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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. post the code for the whole page...the CSS is fine you must be doing something wrong in the HTML
  2. the short answer is that the 2 columns need more width than the container is giving them. Remember padding and margin take up width not just the width you assign to the divs... reduce the width of one of the columns until it bumps back into place.Keep in mind I am saying this as mostly a guess since you did not show any CSS.
  3. You have no control over the users current window when loading your site. The only way to control the users window is to open a new one which you seem to already know how to do...window.open()!Sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear. The only other option is for you to create your own browser and hope you can take down IE, Firefox, and Opera :)And to be honest, if I went to your site and you started messing with my settings (which I am very particular about) I would probably never come back to your site.
  4. boen, unfortunately programming with C++ requires you to start with stupid, meaningless projects, command line based, to get the basics of the language. Useing graphics and making UI is very intense in C++ (from what I have found so far), unless you give in and use MS Visual C++ to make Windows Forms.This a great beginner tutorial that I used when first learning. It is very detailed and thorough, http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/.To take a look at how monsterous graphics can be take a look at this site of OpenGL tutorials, http://nehe.gamedev.net/
  5. It is kind of spam but may prove useful to some members although that clipart is horribly ugly and I would never use something so amatuerish!
  6. aspnetguy


    this is true...all ASP.Net controls in the end boil down to rendered HTML and JavaScript code.
  7. HTML <table id="myTable"><tr><td id="col1"></td><td id="col2"></td><td id="col3"></td></tr></table> JS var col1 = document.getElementById('col1');var col2 = document.getElementById('col2');var col3 = document.getElementById('col3');col1.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';col1.style.borderTop = '1px solid #fff';col1.style.fontSize = '20px';..etc,etc give that a try
  8. no problem, glad I could help
  9. document.write(MessageD + " " + "=" + " " + "$<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:red\">" + Math.round(LostPotentialProfit) + "</span><br />");
  10. does that fix the error??? If not what is the error message you are getting?
  11. the errror is with this lineServer.Transfer("Registartion Compleate");You must specify a page to Transfer to...it is not for displaying messages.Server.Transfer works similarly to Response.Redirect with some performance diffrences.
  12. should beAppSettings["Connection"]AppSettings is a Collection not a function
  13. I don;t think you have to manually add a refrence to System.Web...it should be done for you whne you start a new project.Just make sure you have C# using System.Web; At the top of your code, if using code behind.
  14. I would challenge that claim. When it comes to computer books at our local library the best read you would probably find it Windows 98 for Dummies or Visual Basic 5
  15. lol I made $1 on referals (still not paid either), lol
  16. try this http://www.joemaller.com/js-singleroll.shtml
  17. You have to know what namespace they belong too. System.something.....
  18. do you have anything started? If you don't want to write it search for one avaiable on the net, we are not going to write it for you.
  19. aspnetguy

    Wont show

    what host are you using?
  20. actually I provided the solution
  21. aspnetguy

    Wont show

    what server are you putting it on? Are you sure the host supports ASP?
  22. You have to use the CSS code too, the CSS makes it a horizontal menu
  23. both, I work full time developing software and I like to code websites in my spare time.
  24. aspnetguy

    Wont show

    you don't have IIS configuraed correctly. What version of windows are you using?
  25. HTML <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="somewhere.html"><img src="someimage.gif" alt=""/></a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html"><img src="someimage.gif" alt=""/></a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html"><img src="someimage.gif" alt=""/></a></li> <li><a href="somewhere.html"><img src="someimage.gif" alt=""/></a></li> </ul></div> CSS #menu ul li {display: inline}#menu ul li a img {border: 0}
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