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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. What does your database structure look like? If the field is of type TEXT it should be able to save up to 65535 characters.
  2. Every object has properties. The properties may also be objects which have their own properties. There is a hierarchy, you have to know which objects have which properties.
  3. Actually, your third example will not work.
  4. In what part of your code are you actually giving $memid a value? I don't see it anywhere. Also, don't wrap variables in quotation marks unless you intend to put some other text between them.
  5. Request the data the way you're doing it, store the returned data in a variable. $data = curl_exec($ch); You'll need to store the data temporarily in a file, you can use file_put_contents() for that. Then use ZipArchive to load the file. Read the manual, study the examples.
  6. You don't float it if you want it centered. Just give it a set width and set the left and right margins to auto. Float is used when you want to put an element horizontally next to other block elements.
  7. How many results is get_work_list.php returning?
  8. Not with Javascript. You would need the birth dates stored on a server and have a server-side language retrieve them.
  9. PHP has the ZipArchive class which you can use on compressed files. What you have to do is request the data, store it in a variable, then decompress the data before getting the XML.
  10. How can you not understand the other rules if you wrote the CSS?
  11. You need to apply the style to the image, not the link, because the link is an inline element that can't have a width. .navbar-header .logo img { width: 100%; height: auto;}
  12. I'd either get a generic modal library and put the form in or build it myself in Javascript. Then I just use the form's onsubmit handler to send an AJAX request to the server.
  13. That looks correct. Are there any other CSS rules with higher precedence interfering with the style? You can see what styles are being applied to an element in the developer tools by pressing F12 in most browsers.
  14. You don't seem to be calling fwrite() to write to the file. You should set the RETURNTRANSFER curl option so you can store the result of the curl request in a variable and process it. You're getting gibberish because the file you requested is GZIP compressed. You need to uncompress it first.
  15. It would be better to use class instead of id, since I expect you'll be using multiple times throughout the document.
  16. To align an image, wrap it in a block level element and set the text-align of that element to left, right or center.
  17. The mail error message is this: When that error is fixed, the headers error will go away too. What does your fixed code look like? There must still be something wrong with the new lines.
  18. Ingolme

    session timeout

    No, I just store the timestamp right in the $_SESSION array itself.
  19. Ingolme

    session timeout

    Usually for timeouts, I'll store timestamps in a session variable and compare them to the current time each time the page loads. If the time has expired I will erase everything from the session.
  20. I believe the malformed newline problem might be because it expects only one rn after each header rather than two. The "headers already sent" message shows up because the mail error message is considered output, and there cannot be output before you send headers.
  21. Any server-side language will work. PHP has scandir() and opendir() to work with directories.
  22. Here's the way to do it: background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 95%, #417630 5%);background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 95%, #417630 5%); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 95%, #417630 5%); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 95%, #417630 5%); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 95%, #417630 5%); The official non-prefixed version must go last because browsers who understand both will use the last declaration in the list. I'm not quite sure if the -ms- and -o- prefixes are needed but I left them just in case.
  23. Forum themes are built for particular software. If you're building your own from scratch you will first need to decide what kind of template engine you're going to build and then you need to create the themes for it.
  24. You would use the PHP mail() function There's a section in the tutorial on how to handle form data: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp
  25. Ingolme

    Session question

    It's probably better to store those filenames somewhere less volatile and more accessible, like in a database or a file. You would need to keep track of sessions using a cron job then, though.
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