  20. aspnetguy

    asp buttons

    Could you post the code you already have...it would be a big help
  21. </head><body><a id="test" href="#">test</a><p id="desc"></p><script type="text/javascript">var obj = document.getElementById('test');obj.onmouseover=function(){writeText('Moulin')}obj.onmouseout=function(){writeText(' ')}</script></body>
  22. which language are you using?? Once you let us know I'll move this post to the right forum...you will get better results that way.
  23. You will need to give the <a> an id then do this var obj = document.getElementById('elementId');obj.onmouseover=function(){cut and paste the inline code here}obj.onmouseout=function(){cut and paste the inline code here} This is an easy way to get rid of inline javascript. Hope it helps
  24. use the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace.C#string newString = Regex.Replace(originalString,"regular expression here"); VB Dim newString As String newString = Regex.Replace(originalString, "regular expression here") As for caching pages...I am almost positive it caches to memory, so yeah, it would not be a good idea to cache many pages for long periods of time (beyond a couple of hours).
  25. IE6 does behave differently from all the other major browser because it only suports CSS1 not CSS2 like the others...the reason for this is that is just so old. It has been more than 6 years since the release of IE6....IE7 has been long over due.
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