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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. If you have a web host, they should provide the information to you. If you run the server yourself, you will have to create a user either through the command line or a GUI if it is available. How this is done depends on what SQL server software you're using.
  2. I am not sure you even read the question. You consistently provide incorrect or irrelevant answers to questions.
  3. Ingolme


    The "=" following the "button" tag name should not be there.
  4. An API is the only secure option. It's not exactly easy to implement, I don't think there are tutorials for it but you could search on google for PHP API tutorials. This is one of those things that are too specific to each situation to make a general tutorial out of it. Generally, information is sent to an API in JSON format. On your server's end, to read a JSON string sent through POST you could use file_get_contents('php://input') and then json_decode() it. $raw_data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($raw_data, true); The JSON structure is entirely up to you and it depends on what data you wish to send and interpret. You would use data in this JSON structure to both authenticate the user and run the query. It is very important that your server is running HTTPS and that you block non-HTTPS requests, or there is absolutely no security and anybody can edit your database.
  5. This is an example of loading a document from a string using DOMDocument: https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadxml.php It looks like for SimpleXML, you can use simplexml_load_string(): https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.simplexml-load-string.php
  6. The correct way to solve this is to set up an API on your server. The client would connect to your API over HTTPS with authentication information (username, password and maybe an API token) exclusive to them along with the information they want to store. Your server would verify that the API request comes from a valid user and then it would store the information in the database.
  7. I usually use DOMDocument instead of SimpleXML, so I would have to read the documentation. I would look up SimpleXML on the manual at php.net to see if they have examples of loading documents from a string.
  8. That's probably the case. I can't say for sure. There's nothing with can do that can't be solved by simple dereferencing. I would have to question any source that says there is a good place to use it. The problem is that it can override variables and functions unintentionally. When you're reading code within a with block which was written by somebody else, it's impossible to know whether they intended to use an object property or some external variables.
  9. I guess DreamWeaver doesn't understand the heredoc syntax. Try to find a way to make it ignore the error and then run the code on a PHP server. I've never used DreamWeaver. For many years it a bad reputation because its preview tool was very wrong, so most developers steered clear of it. I assume by now they've fixed that, but since there are hundreds of free alternatives I don't have a reason to pay for it, especially now that it's a continuous subscription service instead of a one time purchase.
  10. The reason most tutorials don't teach it is because it is usually bad practice to use it. The "with" keyword takes the properties and methods of an object and treats them as variables inside the braces. For example: var obj = { x : 5, y : 10 }; with (obj) { alert(x + " , " + y); }
  11. What is on line 1? The heredoc isn't on line 1.
  12. Python is an alternative to PHP. PHP is actually not a great language, which is why most larger websites will use something different.
  13. You need to use prepared statements to prevent the data from messing up the query. You shouldn't put variables directly into an SQL string.
  14. You must have missed some of the code from the W3Schools example. Without seeing your code we have no way of knowing why it is not working.
  15. Try myName.equals("John"). The strings may be pointing to different spaces in memory.
  16. It depends on whether the website chose to accept numbers without leading zeroes or not. It seems that GoComics is prepared for both kinds of numbers so it is not a problem in this scenario.
  17. I don't think this is a CSS issue. The image file itself is horizontal. There might be an orientation flag embedded into the image file telling it which way is up which one of the browsers is ignoring. Try editing it in an image manipulation program and saving it again. The other possibility is that it is a CSS issue and there is some CSS rotating the element. I think this is less likely since such CSS would not work in IE7.
  18. It is probably that there is a quotation mark in the JSON contents.
  19. I've only ever heard of Julia when the people who created it visited the forums and asked for a tutorial. I haven't heard about it from any developers since then.
  20. How are you commenting the line? If it is with an HTML comment that may be the cause for different browsers interpreting it differently.
  21. Not in an easy way. I'd start by looking for APIs offered by your mail server. Some APIs are through HTTP, but some are through the IMAP protocol.
  22. It is complicated. You should probably install a CMS such as Wordpress which does that for you. If you're running on an Apache server the first step would be to use the mod_rewrite directives to control how the URL works. After that you need a server-side programming language to read the URL and choose which content to display based on the URL.
  23. Slow down or somebody might get the impression that you are advertising. I may have to remove your posts.
  24. Ingolme


    You need to upload the file to your web server. The contents of the href attribute will depends on where in the web server the file is placed.
  25. You have to upload the file to your web server. Then the path will be determined by where on the web server you placed the file.
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