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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Well That is the beauty of .Net. I am writing a "class" not just a webpage. The class, when it is done, will be generic enough so I can plug it into a webforum and deploy it on the web or I can drop it into a windows project and make an exe (which I think I will do) so it will be multi-functional.
  2. Readline is a method it needs () like thisscore_test = f.Readline()f.Close()...etc...etc
  3. lol that haapened to me and scott100 all the time, although he has been MIA as of late.*gives reportingsjr some attention..but only a little*
  4. aspnetguy

    veiw problem

    You developed this with your own PC using IIS, .Net framework, running localhost right?Where is the live version being run? On a hosting company's server?
  5. if there is it would most likely be an extension. Google for IE tab extension or something like that
  6. Windwos or Linux, it doesn't matter but I would recommend using PHP because it has so much built in support. Check the the hosting company supports PHP...if they are using PHP5 make sure they have the mysql extensions installed because they no longer come "pre-installed" with PHP5
  7. can you post a link to the site and tell us what browser is showing it the way you want it to.
  8. That is my intensions. I have been documenting my processes a bit on this thread and will put all updates here.The last post is a bit outdated but I hope to update it today or tomorrow.So far this has been a really good challenge and fun project for me.http://aspnetguy.com/forums/thread/19.aspx
  9. I found this I think it is what I need href[ ]*=[ ]*('|\")([^\"'])*('|\")
  10. If the SESSION is set by ASP then no PERL cannot read the session...you could try setting cookies instead...that should be able to be read between servers
  11. You can send the data in a querystring to a apge on the second server or send the data in form fields via post
  12. you are missing a ( on the last line
  13. Isn't Russia it's own country...there are a lot of little ones that have broken off and formed other countries but they are no longer part of Russia.Offically I believe Russia is part of Asia.
  14. I need a regular expression that will give me the value of href in a <a> tag.This is what I have so far (<.*?href=(\"|')?|(\"|')?>.*?</a>) it works if the like is <a href="my url">Link</a> but fails if it is like this <a href="my url" id="mylink">Link</a>so if any other attribute comes after href it is not working and I can'r figure out how to make it work (I am not good at regular expressions).much appreciated.
  15. It would be nice if the in-post links could be changed to something other than black...it is hard to pick the links out sometimes.
  16. http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/learn to use Google. I typed in Flash Media Player and it was hte first result.
  17. here is hwo it looks in FF
  18. Thanks I never thought of that
  19. Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. I saw it on the preview. Looks like a retarded movie.I had to ask since you seem to know a lot of movies
  20. give this a try <html><head> <title>...</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript"> var A = parseFloat(prompt("Number:")); var B = parseInt(1); while (B<Math.pow(A,.5)) { if (A%B == 0){document.write("nothing left.")} if (B<Math.pow(A,.5)) document.write(A+" is a prime number.") else document.write(A+" is not a prime number.") B++ }</script></body></html>
  21. Well the fish I brought home were goldfish...not sure if they would be much good for sushi."This fish is raw! Are you trying to posion these people?" Can you name the movie that is from?
  22. I don't know of ANY opensource flash projects but here is a tutorial on making a whiteboard http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashcom/artic...iteboard_4.html
  23. please do not post your question more than once. If it is in the wrong spot a mod will move it. Please be patient.
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