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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme

    Help on html

    I would advise you to begin by reading the W3Schools HTML tutorial. http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
  2. There's a more modern technique that's shorter and allows text to be used in buttons (ideal for search engines), it's called CSS sprites. Here's the tutorial page about it: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp And here's a working example: http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_sprites_hover_nav
  3. There's the Location header for redirections, described in this page: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php If you just want a link, though, just use the <a> element.
  4. We already have a thread addressing this error you have: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=44106 It comes up so often that there's no point repeating the same answer over and over. Your code is insecure, people could use it to hack your website, look up "SQL injection" to find more information.
  5. In order to allow your elements to change their width, remove any width rules. You can use min-width and max-width, but if you use width then the width will stay the same all the time.
  6. Not using tables in situations where they're necessary would actually be a bad practise. The example this person has shown is a proper use for a table.
  7. As somebody new to CSS-based layouts, I don't recommend redesigning your website without tables right away. Do experiments on your home computer to learn. Make a file in a text editor (notepad) and save it with a .html extension, then open it in a browser. Here's a sample code you can try for a tableless layout just to see what it looks like <!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <title>Basic CSS layout</title> <style type="text/css"> div { border: 1px solid blue; /* Make the boxes visible */ } #header { margin-bottom: 10px; } #left { min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */ float: left; width: 30%; border: 1px solid blue; margin-left: 0.5% /* Separate from edge of window */ } #right { min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */ float: right; width: 30%; margin-right: 0.5% /* Separate from edge of window */ } #center { min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */ margin-left: 31%; /* Leave space for left column */ margin-right: 31%; /* Leave space for right column */ } #footer { margin-top: 10px; clear: both; /* Go below all the columns */ } </style> </head> <body> <!-- Header --> <div id="header"> <h1>Header</h1> </div> <!-- Columns --> <div id="left"> Left column </div> <div id="right"> Right column </div> <div id="center"> Center column </div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="footer"> Footer </div> </body></html>
  8. Those are just a few out of hundreds of different Javascript libraries out there, some more popular than others. They aren't web standards, but created by people using Javascript. If you want information for a library that was created by somebody you probably should go to the website of the person who created it, as they'll have the full documentation.
  9. Constructors in object-oriented programming are meant to set things up when an object is created. W3Schools' PHP tutorial is incomplete, you can learn from the PHP manual.
  10. I recommend reading the W3Schools PHP tutorial, because you don't fully understand what the <? ?> tags are for. For clarity and compatibility, replace all the opening <? tags with <?php. Also, do not use <?= $var ?> as it's also causing confusion, it used to be a shorthand method for <?php echo $var ?> so use that syntax instead. Finally, once a <?php block has been opened, no more <? should appear until after a closing ?>.
  11. Leave the float on the <li>, your <ul> element or one of its parents has a float that needs to be removed.
  12. Try adding overflow: hidden to the <ul> element
  13. I'm quite sure removing float from the menu's outermost container would fix it. What does your HTML look like?
  14. So you removed the default padding from the <ul> element, you'll have to make up for the lost space by increasing the width of the <li> elements. Second of all, if your <ul> has a float property you can remove it. Float is used to place a block to the left or right of another element. Removing float probably will remove that top margin as well.
  15. Try writing something in the paragraph to see what shows up. And show your HTML as well because I'm not sure what's causing it to happen.
  16. Is the paragraph placed before or after the menu?
  17. The margin of the <p> element is put onto its parent. You can set the margin of <p> elements in your menu to 0. But why do you use a <p> element in a menu? <p> represents a paragraph. The bottom border is like that because the <ul> element has a default padding (and possibly margin based on the browser). Set padding-left and margin-left of the <ul> element to 0.
  18. It means that the font on your computer doesn't support those characters. I see a lot of the ones beyond 9840, but not all of them.
  19. So much code. There's no need to show the PHPMailer code because there is no error in it. Are you getting any error messages?
  20. An error won't be visible if you use the "@" error suppresor operator. Use mysql_error() to see if the query was badly constructed. It's preferable to use PHP's mysqli or PDO libraries rather than mysql
  21. Always keep in mind that padding, margin and borders are added onto the width and height of an element.
  22. I apologize if I'm a little critical of your performance as a web developer. You do have quite a lot to learn but I would love to see you improve.
  23. You have an unnecessary <font> tag and your </div> and </P> tags are out of order. I recommend using the W3C validator to make sure your code is properly written. The color code is divided into three sections: red, green and blue. Each set of two digits represents its value. Red is the first two digits, green is the second two and blue is the third two.Pure red is #FF0000, Green is #00FF00 and Blue is #0000FF. Every other color is a mix of quantities of red, green and blue. Yellow is a mix of red and green: #FFFF00, magenta is a mix of red and blue: #FF00FF The values are in hexadecimal: Each digit can be one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
  24. This page has links to a few different character set references: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_charactersets.asp
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