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Posts posted by smiles

  1. I have create ipb forum for me , my old forum has many matters , well this new forum is very professional ... but language is my trouble :( I have an software allowing me to type my country language and I want my friend when posting new topic or reply can type my country language in forumI have just change the charset to UTF-8 , so when I copy a paragraph having my country's language to post area and view it , well it looks well :) any ideas for this :) Thanks !!!

  2. also, some domains have certain rules to follow.For example: .edu says you can only have that if you belong to a education facality..org at one time said only organazations could use it, now it's public and *anyone* may use it.---There's also the cost factor, domains like .info are much cheaper than .com, .net or .org

    Thanks :)
  3. no.your domain name registration is completely exclusive from your web site hosting service.  but, you need to understand that either your domain name registrar or (more commonly) your web site hosting provider will have the machines (dns servers) that link your domain name to your website.  so the quality of their network will answer your question.

    sorry , ... could you guess for me how many server in the world :) thanks :)
  4. well i just copied the the text from my own work. it thouse not have to be start.cfm it can be .php .html or any others so dont mind .cfm same goes for the name. dont mind it. its just an exampel :(.cfm are ColdFusion

    I like it :) Thanks so much :)
  5. well this is how I use Iframe
    <iframe name="mymain"  src="start.cfm" height="625" width="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">alternative text for thouse who dont have support for Iframe</iframe>

    and to target the iframe use

    <a href="[File]" target="mymain">

    you can change the target and the name tag in the <a href> and <iframe>and i suggest that you have a fixed height and size in the linking pages so you just gets a vertical scrool by useing div tags sorry for late response have not been by the computor this weekend

    well , I myself have a way Could you tell me more about start.cfm , the extension .cfm ???and [File] in
    <a href="[File]" target="mymain">

    Thanks :)

  6. Not quite. Suppose you both give the same request to the server at the same time. The server process both of your requests. However, when it has to return the results, your friend is going to get them first, because the way is shorter. In other words: This doesn't effect the server, but the client. A server either gives something to everyone with a particular speed(depending on the amount of clients) or doesn't give them anything (if too overloaded).This was if you give a single request. Suppose there is much processing to be done. In this case, it all depends on the server procesoor's speed.

    thanks :) ... and the last question :) is there any distinguish in service if your domain name is .com or .org or .net ...means if I pay money to change my domain name , the stability of service change ???
  7. how many factors effect the stability of a server ???suppose that my friend 's computer is nearer server zone 's location than mine , does it means the stability of service that server gives him is better than me ???

  8. "simple HTML" is all non-formating HTML.<a>, <img>, <script>, <style> etc. would be considered "complex HTML"Simple HTML are things like:<p>, <div>, <span>, <body>, <head> etc.

    so that is what you want to know , sorry for my misunderstanding :)
  9. This is actually a relavant issue if you are on a Shared Server or the Server is old/slow

    ... and we can't view server code in source code :) ... and HTML , CSS what should we call it , which kind of script ???do you know anysite give free server code ( like javascript.internet.com for client code )
  10. 2. Or use Iframes. just put the bgsound in the index.html page or what format it is and have use the Iframe as a target to open the the other pages and the sound will contunion (i recomend this)<bgsound src="Ilovemusic.midi" loop="-1">  :(

    ok , the second way , but if your condition doesn't allow you to have the second page with <html><bgsound src="Ilovemusic.midi" loop="-1"></html> , what will you do ? :) you only have one page so what will be in <iframe ??? > </iframe>the harder question :)
  11. basically what the names inply...serverside code is run on the server while clientside code is run on each individual users pc.If you run everything as serverside code you have 100% control on what it can do because it is running on your server...but with clientside, users all have different browsers with different settings, you have to try and accommodate all the diffrent browsers and try and foresee problems with possible settings the user has on their pc (which in some cases is impossible).

    :) I think that the drawback of server side script is that we cann't check the result easily , like serverside examples in w3 , we can't view what we change !!!and do you know why ???
  12. hehe add this to your bgsound tagloop="-1" that will make the music repeat it self for all etarnity  :)but for <embed> i cant help

    all right , I know it :) but hard question , the music will repeat when we turn to another page , is there any way to make it run continuos ( anyway will be accepted if it can't be easily explored by someone are viewing my side )
  13. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/M/MIDI.htmlits not the actual music - its a reduced synthesized versionYou know your cell phone ring tones (when they first introduced them) all MIDI.  Remember how cheap they sounded - thats MIDI.  Now you can actually have closer to real music on your phones (mp3).As a side note:If I visited your site and heard or saw MIDI files - I might puke.  But there is a huge fasciniation with MIDI files - there is even a commercial here in teh US that mocks MIDI files that is very funny.  Its a commercial for a cell phone and it basically show these MIDI composers getting all excited about composing the latest #1 song on the charts as a MIDI file.  Only to have the advertising phone company dismiss their work by showing they now offer mp3 ring tones.

    I had tried to put the beatles.mid of your w3schools ' example into my forum for bgsoundif I use tag <embed> the sound is bad , not continuousbut if I use tag <bgsound> hear it welldo you know why ???
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