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Posts posted by smiles

  1. I'd like to be able to pop up a window containing a small amount of data without leaving the existing page
    ... you can use Javascript : http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...ryjs_openwindowyou can write data in this window if you want
    <HEAD> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function displayHTML(form) { var inf = form.htmlArea.value; win = window.open(", ", 'popup', 'toolbar = no, status = no'); win.document.write("" + inf + ""); } </script> </HEAD> <form> <textarea name="htmlArea" cols=45 rows=6> </textarea> <br> <input type="button" value=" view " onclick="displayHTML(this.form)"> </form>

  2. well i just can think about 4 things for this to accur.1. Your sound drivers might have got damaged or are out of date if the sound have changed format.2. Some code that should not be there.3. The file might have another map its in or are gone by delete.4. If the forum are runing from a host company they might have changed standards to not allow sound files.there is not 100% that these are the correct answer cause i dont know how your comp works :)

    I doubt maybe it 's the fourth reason , I had right-clicked in it to find its url , copy , paste to view the page and you know what I see ??? :( joke words like this " hey , what are you finding :) " :D do you know any websites allows upload music ?Thanks !!!
  3. Putting styles in are very hard in phpbb, at least the proper way. What you do is put <style type="text/css"> sig css here</style> at the beginning of overall_header.tpl. And then do whatever you have to.

    could you specify sig css here , like thissignature{ background: transparent; color: #339; font-size: 10px; line-height: 150%;}but no effect :)
  4. .... why don't you want the table to be at the bottom of the source code?  :( If it works, why does it have to be at the top of the source code, it's going to be at the bottom of the page.

    :) wwell , what I can change for my forum is only the header of the page , the rest is forum part and I can't change it except colors , texts and the contents ... so what I hope is the "rest" is not "the body + bottom" ... lets the bottom be mine :)
  5. my friend had found many sound file to put into my forum , I don't know how can he get it , and the sound files play well ( means I can hear music sound ) , but in the next several week , these sound files had problem , I can't hear it ... so how many reason for this ???thanks !!!

  6. Sorry I don't really understand this:

    :):(:D so what I want is a code about the table that you write in the top of the the source code and when you view it , you see the table always at the bottom of the pagethe
    <div class="footer">Scaped Fansite Images, Text, and Ideals are ©2006 TDD Productions.<br />Posts, oppinions, and views are property of their respective owners. RuneScape is a registered trademark of JAGeX Ltd.<br /><br />
    is at the bottom part of source code so certainly it makes what you want at the bottom of the page :) now stop here , don't make me become an hard-understood one :)
  7. does PhpBB have template files (.tpl files) or how do you edit the template?However you do it, whereever the "signature" part of the template is you can wrap it in the <div> tag posted above.I'm not really sure how PhpBB works.I've only managed IPB, SMF, & NBBS

    template file doesn't have .signature in css , well I have just seen some forums that with phpBB , and I mind that no signatures have images in it , that really pity :) now , I try to put that style of signature in css and you know the right way to put it ??? Maybe it's very hard :)
  8. I just checked the board to see if I could copy the code for you.Seems like someone removed it, probably one of the other managers.Oh well, this will hold you over until you get something better.  It's a DIV that will cut-off anything past the dementions specified.<div style='height: some numberpx; width: some numberpx; overflow: hidden;'>your signature</div>If you're using IPB, then I know there will be a .signature class in the style sheet, so you can just add this to it.signature {height: some numberpx;width: some numberpx;overflow: hidden;}I know the CSS cut-off isn't the same as a script to shrink the image, but oh well.  It should work just fine, it will prevent people from having HUGE signatures in posts.

    my own forum created by phpBB , so may be differ with IPB , I had tried your code , but no effect :) anyway , thanks !!! someday I will find it :)
  9. your code like this ?

    <html><head><meta http-equiv="Refresh"content="10;url=http://www.w3schools.com"><script type="text/javascript">function question(){var answer=prompt("What are you doing ?","")if (answer == "right"){window.location="http://www.w3schools.com"}}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" onclick="question()" value="Display a prompt box"></form></body></html>

    I don't understand why you have to do this , you want promt box to take you to one page , while your browser automatically leads you to that page too for 10 seconds , it 's not necessary :)

    If you write to prompt box,and code redirectes you same time to another page,box remains on screen,and you can write your answer there.And if you answer is right,it's brings you to page,where you come if you answer right.Well.I want thatif time is up,and browser redirectes you to new site,you can't answer anymore.
    I see that difference with youwhen I have no click on button , the page will direct to url after 10 secondswhen I click on the button , and don't type in it , the page hasn't change to the new url after 10 seconds , it waits till you click OK to make the prompt box lost when I click on button , and wait till 10 seconds pass by , whatever I fill in textarea , the page still direct to the url :)
  10. well , I find and see that table doesn't have its attribute to lets it at the bottom of the page :)

    Oh! Now I see...here is what they use:
    <div class="footer">Scaped Fansite Images, Text, and Ideals are ©2006 TDD Productions.<br />Posts, oppinions, and views are property of their respective owners. RuneScape is a registered trademark of JAGeX Ltd.<br /><br />

    this code still at the bottom of the source code so DIV certainly at the bottom of the page :(anyway , thanks :)
  11. Yep, that's why I said "some" :)What's good about JS in posts though is that, for example.On one of the boards I manage, there is a signature size limit, so in the post below the main part that describes the size limit I have something like *click to check size* and I had a JS script there that puts a box around your signature area to see if your image stays within the box or extends out :(If extended out, it means it's too large :)On others boards however, I just wrote a modification so if a signature is too large it is shrunk.

    well , Eric , if you don't mind could you let me see your signature ' code ,I had tried with my signature but ... no effect , temporarily :D
  12. just imagine that my post is a web page , so look at the bottom of the web page , suppose you see a tablehow can you right it , not let your table's code at the bottom of your code :) such as <html><body>...............<table></table></body></html> _______________________________________________________________ | |_______________________________________________________________|

  13. I sometimes see some forum , in its post have the function that enable or disable HTML , I don't really understanding it , I thing it has no effect with script , just with HTML and only HTML ' text like Marquee , color , font , I think right ???

  14. like this

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function question(){var answer=prompt("What are you doing ?","")if (answer == "right"){window.location="http://www.w3schools.com"}}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" onclick="question()" value="Display a prompt box"></form></body></html>

    this code need an button

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var answer=prompt("What are you doing ?","")if (answer == "right"){window.location="http://www.w3schools.com"}</script></head>

    this code no need a button:)

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