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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I prefer eBooks that don't make my wallet more empty! There is an option to print the tuts of you want.My rule of thumb is why should I buy a book when I can get the info for free and if I want to print it I can print 400 pages for about $10 with my kick a$$ Cannon printer.
  2. LOL....I can't stand myspace
  3. I am 24 and I started designing websites (HTML/XHTML/CSS/JavaScript) when I was 18. I started programming when I was 21 (C#,C++,PHP,ASP.Net)
  4. @Jonas...do you like Gmail? I found it clumsy and looks awful. I prefer Yahoo mail , especially their new AJAX interface....looks and acts just like Outlook.@eguru...I use search and am considering an AdWords campaign. I will never use AdSense again. Google failed to let their AdSense promoters know about a change they made in November that crippled any hopes of make a decent amount of cash from your sites ever again.I am currently persueing some other Affiliate advertising options...if you are interested I can send you the articles that talk about this. I saved some copies cuz the site said they are going to stop distributing them soon.
  5. Thanks for the kind words.
  6. I would disagree. I learned the C++ basics from this site and found it great ans easy to understand. http://cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/I have been learnign OpenGL from this site...again very informative and pretty much holds your hand through out the tutorials http://nehe.gamedev.net/
  7. with javascript <html><head><title></title><script>function submitForm(){ if(document.myForm.testField.value.length < 1) alert('testfield is required! Put something in it!'); else documment.myForm.submit();}</script></head><body><form action="someotherpage.aspx" method="post" name="myForm"><input type="text" name="testfield"/><br/><input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="submitForm()"/></form></body></html>
  8. you can't you would have to make it a .aspx page like this. <%@ Page Language="C#" %><script runat="server">private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ ensureHttps();}private void ensureHttps(){ string url = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString(); string protocol = url.Substring(0,5); if(String.Compare("https",protocol) != 0) { url = url.Split(':')[1].Replace("//",String.Empty); Response.Redirect("https://" + url); }}</script><html><head> <title></title></head><body></body></html> If you insist it must be done with a .htm page you will have to use JavaScript, but that is unreliable since users can turn it off. If you still want it I can write you a javascript to do this. Would you like me to?
  9. you want to read the information off someone elses page and have it create a new page for your site?Javascript cannot do this. You will need PHP or ASP.Net. Also this is plagurism so make sure you get permission from the site owners first
  10. use the following function as the first to get executed on each page private void ensureHttps(){ string url = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString(); string protocol = url.Substring(0,5); if(String.Compare("https",protocol) != 0) { url = url.Split(':')[1].Replace("//",String.Empty); Response.Redirect("https://" + url); }} I have not had time to check this so there may be some small logic errors but ti demonstrates the basic idea.
  11. AS long as the OS CD is bootable you can get into BIOS (as long as that is not password protected) and change the settings to boot from cd. I am not sure if a repair install would let you change user accounts or if you would have to doa fresh install.How is this issue coming? Did you sort things out with your brother?
  12. aspnetguy

    PRTR website

    I would agree with your boss. Black (in this case anyway) doesn't look as professional, but it would be a great template for a blog or personal site.
  13. what do you want to know about datagrids?
  14. So since IE is the only browser to recognize VML are all other browsers safe?
  15. aspnetguy


    did you fix it? It looks fine in Firefox to me.Nevermind I see that this is a double post.
  16. aspnetguy


  17. But he has Spy Sweeper! It is not up to IE to prevent attacks :)
  18. has it been discontinued? It has disappeared from the MS site.
  19. use google, it is free and has anything you ever need
  20. aspnetguy

    Frame title

    use top.docment.title to ensure you are changing the title of the frameset
  21. Actually, I took some networkling in college and was very lost but have recently bought a router and built 2 spare PCs for testing and stuff. I find that my hands on experience has done much more for me then the college courses I took.I would suggest playing with your own home network if that is an option for you.
  22. is the field "strength" defined as INT?
  23. actually it probably required both parts to make it work correctly. Glad to hear it is working.
  24. aspnetguy


    It is, although I take it for granted that it is my first language.
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