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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. There already is one
  2. private void Page_Load(){ txtPinBox.Attributes.Add("onchange","function(){if(this.value.length>5){this.value=this.value.substring(0,5)}}");}private void btnNumber1_Click(){ txtPinBox.Text += "1";}//or Number2,3,etc try something like this
  3. Nothing about the Internet has changed. It is refering to the newest technologies that allow developers to create richer, more interactive User Interfaces.
  4. Exactly...it happens when people don't know what they are doing. That can happen with any style of coding, programming. It is not he fault of CSS and divs
  5. As far as I understand it is a term coined by Microsoft (and affiliates) to refer to the newest web technologies (ASP.Net 2.0, AJAX, Atlas, etc).It is just another confusing buzzword
  6. please stop asking the same questions in new posts. Stick to this one.
  7. Off the orignal post there was a comment, joking, about how fast his server must run since everything is client side, lol
  8. I haven't been certified by w3schools but I have a college degree in Web Development...if that counts
  9. aspnetguy

    How to asign

    in order for the DDL to have a value of "123" there would have to already be a ListItem with the Value="123" that has been selected by the user.I don't think you are understanding the concept.
  10. I have not tried this but does this work? <asp:ListItem Value="javascript:return variableName"></asp:ListItem> You would have ot have the variable declared and assigned in the code above this control.
  11. aspnetguy

    ASP Form

    You can sign up for a free ASP host (brinkster.com in my signature) gives you a free ASP account.An ASP form is the same as any other form except it is processed by ASP script. If you mean ASP.Net then this works a bit differently. ASP.Net is very object oriented and will process everything on the same page instead of posting it to a form action(<form action="somepage.asp">).
  12. Centering a div hortizontally is the same as centering a table (if you are talking about <table align="center">...that is depreciated just like <div align="center">) and tables are just as hard to center vertically.As for footers...I have not had trouble positioning a footer at the bottom of a page. What are you talking about??? Absolute positioning??? Absolute positioning is not what is meant by a CSS layout. Can you provide a good example of what you mean?You need to face facts...someday you will have to change your code...why not now? W3C has laid out there guidelines for web standards and modern browsers are working toward full support of them. You won't be able to ignore them forever.
  13. opacity isn't a valid attribute??? I was asking if he really needed -moz-opacity since all browsers I have tested with don't need it.
  14. aspnetguy

    Css layout

    Try reducing the width of #content until it stays on one line.You don't seem to have any padding or margins to worry about that I can see.
  15. I just couldn't believe thishttp://ajaxian.com/archives/when-ajax-gets-abused
  16. aspnetguy

    Ajax using PHP Script

    Good point about sql injection but is it really possible to delete something with a SELECT statement? :)Please only comment about my statement here http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4186so we don't hijack this post.
  17. aspnetguy

    Css layout

    I would put money on that bet.The width of the Container must be equal to the width of the elements inside. Remember you must account for margins and padding as well.
  18. what part isn't validating??? -moz-opacity????Which browsers need -moz-opacity? FireFox reads opacity:.6 correctly.
  19. Ok guys, seriously. This discussion needs to move somewhere else. This post has been hijacked. In fairness to the author please take it elsewhere.
  20. Is that in IE6??? IE seems to mess this up regularly
  21. That being the case I will close this post. Please avoid posting hte same question more than once.
  22. Using divs and CSS for page layouts is more efficient and loads faster. It is also easier to read the code and make changes over time. Nested tables get extremely messy. W3C sets forth that tables should only be used for tablular data like grids and such. If you do not care about standards compliance then feel free to ignore those recommendations.
  23. aspnetguy

    TreeView Problem

    You need to store the node structure in a database and load the TreeView form the database. Then when the Add Node button is clicked you add the node to the TreeView AND the database. That way whent he page is reloaded the new Nodes are not lost.
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