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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. In your insert query you can insert multiple records at once: INSERT INTO t (id, field1, field2, field3) VALUES(1, 'A', 'B', 'C')(2, 'A', 'B', 'C')(3, 'A', 'B', 'C')(4, 'A', 'B', 'C')
  2. Have you read the API documentation? Just determine which elements are arrays and which are objects. It's not that difficult. Object properties are accessed as object.property. Array elements are accessed as array[index] where index is a number. If the element of an array is an object, you can access the properties of the object: array[0].property Objects are written as object : { property1 : "value1", property2 : 2} Arrays are written as array : [ "value1", 2] Arrays can contain objects, objects can contain arrays. Here's an example of nested objects and arrays: { array1 : [ { property1 : 1, property2 : 2 }, { property1 : 2, property2 : 4 } ], array2 : [ 1, 2 ]}
  3. It looks like $mrid does not have a value.
  4. It looks like there might be a syntax error in the comments.php file. When the message shows up, check the source code of the page to see if some of it is invisible.
  5. There are two ways to do that. One is to float the element to the left or to the right, theother way is to set the display to "inline-block". Both of the options will cause content that follows the box to be rendered next to it. The solution to that is different for each case: In the case of using "float", set clear: both on the element that follows it. In the case of display: inline-block the element that follows it should be a block element or be wrapped in a block element,
  6. Not everything needs to be a <span>. Wrap paragraphs in a <p> element while using <span> to target tiny excerpts of it that you'd like to style. Proper HTML coding is about using elements where they need to be, so a good way to begin is learning what is there and when to use it: Headings Paragraphs Lists Other semantic elements
  7. I think he's asking if you know how to do programming in PHP. The project you're asking about is not a simple task, it could be weeks or months of work. It would be better if you search for pre-made PHP software that does auctions for you.
  8. Wrap the word in a <span>, then use a descendent selector to get the span that's a descendent of tahoma30. I recommend using a more descriptive class name than "tahoma30", because if you someday decide you want something different the class name will be misleading. You need to get your knowledge up to date. The <font> tag was deprecated 15 years ago.
  9. It's valid to use it outside a form. Be sure you're using it as a label for an input, textarea or select. If you're not using it for that then I can't imagine why you need it.
  10. You can use RGBA colors in the background to add transparency to the background color. Be sure to provide an ordinary color code for browsers that don't support RGBA. This color should go before the RGBA color in the stylesheet so that the RGBA color will override it: background-color: #FFF; /* For browsers that don't support RGBA */background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
  11. What does "transparent" mean? Is it a transparent background, a transparent border or is the entire content of the box transparent? Or by transparent do you mean completely invisible?
  12. Try setting <object> element's data attribute: <object data="../FusionCharts/Line.swf" ... You could also look for the SWFObject Javascript library.
  13. Yes, there's a better way. Use a class name instead of an id. <div class="caption_bar"> The purpose of an ID is to identify a single unique item on the page. If you scroll just a bit further on this page you'll find the class selector: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_selectors.asp
  14. You have other selectors that have more precedence than the .widget class. For one, the .widget-title is a descendent of .widget, so it has higher precedence. Then there are <a> elements which have a color assigned already by CSS as well. If you want to update the color of the links in the widget: .widget a { color: #FF0000;} To update the color of the <h3> element in the widget, you can either use the .widget-title selector, or select h3 elements that are descendents of .widget: .widget h3 { color: #FF0000;} Finally, when two selectors have the same precendence (.widget h3 and .widget-title both point to the exact same element) the last one in the stylesheet takes precedence: // The text will be black because .widget-title is last.widget h3 { color: #FF0000;}.widget-title { color: #000000;} // The text will be red because .widget h3 is last.widget-title { color: #000000;}.widget h3 { color: #FF0000;}
  15. Margin is the best way to put space between paragraphs. If you don't want to use a style attribute you can give a class name to it instead and put a class in your stylesheet with the margin on it.
  16. Are you getting paid to advertise for these companies? Somebody in the advertising industry such as yourself should be aware that advertising and marketing is never free. This forum's main focus is helping people learn and teaching people how to solve their development problems. Since you're asking for a critique, though I'm not sure if you truly wanted it: To begin, you could fix the validation errors on your pages: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwebguidesetup.com%2Fbooks%2Fwordpress%2Findex.html&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.3+http%3A%2F%2Fvalidator.w3.org%2Fservices Most of the errors come from using a <p> element to wrap something that is not a paragraph. You could use <div>, <article>, <section> or other more semantically appropriate elements. Here's something in your code that is valid HTML syntax but incorrect: <br/><h3>What you learn:</h3><br/><p>1. Find and buy webspace and your domain.<br/>2. Download the current WordPress version.<br/>3. Create a database for WordPress.<br/>4. Install the WordPress blog.<br/>5. Customization of your blog.<br/>6. Buy and install a template. <br/>7. Customization of your template. <br/>8. Install plugins and my favorite plugins.<br/>9. Search engine optimization.<br/>10. Earn money with your blog. <br/></p> Once again, a <p> element is around something that is not a paragraph. This is an ordered list, you should use the <ol> element to represent it. The use of <br> tags is also a bad idea. Block elements automatically have a line break before and after them. If what you want is vertical space, use margin or padding in your CSS.
  17. When you store content in a real database you can show a limited amount of records that match a certain search criteria, change the order of them and easily add and remove them.
  18. Is the method attribute of your <form> tag set to "POST"?
  19. HTML is what you use to show content, while CSS is used to change its appearance. AJAX and SQL are unrelated. AJAX is a Javascript API that lets you request data from a server without reloading the page. SQL is a language used to query databases. Some people use AJAX to ask the server to perform a query using SQL. The server needs a programming language to respond to the AJAX request and use SQL to query the database. Usually people use PHP for that, but there are other languages. None of this is easy to learn. It takes time and dedication.
  20. What I would do is to research open source systems, or perhaps check a few different StackOverflow threads. PHPBB is open source and so is Wordpress, though I don't know if Wordpress has a PM system. There's also SImpleMachines. Having two database fields for deleting is the first thing that comes to my mind, but I think there might be better ways to do it. If a PM had multiple recipients this solution wouldn't work. Another solution I can think of is a new database table relating PMs with users. It probably would be best to spend time refining the idea than simply going with the first think I think of, but the table could be structured something like this: Field PMID Field UserID Field Deleted ("yes" / "no")
  21. value is not an array, options is an array. Look at the structure: "options" : [ Square bracket means an array "value" : { Curly bracket means an object
  22. This is JSON. Square brackets are arrays. When you want to access en element of an array you use square brackets and an index. Take this structure for example: var products = { "items" : [ { "name" : "Item 1", "cost" : 100 }, { "name" : "Item 2", "cost" : 100 }, ], "totalCost" : 200} To access the name of item 1 we would write this: products.items[0].name To access the cost of item 2: products.items[1].cost To access the total cost: products.totalCost
  23. This is probably done with a database. But HTML and CSS are obviously used to display the data. Learn HTML here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp Learn CSS: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp SQL is used to manage databases, while PHP is usually used as an interface between the user and the database. SQL: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp PHP: http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp
  24. You can use an if() statement to test whether the innerHTML is empty or not: if(element.innerHTML == "") { How does this solve the problem?
  25. I wonder if it's official. I haven't seen any links to it from the W3Schools.com website.
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