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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. Thanks for the reply, Just did a little bit of search and found another downloadable s\w "IBuySpy Portal". looks good to me. Any comments about this??
  2. pulpfiction

    Record ID

    SELECT TOP 1 IDfldnameFROM tblnameORDER BY UserIDfldname DESCThis will give the last/latest id of the table in the DB, and +1 will be the next ID......
  3. Hi,I would like to know about WEB PORTALS for INTRANET webpage, mainly in ASP.NET/VB, any free downloadable softwares?Right now ours is basically static information with alot of forms distribution, etcI'd like to get a more dynamic functioning intranet and if I'm correct, PORTALs are the way to go ... If you have any thoughts on that, or ideas, I would welcome them ...Thank you.
  4. pulpfiction

    send buzz

    I know what a buzz means but have no idea how to do that on a ASP chat..
  5. pulpfiction

    send buzz

    By BUZZ he means somthing like in a yahoo chat "control key + G" makes a bell ringing noise and the chat window vibrates.
  6. Do you want to use a IF statement in the JS function?? Check this out...http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_if_else.asp
  7. Check out this link, http://www.quirksmode.org/css/overflow.html
  8. Hi,You can also make changes in the example code and test to see how it comes in "Try-It-Yourself!" and also make ourselves some simple task related to the example and test it in there.
  9. Not clear of what you mean by a box, but try this using <div>....<div style="width:100px;border:1px solid black;height:100px;text-align:center;">Is this the kinda box you need???</div>
  10. My opinion on your list,Job Posting or a Web Template is a good idea...You can try things like friendfinder. more like hi5, facebook.. you can find a lot of ppl looking for "friends"
  11. I guess you can Try using MailFormat.HTML instead of sending the content in the text format using Mail.BodyFormat.Chances are that few servers that may reject text messages.Normaly the mail should go through, or may be some setting in that mail server to block your bigger mail content.
  12. pulpfiction


    Check this out..... a simple guest book project, using ASP.NET and MS Access.http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/myaspnetguestbook.asp
  13. Try this, <html><body><form><div style="border:1px solid black;height:550px;text-align:center;"><div style="height:30;">This is the Menu on the top</div><div style="width:100%;border:1px solid black;"><div style="width:20%;border:1px solid red;float:left;height:400;">This is the Menu on the left</div><div style="width:80%;border:1px solid green;float:left;height:400;">This is the where the slideshow will be</div></div></div><form></body></html>ps: you can change the height, important part is "float:left"
  14. You want to have different colors for each link??? try this....<HTML><HEAD><title>Testing</title><style>a#link1{color:white}a#link2{color:red;}a#link1:hover{color:orange;text-decoration:none;}</style></HEAD><body bgcolor=Black><a href="#" id="link1">White Link </a><a href="#" id="link2">Red Link</a></body></HTML>
  15. pulpfiction

    Draw chart

    Just google for "draw chart with asp", you'll get a lot of help/code.....
  16. I guess that because you are missing a single quote in the MOUSEOVER event<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="180" HEIGHT="150" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" CLASS="poland small10pt" BACKGROUND="images/bckgr_offercart.gif" ONMOUSEOVER="this.background='images/bckgr_offercartOVER.gif'" ONMOUSEOUT="this.background='images/bckgr_offercart.gif'"><TR><TD>AA</TD></TR><TR><TD>BB</TD></TR><TR><TD>CC</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE>
  17. I guess aspnetguy has already done that for you.....<%Dim StrPage As StringStrPage = Request.QueryString ("StrPage")If StrPage = "on" Then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% End IfIf StrPage = "off" Then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% End If %>
  18. I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned this, i tried Programmer's notepad or pnotepad.www.pnotepad.orgBut the best i've used is UltraEdit, its got options to select the highlighting based on the 12 different languages. if you are working on PHP, then just set the highlight to PHP. its got jus too many options. but its not free
  19. pulpfiction

    date format

    Hi,You can do the search in the date fields like you mentionedSELECT * FROM datefieldname > '6/06/2006'To search based on monthSELECT * FROM MONTH(datefieldname) = 7for July
  20. Try this.. in general regex format is "\w{min,max}" <form ID="Form1" name="Form1" runat=server><asp:ValidationSummary ShowSummary=True DisplayMode=SingleParagraph Enabled=True ID="vs" Runat=server /><asp:TextBox ID="txt" Runat=server Width="100"></asp:TextBox><asp:RegularExpressionValidator Runat=server Display=Dynamic ValidationExpression="\w{8,20}" ErrorMessage="invalid input" ControlToValidate="txt">*</asp:RegularExpressionValidator><br /><asp:button text="Submit" runat="server" ID="Button1"/></form>
  21. yeah this should work for me, thanks...
  22. My bad, i posted the modified code, anyways i think this timer runs slower compared to the normal clock....
  23. HiThis is the code for the timer in mm:ss, but how to do it with milliseconds in it. mm:ss:milliseconds. var msec = 0var secs = 0var mins = 0var timerID = nullvar timerRunning = falsevar delay = 10function InitializeTimer(){ // Set the length of the timer, in seconds secs = 00 mins = 00 StopTheClock() StartTheTimer()}function StopTheClock(){ if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false}function StartTheTimer(){ if (msec==990) { msec=0; secs=secs+1; } if (secs==60) { secs=0; mins=mins+1; } if (secs<10) secs="0"+secs; if (mins<10) mins="0"+mins; document.Form1.clockspot.value=mins+":"+secs+":"+msec secs = parseInt(secs,10) mins = parseInt(mins,10) self.status = secs msec = msec + 10; //secs = secs + 1 timerRunning = true timerID = self.setTimeout("StartTheTimer()", delay)}
  24. Check out this linkhttp://www.orafaq.com/faqmsasp.htm
  25. In <td class="line">, class="line" is about the class from the CSS stylesheet,that got nothing to do with adding data to the table, those are only for display style...And about the lines coming out twice on the table is because of the loop.while not rs.eof making connection to db2set rs2.open for db2while not rs2.eofdo something, get some values from both db1 and db2<td class="line">rs("comlumna")<td class="line">rs2("comlumne") here i want to add a, b, c, d, e, value to the tablers2.movenextclose connection to db2rs1.movenextfor every record in the "rs" a connection is opened and data is printed out in the table. so thats how you are getting repeated data...
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