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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I guess you're talking about the link that says "Diablo 3 Progress #1". I'm getting a 403 forbidden error. Your server is blocking access to the image. Lightbox isn't reacting at all.
  2. You used a <script> tag to include a CSS document. The browser is trying to read that as Javascript.
  3. It might be because you forgot to close a ruleset further back in the document. Though since it's lightbox I'd expect they wouldn't have errors in it. I can't really know why it's not working. Maybe a live example would help.
  4. Because of major security vulnerabilities that Oracle has been slow to correct, Java is not enabled by default in most browsers, you can change that in your browser settings. If all you want is an interactive program on your site I recommend using HTML 5 canvas, or at least Flash. The age of Java applets on the web ended 10 years ago.
  5. No, you don't need to preemptively apologize. But in the case that somebody misinterprets your post you can reply: "I'm sorry, I did not intend for it to sound offensive" and then make your actual intentions more clear. I'm not sure how you see this response as socially acceptable: "i just pointef out the FACT that information about removing items IS there, IF you bothered to open your fr$ing eyes and look"
  6. One solution is to not wrap the buttons in a form, they're casuing the form to be submitted. Forms are only intended to submit data to other pages, since you're not doing that you don't need a form. I'd recommend using HTML 5 rather than XHTML Transitional. Using a Transitional doctype was a bad practice even 10 years ago. Validate the HTML When the HTML isn't valid you can't be sure that Javascript will work right.
  7. Unfortunately, I don't have experience with openlayers 3, but perhaps their documentation has the answer. Perhaps search for an online group or forum with users who know more about it.
  8. They're both the same one. The W3Schools form just redirects to the W3C.
  9. In which browsers are you encountering the problems? I can't really identify the problems you mentioned. As niche suggested, make sure your HTML is valid, because it is the only way to make sure the page functions the same in every browser. This is a link to the W3C validator: http://validator.w3.org/ The W3C is the organization that handles the HTML standard, they decide what is and isn't HTML.
  10. I think you might have misinterpreted his first post. I do believe it was an honest question without any bad intentions. The written form of communication is missing a lot of context that verbal and visual communication have. This isn't the appropriate way to deal with somebody who got offended by one of your posts. Rather than get defensive you should have apologized and cleared up the misunderstanding. Otherwise you're giving the impression that you really are following the attitude he perceived in your previous post.
  11. All the examples are working in my version of Chrome. W3Schools and the other example you showed are doing things differently.
  12. You could have a counter variable. Here's the general structure: <?php$counter = 1; // The first product is 1foreach($order_line as $key=>$value) {?><!-- The inputs look like this --><input type="hidden" name="PurchaseItems.PurchaseItem.<?php echo $counter; ?>.FulfillmentNetwork" value="MERCHANT" /><?php $counter++; // Add 1 to the counter}?>
  13. They're using this plug-in for the image gallery: http://galleria.io/ Just download the gallery from there and follow the instructions they give you.
  14. For practicing, I would like to suggest W3Schools SQL tutorial. They have a good interface to test queries you've learnt: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/trysql.asp?filename=trysql_select_all If you have full access to an SQL server just for practicing (where mistakes wouldn't be a danger) just practice with one database and a couple of tables. Make the tables yourself so that you know what their structure is and what's in them. If there's something specific in the SQL tutorial that you don't understand then ask about it here.
  15. User interaction wasn't the focus of my post, I just assumed that the point on the map would be chosen by a user. It doesn't matter how the point is selected, though, it still is a latitude/longitude coordinate. I was explaining why it's difficult to convert a latitude/longitude distance into miles.
  16. I think the important thing about databases isn't to memorize SQL, but learning how to structure data. There are entire courses devoted to database engineering, so I don't think a forum thread is enough to teach you everything. SQL works with relational databases, which are the most common kind. In a relational database each database has a table, each table has rows and each row has fields. Each table specifies a type of data, each row in the table refers to one object and the fields represent properties of that object. Sometimes objects are related, for example a Person has a Job. A Person table would have fields like "name", "age" and "gender" while the Job table would have "job_name", "job_description" and "salary". You would need to create a relation between the Person and Job tables. SQL does it with FOREIGN KEY. The foreign key can only associate one person with one job. If you want multiple people for a job, or multiple jobs for a person, you need an intermediate table where each row has a field for Person and another for Job. You also need to make sure that those rows are unique, you could use PRIMARY KEY(person,job) to ensure that each person-job combination can only occur once. The W3Schools SQL tutorial is an OK place to start, but if you really want to be valuable to your employer you might want to take a course in database theory.
  17. It's not exactly simple. First I'd have to analyze what data you have available. Your program needs to convert plane locations and the point on the map that the user clicked on to latitude / longitude coordinates. Once you have the coordinates you need to calculate distance. Normally, distance in a Euclidean space is sqrt( x*x + y*y), but this is not a Euclidean space. Converting 10 miles to a latitude / longitude range is difficult because 10 miles close to the poles covers more degrees than 10 miles on the equator. There probably is a geometric formula to calculate that, I'm sure I could find out the correct formula for the Earth's geometric space with some research (research is also a cost to take into account when working on a project). Once you have the formula for distance what you would do is to query the database for all entries where the distance from the airplane to the selected point on the map is less than 10 miles. In conclusion: Is it possible? Of course it is, but it's not easy. How would you do it? I've given a summary, but it's a project that requires knowledge, research and work. Since you mentioned that you don't have much experience with programming, it probably is best is to hire a programmer to do the job, probably one with an engineering background.
  18. Table cells behave differently than the standard box model. The box model only applies to block elements, there are many other rendering modes than block, this is a list of all of them: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_display.asp
  19. Tables always have space between the cells by default. You can use the CSS border-spacing property to reduce the space between table cells. You can use border-collapse on the table to make the table cells share the same border.
  20. It's impossible for me to tell for sure why that's happening without seeing the page myself, but I can't imagine it being something other than the image files being too small.
  21. You're allowed to use whichever HTML version you like when you build a website. The version of HTML that you are using is decided by which <!DOCTYPE> declaration you're using. HTML 4 will continue to be supported for a very long time. I would estimate no less than 10 years. Using tables for layout and HTML presentational attributes was already discouraged long before HTML 5 was out. It's just best practices, which are just suggestions to make your site accessible to everybody. Failure to follow best practices doesn't mean browsers will reject your page, it just means you may be alienating some of your site visitors by making the page difficult or impossible for them to view it. If a content management system like Wordpress is preventing you from using HTML in blog posts and comments it's only to prevent you from messing up a website that could possibly belong to somebody else.
  22. If you're expanding images to much larger than their native size it's natural for them to be blurry. If that's not the problem then show an example page with the images. I'm also not sure in what way transform scales non-image objects, maybe it actually just makes pixels bigger rather than re-render text and borders. If that's the case, then instead of using the transform property you'll have to change the width and height properties of the element.
  23. I think you have localStorage and sessionStorage mixed up. localStorage is "permanent" while sessionStorage is deleted when the browser closes.
  24. You can do this: position: fixed;left: 50%;width: 64px;margin-left -448px;/* 64 + 768 / 2 */ This starts the box in the center and then moves it to the left by the width of the box itself + half the width of the other box. This technique only works when both boxes have a fixed width and use the same units of measurement. Your particular situation qualifies, so we can use this method. Just remember that the left box will be inaccessbile outside the screen on small screens.
  25. A global variable called "event" only exists in IE. Every other browser expects a function parameter: function(eventObject) {
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