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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. locate_a_store.php is in the folder: where_to_buy, you have to include application_top.php, which is in the folder: includesadd this '../includes/application_top.php' in this statementrequire('includes/application_top.php');one more clarification is the includes and where_to_buy folders are in the same folder, then the above thing will work. The error you are getting is that it is not able to open the "application_top.php"
  2. First of all by DIR_WS_FOLDERNAME do u mean DIR_WS_INCLUDES.assuming so, check what [path] is stored in the DIR_WS_INCLUDES. there is a chance that you cannot access that folder above the folder of the path stored in DIR_WS_INCLUDE
  3. Hi,This will happen when you use LIKE in the SQL statement, if you are sure that the word will be in the database then there is no need to use LIKE instead directly look for the english word in the DB using "=" in your query.SELECT name, url, dis " _& "FROM search " _& "WHERE name = '" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "' " _& "OR keywords = '" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "' " _& "OR dis = '" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "' " _& "ORDER BY id;"HTH
  4. Hi sudhakar, If you don't want the browser to go back to the server to request the next page, all the content needs to be in one html document. then you use javascript/dhtml to show and hide the various pages (divs in this case) as the user requests by clicking.For example you can use DIV's for each image and hide all the DIVs except for the one that needs to display, on next button show the second div and hide others... I'm not sure if this will work, have not tried this but give this a try..HTH
  5. Hi,After the first SQL statement is done then to clear the recordsetRS.Close Set RS = Nothing'then write the new querySQL="SELECT x,y,z FROM tlb_name WHERE a=b AND b=cSet RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")RS.Open SQL, MyConn'continue populating the tables.....HTH..
  6. pulpfiction

    & problem

    Hi,Try using encodeURIComponent or escape in javascript. I think "&" will be %26, then you can use decodeURIComponent to get the stringAbout encodeURIComponent,http://xkr.us/articles/javascript/encode-compare/
  7. Tables could be a simple solution, if you need it in div's its somthing like this ...<style>.image{float:left;padding-right:5px}.text{float:left;}</style><div class="image"><img src=Images/splash_darkorange_m.jpg width=75 height=75></div><div class="text">This is about the movie<br>More explanation about the movie<br><br>Cast: Director.....</div>
  8. Hi Dan, Never thought of this as a problem, since never faced such a situation, yeah you are correct, I know the 2nd one has problems but couldnt find a better soln.sorry couldnt help you more..
  9. This might give you some idea....http://www.obout.com/t2/eDragAndDrop.aspx
  10. Web Matrix is a community-supported, WYSIWYG application development tool for ASP.NET.So i guess creating sessions will not be different. If you could be more detailed it will be easier for any suggestion...
  11. This might be useful....http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum83/7217.htmhttp://www.quirksmode.org/dom/inputfile.html
  12. Like Dan said, If you set the cols=50, then it should not show any horizontal scrollbar... did u try this...
  13. pulpfiction

    error: insert into

    Hi Fry,Just to make sure that we have the correct SQL statement, print the statement once and check...sql = "INSERT INTO userAccount (user, password) value (" sql = sql & "'" & Request.Form("user")& "'"sql = sql & ", '" & request.Form("password") & "')"response.write(sql)With this you can make sure that you have a correct statement....
  14. Hi Chad,Try this...height:100%;
  15. Try this...'establish connection to the database to open recordset'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sSQL = "Select * from tbl_name;" Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")oRs.Open sSQL, oConn, 1, 3oRs.MoveFirst' will give the number of fieldsresponse.write(oRS.Fields.Count)For Each oField In oRS.Fieldsresponse.write(oField.Name)Next
  16. I guess you can use the text Wrap to avoid the horizontal scrollbar. try "wrap=hard" in this <textarea id="myTA" onkeypress="return maxLength(this,15)"></textarea>
  17. RSA doesnt come under Hashing, RSA is a cyrpto system, Breaking RSA would mean hacking. RSA keys are 1024 to 2048 bits long and prime... [ actually I took a course in Cryptography this semester.. ]RSA is a two way function, with the private keys we can decrypt. But in Hashing [one way]there is no way back even with the keys used by the hash function.
  18. To add a little more SHA 1 is a Hashing function and the main feature of a hashing function, it is One Way. no decryption is possible.Instead u can use other cryptosystems like DES, which you can en/decrypt [2-Way].
  19. same idea in ASP, i'm not good in PHP... validations must not happen when the page loads first time, because it will fail. but on submit it will. this is just to avoid a seperate page for validations etc...<% MODE = Request.Form("mode") IF MODE = "Check" THENThis is where your validation, SQL Update code will be.END IF %><html><form action="Currentpage.asp" method="post" name="frm">HTML Code for textbox etc...<input type="Hidden" name="mode" value="Check" /></form></html>The top ASP code will not be executed in the first time, since the IF condition will fail. But when the submit button is clicked, the page is reloaded but by that time the hidden textbox will get the value and will go through IF condition. This will make the top ASP code to execute.I guess i didnt confuse more
  20. Sometimes when you reload the same page for validation/ data manipulation then you have say PHP code in the page but that must not be executed during the first time and must execute when the page loads on submit. the hidden fields is used in the bottom of the form with some value.Page Start<html><? PHPif request.form("mode")="test" // this will be true only when the page loads the 2nd time.{..........}?><other HTML code><form action="samepage.php">.........page bottom<input type=hidden name="mode" value="test" /></html>
  21. Check out this site...Open Source Web Development
  22. yeah, i mean to check from remote server..
  23. pulpfiction

    ASP and SQL server

    Connection Stringshttp://www.connectionstrings.com/ASP Connection sample code:http://www.tnsites.com/support/s_databaseconn.aspASP code:http://aspnet.asp101.com/samples/utils/sou...=db_simple.aspx
  24. Thank you, this works great when the file is the wwwroot or when we give a Virtual Path.Can we make it work for any path I give like, \\servername\foldername\filename.This is how its done now. but we need to search all the files, takes some time.[fname-- name of the file whose size we need to find.]Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("\\ServerName\FolderName") Dim fiArr As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles() Dim f As FileInfo For Each f In fiArr If f.Name = fname Then Dim Size As Integer = f.Length / 1024 Return Size Else Return 0 End If Response.Write("<br>") Response.Write(f.Name) Response.Write(f.Length)
  25. i thought that what jojay meant was that he was not getting any result..yeah the syntax is correct. jojay- you may wanna check other parts of the code..
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