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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Give percentage widths to your <div> elements. 16% should be enough to have six per row. Give a min-width to the <div> elements and they'll start stacking when that width is reached.
  2. It cannot be done because the browser needs to have the code unencrypted to be able to use it. You don't need to be afraid of people stealing your source code. if it is too simple then they would have been able to do it themselves, if it is too complex they will not know how to use the code from your website.
  3. I see. I misunderstood your question. Other browsers don't use "view-source:" on the URL when they are showing the source code. You cannot stop browsers from showing the source code of a website.
  4. Ingolme

    foreach() error

    It seems it's being set at this line: $imgs = $imgArray[$vid_id]; Have you checked that $imgArray has an element with the key $vid_id? You can use print_r($imgArray); and echo $vid_id; to check that the values are what you expected.
  5. I've never seen that before. What browser are you using and what did you do to make it show up?
  6. I wouldn't call jQuery an API, it's a library built using Javascript.
  7. Ingolme

    foreach() error

    In which part of the code are you iniitalizing $imgs?
  8. Forget Notepad++, it has nothing to do with how PHP works. Are you running this page on a server with PHP enabled? You should check for errors as well. <?php$con= mysql_connect("localhost:8080","root","");if(!$con) { echo 'Connection error: ' . mysql_error(); exit;}$db = mysql_select_db('gcuf',$con);?>
  9. Remove the width 100% line, you don't need it. Padding, margins and borders are added onto the width, so 100% width + 20px padding will always go outside the window. Block elements automatically take the full width of their container when you don't set their width, and they also take margin, padding and borders into account, so just remove the width.
  10. I can't talk for the World Wide Web Consortium but I do believe they have a good quantity of qualified engineers and developers working on the HTML 5 specification and figuring out the best way to implement it. Javascript has no problem dynamically changing pages generated by PHP. You can access any element and modify its contents in any way.
  11. Just consider this: if the finish date is yesterday then your code is not going to show a message.
  12. You should read the documentation on PHP's date() function. As you have it written right now today's date would be represented as 14141414/0303/2020
  13. That's far closer to the hardware than the browser would allow you to access. You can't know what's going on beyond whatever the browser provides you with.
  14. HTML on its own is very limited. The task you want to do is one that server-side languages are designed for.
  15. Well, for embedded HTML I would use a server-side language to include it rather than an <iframe>, but seeing as you're using the frame for a secure connection it seems like a valid use. I wouldn't use the XmlHttpRequest as it would fail in browsers that don't use Javascript. The reason <iframe> doesn't support embedded HTML is because in the original standard content embedded between the <iframe> tags was supposed to be displayed only if the browser didn't support iframes. changing it now would cause confusion and some pages rendering wrong. The only reason I can imagine somebody wanting a srcdoc attribute is to be able to dynamically put content into an iframe with Javascript. Otherwise, I don't see anything stopping you from putting that content into a file and using the src attribute instead.
  16. Learn the syntax for PDO and then do the same thing for it. Here are pages on the PHP manual about how to use PDO: Connections: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/pdo.connections.php Prepared statements: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php PDO Object functions and properties: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/class.pdo.php PDOStatement Object: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/class.pdostatement.php
  17. OK, I did not understand them when seeing them prepended by @. I would recommend not using the srcdoc attribute, what do you need it for? Even now, I wouldn't use <iframe> elements in general unless they're for Javascript to work with.
  18. I'm getting the same error from my computer as from your page. The reqest is returning 500 Internal Server Error and that's a problem on the other end of the line. No changes in your code would fix it.
  19. I don't believe Mime Type and Plug-in are standard. As far as I know, Window doesn't belong to the navigator either, Window is the topmost DOM element in the official HTML DOM hierarchy.
  20. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with anything called "@srcdoc" or "@seamless". What web standard do they belong do?
  21. You'll need a server-side language like PHP to include the header and buttons files into each page.
  22. HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Something's wrong on the receiving end. Your request is fine. Who is in charge of the server you're sending requests to?
  23. I'd say it means that there's already an object with id=1 in their set and they don't want to overwrite it. Make the server return an array with different id values
  24. Ingolme

    PHP problems

    Like mail(), mysqli_query() returns false if it didn't work. It's up to you to use these error handling features to prepare your program for unexpected results. It helps with debugging as well as controlling the program flow. $query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into email_logs (user, send_to, content, date_sent, time_sent) VALUES ('{$user} {$user2}','{$send}','{$content}','{$date}','{$time}')");if(!$query) { // Show the reason the query failed echo mysqli_error(); exit;}
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