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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It seems to me that the facebook script hasn't finished loading yet when your code starts running. Put all of your code inside the window.fbAsyncInit function.
  2. Don't set the top or left properties. Set the margin-top and margin-left properties. Apply it to the parent element that contains all of the images.
  3. You can do that with Javascript, by making invisible <video> object, creating all the controls as HTML elements and using Javascript events to modify the HTMLMediaElement properties. Each browser renders the controls however they like and I doubt that's ever going to change. If you would like to contact the current owners of the HTML standard, they are two organizations, here are their websites: W3C https://www.w3.org/ WHATWG https://whatwg.org/
  4. When the animation starts, set an "animating" flag to true. When the animation ends, set the flag to false. Before starting an animation, make sure that "animating" is false. If it's true then do nothing.
  5. I would add a breakpoint inside the slidingAction function to see if it's running, and if it is, then which line of code inside the function is failing.
  6. To call a function you need parentheses. In these two lines, speifically: e.stopImmediatePropagation; e.data.slidingAction; // doesn't fire! Change it to be like this: e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.data.slidingAction(); However, are you sure that e.data is an object with a slidingAction() method?
  7. You haven't presented any code and your question is not specific enough. Which part of this task are you having trouble with? If this is homework, I would assume some material was taught to you in class already, do you have any notes to look through? If not, the W3Schools tutorials contain all the information you need to complete this task. Here is the AJAX tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_ajax_intro.asp Here is an explanation of Javascript events and about changing content on the page http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom_events.asp http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom_methods.asp
  8. Javascript is not a server-side language. It is the only client-side scripting language, so it is necessary to add behaviors to the page.
  9. This thread is over a year old. There's no point in replying to it.
  10. I think you can get a consistent result among all browsers if, instead of using small caps, you just make it all uppercase with text-transform and then reduce the font size. Each browser may be using different algorithms to generate the small caps.
  11. That's correct. Only data that needs to be searchable should go in the database. Files should go in the filesystem. Best practice, create a directory structure to organize your images and store their names and path information in the database.
  12. What code have you written so far? Text-align will work to center the headings and the button.
  13. You have to make your design flexible. Allow it to adapt to all screen sizes, using media queries only for points at which things need to be rearranged.
  14. It means the file you tried to upload was much too large. You can set the maximum post size and maximum file upload size in php.ini.
  15. I would advise not using "xxx.com" as a placeholder URL (especially at your job). People have gotten into unpleasant situations before because of that. Example.com is reserved by the ICANN for tthis purpose.
  16. You seem to be targeting very specific screen sizes. If a screen is 601 pixels tall or 899 pixels wide your CSS rules will be ignored. That's just the first thing I noticed. Be sure that your vertical percentage values are contained within an element with a specified height.
  17. My guess is that the iframe is not wide enough. But without seeing the page in question I can't give a confident solution.
  18. Wordpress can create any kind of website. What's your definition of a "dynamic" website?
  19. If you have more than one character, you don't have to just create the system to manage stats, you also have to create the system that selects characters and stores information. Everything needs to be taken into account. But let's start with something more basic so that you can learn web languages. Try creating the visual interface that you would like to see using just HTML and CSS. Do not mind all the clicking events until you have finished the design.
  20. The most important thing is to clarify your requirements. This is what I've picked up so far: You have the following inputs: Left arrow button Left arrow on keyboard Right arrow button Right arrow on keyboard A text field you can type in A "Hate: team with lieutenant blue" button You have the following data: Lv: Number HP: Number Atk: Number Def: Number Spi: Number Def modifier (45%): Boolean The following are the desired behaviors: When left arrow button or left arrow key are activated, subtract 1 from HP, Atk, Def, and Spi When right arrow button or right arrow key are activated, add 1 to HP, Atk, Def and Spi When "Hate: team with lieutenant blue" is clicked, Def modifier switches between true and false When calculating the numbers to display on the screen Def needs to add 45% of its value if "Def modifier" is true [What does the text field do?] When any of the previous actions have occurred display "Boost" somewhere on the screen (you haven't specified where or for how long) and update the numbers on the screen. You seem to have more than one character with stats, if it's the case that you can switch between characters then this must be part of the requirements as well. So far your explanation of the requirements assumes that there only ever is one character, if we built it that way you would hit a roadblock before you finished your project. You also seem to be trying to make a stat calculator, this means that certain stats depend on other stats through a formula, you have to specify what the formula is. Tell me what is missing from this list or if any of these requirements are incorrect. Your requirements are incomplete, so we cannot even start yet. The requirements have to be very clearly defined before starting a project.
  21. You're applying both rules to any screen that's 1024 pixels wide. The comma indicates that either of the selectors will be applied. Use the "and" operator instead of a comma.
  22. Do not post your question more than once. You already have a topic here: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=56120
  23. That header() function call is going to leave the page before the mail has a chance to get sent. Move it to the end of your code.
  24. That is just an object. You can read about objects in the Javascript tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_objects.asp
  25. All of this is in the tutorial, please try to make an effort to learn: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp
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