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Everything posted by F-Man

  1. Indeed, except when you use tables to create something crazy that would normall not be considered a table, like a layout.SFADuncan, that example seems to be aligning wrongly in Firefox because they don't use the same CSS as the one typed in their own example... Notice they set margin-left: 0 to the ul selector.
  2. Chocolate570: too bad :active only works for links with IE... :)As for the JavaScript code, I think it should be this.style.backgroundColor = 'something', not this.style='background-color: something'.Personally, I'd use both the :active pseudo-class plus Javascript for IE.
  3. lol fluffums, I see that you have added 'other_attributes' to your navigation cell. When I said other_attributes I was talking about, well, your other attributes, not telling you that you should type it exactly like in my example. So yeah just remove it.
  4. Personally I wouldn't teach to use an outdated and 8 years old version of HTML if I were to make tutorials for it.
  5. There is a CSS3 feature for this, but it only works in Opera so far... So you could do like many others and just use it as a background-image. However this is not the prefered method, especilly if the image is a link to the home page, because you won't be able to set an alternate text to non-image clients.
  6. F-Man

    Missing attributes?

    hr is block-level, so you must align it with margins.
  7. The validator should tell you your errors.Anyway you used presentional tags with a Strict DTD. So you should use CSS instead. I'll bold 'em out.<body bgcolor="black" link="red"><font color="white"><center><h1>Crimson Website</h1></center><center><image src="logo.jpg"></center> (btw, it's 'img', not 'image'. And you need an 'alt' attribute to it)<font="red"><b><marquee>http://www.crimsonwebsite.com/home.html</marquee></b></font> (marquee is not a true tag by the W3C)<table border="1" width="100%"><background color="black"> (background is not an element)<p><center>blah blah.</center></p><center><b>News</b></center><center>October 21, 2005</center><center>October 20, 2005</center><center>Getting the "home" page setup. Goal is to have homepage done by October 21, 2005.</center><center>©2005 Cody Murga</font>
  8. F-Man


    EDIT: I should really have read your post completely. The following codes will not exactly apply to what you want to do... Sorry.Javascript could also be used.Something like this: function enter() { if (pass = 'myPassword') { document.location.href = 'nextpage.htm'; } else { document.submitpass.submit(); }} Pass being the ID of the password input. <form action="wrongpass.htm" id="submitpass" onsubmit="enter()"> <p><input type="password" id="pass" /></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Enter" /></p></form> Though anyone could look at the source to know the password. So you might want to make it a bit more complicated but using this script instead... function enter() { jfk='m'; kren='y'; kjds='P'; lkei='a'; lqna='s'; uiel='w'; yeka='o'; beme='r'; nea='d'; if (pass = jfkkrenkjdslkeilqnalqnauielyekabemenea) { document.location.href = 'nextpage.htm'; } else { document.submitpass.submit(); }} Not sure if that would work... Also, it depends on what your password actually is.
  9. F-Man

    XHTML or CSS?

    I'd personnally start with XHTML, as it is the current standard for HTML, and it takes only a few minutes to learn the very few differences (link) it has from old HTML. Then of course CSS, pages with no style look bland.
  10. F-Man

    CSS problem

    Since you don't seem to be using XHTML (though you should still use a DOCTYPE but anyway), it might because of the slash at the end of your link tag. Try removing it.
  11. As a said, just do this: #nav a:hover {background-color:#5f5f5f;color: #000000;font-family: Verdana;} And in your HTML: <td other_attributes id="nav"> Links</td>
  12. I highly recommend that you start learning CSS as well.For your background, use this in a CSS style sheet instead. html { background-color: black /* Just an example */ background-image: url('boat.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center;} Feel free to remove what you don't need, here is a shorter way of doing the above as well: html { background: black url('boat.jpg') fixed center;} As for the text align... body { text-align: right;} For the whole page, for just a paragraph replace the 'body' selector by let's say... '.rightparagraph' (dot included) and then use this in the body of your HTML: <p class="rightparagraph">hai</p>
  13. Maybe because you put a space between them? Remember img is inline, so it is considered like text. Images usually have no margin by defaut so <img/><img/> should look like what you want.
  14. It is also one of the slowest pages I have ever seen. It seems to have CSS plastered everywhere even inside the body (and no I'm not talking about inline style), JavaScript everywhere, and... just how many tables are there in that thing?! I count 68...Anyway, I guess I was impressed that's all. =)
  15. *Smacks fore-head*Just do what Chocolate570 said first, but replace class in your markup to id. It is also the best method, comparatively to giving a class to every anchor.EDIT: seems like your site uses a table layout, so put the id inside the td which holds the navigation bar.
  16. I think it is margin. Something like this: img { margin: 0 5px;} Which adds 5 empty pixels to each side of the image.Padding normally could be used also, which enlarges the width of the image in the browser, whithout actually enlarging the image's content (so the only difference is that you have a wider space to click if your image is a link, same for right clicking to see the image properties).
  17. For future reference that's Javascript. =)
  18. F-Man

    Firefox 1.5b2 bug?

    I do not understand why it is floated left, along with the other left floated divs.In your markup, ust make sure you have a float: left div first, then the float: right div, then the content div (with margin if wanted).
  19. Try leaving the MIME type to the default one application/x-www-form-urlencoded or just remove it.
  20. F-Man

    help me plz

    lol let me guess, that's a work you have to do for school or something. It looks a lot like the one we recently had (for the second year in a row) except ours was even easier. :)Anyway, try this <center><h1>Table</h1></center><table border="7" align="center" width="600" cellspacing="5" cellpading="5"><colgroup> <col span="2" width="100"> <col> <col span="2" width="100"></colgroup><tr><th> <font size="4"><b> ITCS</b></font> </th><th> <font size="4" ><b> 373</b> </font> </th><th colspan="2"> <font size="4"><b> Internet Technology</b> </font> </th><th> <font size="3"><b> Semester<br>1</b> </font> </th></tr> <tr><td rowspan=3 colspan=2 align="right" valign="top"><img src="3.jpg" width="90" height="100" ></td><td align="center"> <font size="4"> <b>Sec1</b> </font> </td><td rowspan=3 colspan=2 align="left" valign="top"><img src="3.jpg" width="90" height="100" > </td></tr><tr><td align="center"> <font size="4"> <b>Sec2</b> </font> </td></tr><tr><td align="center"> <font size="4"> <b>Sec3</b> </font> </td></tr><tr><td align="right"> <font size="12"><b> B</b> </font> </td><td colspan=3 align="center"> <img src="cute.gif" width="90" height="60" > </td><td align="left"><font size="12"><b>C</b></font></td></tr></table> Though I think a bit more CSS and less presentional tags/attributes would be better
  21. I think it raises the property's priority so that it is loaded even when the user has his browser set to overwrite author's styles. I'm not sure though, I usually see this with CSS *inside a browser* so it does the exact opposite.
  22. Oh, then place your text in a div let's say... 9px in size (depends on your font size), each letter seperated by a space, each word separated by a paragraph. <div style="width: 9px;"> <p>W h y</p> <p>h e l l o</p> </p>t h e r e</p></div> Will appear like this: Whyhellothere EDIT: or there's <br />, but then you'd have less positionning options.
  23. With Javascript, not CSS. =)Google will help you better than I:http://www.google.ca/search?hs=jN2&hl=en&c...nG=Search&meta=
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