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Posts posted by smiles

  1. <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 bgcolor = black ><tr><form name=testForm ><td><input name=testField type=text style="text-align:right" onKeyUp="reverseText('testForm','testField')"></td></form><form name=form ><td><input type=button value="Next" onClick="calculate()">    </td></form></tr></table>

    that' s my example , it works well means two functions don't affect together

  2. I've been working with html / Photoshop / Dreamweaver for not quite 2 years now (CSS and XHTML for 5 weeks as of tomorrow) and I’m noticing that a lot of the designs I come up with seem to be very bland. I’m curious, where do you (both novice and pro web designers) find inspiration for your layouts/designs. What are your secrets?

    you think you are helping someone or everybody , your design is not bland :)
  3. Don't lie just to make me seem like the bad one!
    well , noone think that , you are here and I see you help many people ( me in it )so you are kind one .I think that everyone should be more fair , it 's a discussion not a war so what Eric says is his outlook not outrage , he protects his idea , that 's his policy , if anyone doesn't agree with it , they can find ways to prove that 's wrong , shouldn't protect your bad thinking of him :D Eric , I had seen your example again <?php$fee = "Hello";$fi = "aspnetguy";$foe = "How are you";$fum = "Today?";echo $fee . $fi . $foe . $fum;?>I wonder if you are you at the first time know it , you can't write it easily and think of the next several years when you don't have much time to think of it , write it again is not easy too , so everything is not simple to time , if something made you thought writing it need no much skill , I think that is your skill :( and ...Skemcin , take a look , you are Moderator :)Have a nice day ! :)
  4. An interpreter. as boen_robot said, for Javascript it is a browser, for ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, and ASP.NET it is their respective applications. That is why one of the first things mentioned for those scripting languages is installing the necessary application to run the scripts. Due to this, scripting languages generally take longer to run than programming languages because a programming language has already been compiled to machine code and is made as efficient as possible, but a scripting language must be interpreted to machine code and then run...just one extra step that compiled code doesn't have to deal with. The difference in time between the two though will not be significant until you start getting into large programs.The advantage of scripting languages is that it is easier to make changes and run through and test them, because you don't have to re-compile after each change, where as a programming language requires a re-compile, which if your program has a lot of pieces can take a while and is definitely a nuissance when making changes frequently during development or making a small change in one object out of 100's and having to recompile it all as a result.Finally, one of the big disadvantages with scripting languages is that the code is available for all to see, although from what ASPNetGuy has said in other posts, I think ASP.NET allows you to do some compiling, but I am not sure on that.------Eric, as for how much skill it takes, look into LISP, its a scripting language but I guarantee you that a beginner would be lost...I was for a week or two when I messed with it, and I had taken quite a few programming classes. And if I hadn't had programming experience it would have taken me twice as long. On the flip side, I have seen people with no experience write programs in VB and even some simple ones in C/C++. I think the skill debate boils down to what you are using and what you are trying to do. Anything can be easy or hard depending on the task and the tool.

    well , I had understood , it seems easy to me nowI also feel sorrow about what happened , hope all is misunderstanding , we are IT ones ( ... not me , I'm going to be an electrical engineer :) ) , any languages are create by someone 's heart , lets give it an sincere look :)
  5. well , I 'd like your discussion , Eric and Aspnetguy , I think that experience comes from experience which comes from our failures , it gives us skill and who has much skill they can say skill ' language well :) I don't want to stop this topic here , let 's continue if someone has any difference else :)

    Scripting languages are textual directions, programming languages are interpretted to binary code. Happy =)?

    computer works based on binary code 1 and 0 or 'on' and 'off' , script language is not an exception :( that maybe an important thing , Programming need compiler to convert commands into binary code as ~Shinta said , script language has no need with compiler , so what converts commands in script into binary code :D
  6. if I add that ..my whole page end up the same color ...here is my page ...http://www.qnhl.net/Season4/4qnhlMatchup549.htmlnormaly the page is outputed white with black text I changed the background color to blue but I cant change the text because I need the text to be Black on an other page (outputted by the same program at tje same time)so I am trying to change the background color of the cells where the text is black on the page of my link ...sorry if I am confusing  I am having trouble following myself :)

    Maybe you want to change the color of links in your pagetry this :a:link { text-decoration: underline; color : #000000; }
  7. Can you tell me some differences between script language and languages ... that differ to it ??? Sorry I don't know what the so-called of that language ( C++ , Assembly , PLC ... ) :)

  8. When I look at an IP , I wonder how can we know whether that computer is near me, in my city or somewhere in the world ??? Is there any way to know that :) Thanks !

  9. <html><head><style type="text/css">body { background-image: url('smiley.gif');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position:  bottom center; background-attachment: fixed;}</style></head><body><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p><p>The image will not scroll with the rest of the page</p></body></html>

    You want it

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