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Posts posted by smiles

  1. BLASPHEMY!! :(j/k :)But I can't believe you haven't even heard of Star Trek. Have you ever heard the name Kaptain Kirk? Spock?On your quote, I can't really see how Klingon is worth knowing. :)

    :) well , really I had never seen it before and I still not understand why it worth knowing :D
  2. I don't think you got my point smiles. What I meant was "how did that site I'm talking about translates their pages with google scince there isn't an option to automatically enable such services?". If I have understood your last post correctly, you are telling me is "How does the translator makes translations?".

    you know ... I don't know :) I just only wonder what is Klingon , because someone tell me " Most electrical engineers, computer scientists, physicists and computer game enthusiasts speak at least a little Klingon. It's worth knowing " :)btw , I want to know what is Star Trek , a movie ??? :(
  3. There isn't an option, but somehow I managed to see a site which uses it to translate it's content into English. Their original language was German btw. The site was about GTA SA and I'm not sure how they achieved it. Server side script perhaps? Unfortunately I can't try look for it now... I forget the adress, and I don't think it's worth it to look for it again :) .

    I think that it operates based on comparision !Like that if it knows two cases : wordA + wordB means "kind man" and : wordC + wordB means " bad man "they know that wordB means " man "one kind of statistic :)http://www.kli.org
  4. :) I have a script for this but i dont have it on me, off the top of my head try this.  put this in the pop up window:<body onload="window.opener.close()" /> That should hopefully do it, you will probably get an alert though saying that you are trying to close the main window (which is a pain) :)

    you know , my suppose has many problem , if i do that maybe i never see the site later if I change my likesactually , what i want is when I send instant message to my friend , that instant message is formed by a link , that when they click on it , a pop up window appears , a way to make amazing :(
  5. It might be best for w3schools if there's an RSS feed with such tips of the day stuff. You'll get notified AND you'll visit w3schools even more. After all, w3schools' income comces from sponsors who on the other hand want to see traffic :) .

    Could you tell me what is RSS feed ???
  6. I'm all set with XHTML and CSS, and PHP even, but when it comes to javascript...well... it doesn't go to javascript :) And I don't have the time to just sit and learn a lot about it.However, I understand the concepts of functions and variables as I've used both in PHP and a little in C. So what I was thinking is: could there be a email/newsletter type thing from W3Schools to learn a differant javascript function/feature every day? Almost like one of those "Word of the Day" calanders, except a "Javascript of the Day". I think if it were just one or two things a day I'd learn javascript a lot easier than if i had to sit and study.This is also feasable (I think) to do this for PHP and/or C++, as long as the user has basic understandings of the way the language is structured.What do you guys think?

    good idea , but I think if it becomes true , w3 will send to you a link to w3 for learning :)
  7. when I direct people to a new site by clicking on a link and in that site I had created a pop up window to show message for them , but then I just want that site is closed , just only the pop up window appears on the screen , how can I do that ( by changing code of that site ) ???thanks !!! :)

  8. it is the core of the browser...it is what reads the HTML,CSS, and JavaScript you write and then 'renders' it into a webpage the user can view.

    people here get many troubles with IE and FF , sometimes like mess , maybe it 's time to do something better for these kind of questions ... but I don't know what something is :)
  9. The reason for this is probably the computer you transfer it too does not have the font you want to use. If you are not using a common font this will be the case for most of the users that view your website.If the font is for headers ofr something you could make small graphics for this but if it is for the bulk of your content you will have to either use a more common font or look into some methods to embed fonts.

    Aspnetguy , as you said , what the tag charset=iso-8859-1 used for :)
  10. it would have to be one continuous song file without incorporating some other technology like flash - then you would not be using the bgsound tag or approach, you'd be using flash.

    :) well , before believing what you say is true , I will try :)
  11. if you want to have the bgsound continue with the different song , how can you write it ???for examples , you have the song1 for bgsound , when it ends , you hear the song2 and to be continue like that ??? :)

  12. Well , I have an silly question but it 's very important to me , could you guess for me the exist ' age of an freeweb , long or short ???and if I change the domain of it , is that change the age of its existance :) thanks !!!

  13. They were made in asp, if you look at the url below you will see tryit.asp as opposed to tryit.htm - pages that have a extension like .asp or .php are processed by that engine on the server side.  so if you look at the address bar for this site you see index.php, this forum is written with php.http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/tryit.asp?fi...me=tryhtml_fontIf you go to the link i gave above, right click on the page on the right hand side and go to properties, you will see an address url, copy that and then paste it into the browser address bar and click goi.e. http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/tryit_view.a...me=tryhtml_font

    Simplicity , thanks :)
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