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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I was asking joecool cuz he said to use html instead of css...never do that
  2. I hate having to retype passwords or captchas when sopmething goes wrong. I prefer javascript validation
  3. var str = document.body.innerHTML;document.write(str.replace(':)','<img src="url to image" alt="Smile"/>'))
  4. why use html to resize the images...that method has been depreciated.
  5. yes you will need multiple database fields to index and hold the differnt content in differnt languages.you will also need a variable to hold the current language being viewed in orde to know which lanaguage to pull from the database.
  6. Man I am always too late for the joke!
  7. cookies are not limited to javascript. Most programming languages can create cookies.A cookie is just a file (can be encrypted or not) that holds some information about you or the current session you are in.For example when you go to a website that requires you to login and has the option "Remember Me" (like this site). If you check the box to remember you next time you visit the site a cookie will be created on your computer that tells the site that you should be logged in.
  8. aspnetguy

    Background Image

    thats awesome...try changing hte screen size quickly and see the bunny mutate
  9. you will find that IE and FF interpret 100% differently when dealing with width and height. There is nothing you can do about except find ways around it.
  10. I agree about the mods with admin rights...completely not necessary.As for skinning...it depends on what a person means when they say install a skin. If you are just changing values in the stylesheet then you will not have issues when upgrading but if you are altering templates and other files then that is asking for trouble.
  11. when you say the file doesn't work runnin git over the web what do you mean? Do you get any error messages? Or does nothing happen?If you get errors please post them, if nothing happens is there a function to check if $req is set or not (PHP equivelant isset()) If this is not being set properly you will not any further.
  12. hmm... and both scripts are identical you are just runnin gthem with a different method? When you say you run it with HTTP what do you type in the address bar of the browser? Do you type the absolute path (C:\perlscripts\myscript.pl) or do you use a web server (Apache or IIS) (localhost/myscript.pl)?
  13. if you are not calling it in a browser (on the server) how are you running it? Command line?
  14. personally I think snitz and webwiz are trash...One reason there are not many forums in ASP is most likely because there are just so many other alternatives so why bother. PHP has a million and you can easily run PHP on a windows server. And ASP.Net has 2 or 3 really good forums (some free some paid). There is no reason to create a forum on such a old technology. PHP has stayed current with new releases but ASP has been dropped by MS in favor of .Net....ASP will continue to become more and more outdated. It is great for small projects but I think a fully featured forum is not a good script to write in ASP.
  15. isn't SAP a software company? Do you mean SOA or SOAP?
  16. yes J2EE is web based...it is java code compiled much like ASP.Net. It is also refered to as JSP (Java Server Pages)
  17. I am talking about RDC. I have used a lot before I got my router but haven't set it back up since. I tried it out a few days ago and realized that I had set the router to forward all port 80 stuff to my webserver and have all other ports closed.I didn't realize it was as easy as just setting up another port to forward to another PC on the network.
  18. Of course, you seem very reputable.You are right there are not many ASP forums out there but there are some great ones for ASP.Net, communityserver.org being one.
  19. aspnetguy

    Sourcode ASP.NET

    actually asp.net ...your right I'll move it.
  20. aspnetguy

    PHP5 on IIS6

    actually the offical PHP manual recommends copying these files to the mentioned directories because it is somehow incorrect. It says to set up the Enviroment Variable path to find php.ini in C:\php and then setup extensions in php.ini
  21. aspnetguy

    Sourcode ASP.NET

    can't find any free ones...you might have to code it yourself or buy one.
  22. aspnetguy


    do you have php installed on your PC or do you use a host? If it is on your pc then it is in the PHP folder you installed, most likely C:\php\php.iniIf you are using a host you will have to ask them about those settings.
  23. I am not a big fan of any of those.
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