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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. here is a C# example in actionhttp://aspnetguy.com/files/folders/dotnet_...er/default.aspx
  2. Yea and no...it can be done but it will not be as fast as google. Google most likely uses C or C++ on the backend to get the speed.I have created a spider in C# that crawls URLs much like Google (not nearly as good tho).Since you need to search the files you will have to open up each of the files you need to search and search for the keywords. The C# function is IndexOf(), I thinkt he php equiv is strpos() but I am not 100% sure.
  3. What bugs are you talking about? Windows comes with viruses now???? What do you use for virus protection? That plays a big part in whether you get viruses or not.
  4. Note this is only stats for the users that come to w3schools and do not apply to the web as a whole.This would be a more accurate chart http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=3
  5. Since you worked with ASP before I assume IIS was already installed when you installed the .Net framework, correct?Now what is happening when you go to http://localhost/test.aspx?DO you get an error or just a white screen?
  6. Good thing I didn't hold my breathe. He does explain the basic concept behind how he is now making $50,000 a month but leaves out all the importnat details (surprise, surprise).Today he opened up his "core group" for registration to 400 members, wanna know the catch....It costs $997 for the first month and then $297 per month every month after that. So he makes almost $400,000 for month 1 and then nearly $120,000 a month from here out....thing is he has over 200 people signed up already and the member ship only opened less than 2 hours ago....this guy really is a genius....at least he'll get rich...not sure about any one else....The saying still holds up...if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
  7. I do at home, we use VS 2003 and .Net 1.1 at work...pushing for an upgrade Thats nice... But chances are the person asking the question already has a PC and windows since 95% of the world use windows...so what you are saying only applies to you and not this situation.Plus in an earlier post you said you don't have a mac but a PC so what are you talking about??? If you have Linux you can use Mono (which is free) to run .Net
  8. I prefer my PC. I grew up using MACs in our education system and I don't care for them much.I am guilty of spouting the propaganda that MACs are good for graphics but thruth be told a lot depends on the setup and maintenance of the computer, MAC or PC.Many claim Linux t be better than Windows and say windows crashes all the time. This can be true but ti depends on if the user maintains there PC or not. If they just let it go and crap builds up on their system then of course things will go wrong...same for Linux.just my 2 cents
  9. Personally I do not care. As long as somebody has an affordable player with lots of storage and it is easy to manage the songs on the player, I could care less who makes it.
  10. PHP is actually based on C and is indeed more portable than .Net although some projects like the Mono project are trying to extend .net's portability to Apache and Linux. And now that you can run Windows on a MAC you could probably also run .Net on a mac.
  11. BASIC is the grandfather of Visual Basic.Net and is nothing like python or PHP.PHP is written in C and the syntaxes are very close...infact C# and JavaScript syntaxes are closer to PHP than basic or python.There are plenty of good and easy to learn tutorials (like w3schools) that teach PHP and MySql together.
  12. okay sorry looked like it was (cool someone added a new smilie)
  13. Most free hosts don't let you point your domain to their servers. Using their subdomain is advertisement for them. You will most likely have to setup the domain (at the registrar) as a redirect to your free subdomain.Try awardspace.com...I think they let you use your own domain even with a free account.
  14. You can download Visual Web Developer Express for web applications and C# Express for desktop applications for free from the MS site. They are lite versions of VS. Aside from the fact you have 2 seperate applications they can do almost everything VS does. I see no reason to fork out the money unless it is for a large company with many developers.
  15. next question is the data in a database or must the search.php search the actual files?
  16. you cannot simulate an event on another page. You can retrieve the HTML code from the page and parse it to get the "links" then retreive the HTML for those urls and so on and so on but that is the only way.
  17. signature images must be 15K or less, please change it. Our dialup users will appreciate it.
  18. aspnetguy

    This is Akash

    start with reading the XHTML and CSS tutorials. That will give you the basics you need to start designing sites.
  19. Simpsons was created in the 80's long before 3d max.
  20. take a look herehttp://www.411asp.net/home/webapps/content
  21. here is some info ont he errorhttp://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archiv.../28/474698.aspx
  22. you need php for more than login...the whole posting and voting for pictures will require php as well.You can probably find software already made for this.
  23. Well the reason is that safari uses a different engine (KHTML) then other browsers, You are probably better to find a MAC forum for Web Design unless we have some MAC desginers lurking about here.
  24. you can do this <input type="text" readonly="readonly".../> or use JSvar field = document.getElementById('fieldId');field.disabled = true;The JS method will "gray out" the field similar to Windows Forms.
  25. HTML does not require a </option> but allows you to put if you want, but XHTML requires the </option>This isn't an error.
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