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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I would start by testing with an alert() statement. If your RecordAction() method is making an AJAX request which is asynchronous, then the browser may choose the leave the page before the request has been completed.
  2. A lot of people don't seem to realize that W3Schools is a site about teaching people how to make websites. Unix is a whole other field of knowledge.
  3. It's not supported by Internet Explorer and barely supported by Safari, it doesn't work on the Android browser. It would be confusing for people who are learning Javascript for the first time when the examples aren't working. Here's a table showing browser support for ECMAScript 6: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/ If you are already an expert in Javascript and you want to learn ECMAScript 6, you don't need a beginner's tutorial site to teach it to you, go to more detailed sources. Here's a list of features you can learn about: http://es6-features.org/
  4. Every time you click the button it appends new text after the input. This is the line of code that's responsible: $("input").after(" Text marked!");
  5. The link you posted here works for me. Clear your browser cache and click on it. If that still doesn't work, here's the official reference page: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.proxy/
  6. The attribute should be onclick, not on-click.
  7. Ingolme

    Time Zone

    You can use date_default_timezone_set() to select the time zone.
  8. There's a tutorial on the website, reading a book is not strictly necessary
  9. Opening a window and then closing it would result in worse user experience. AJAX does exactly that but without having to open a window. There's no good reason to avoid AJAX in this scenario.
  10. In your code the variable "x" already contains a reference to the button. You can get its value, name or innerHTML. function mySwitch(x){ xVal = x.value; console.log("var x = " + xVal); }
  11. PHP runs immediately as soon as the page loads, then it generates the HTML, CSS and Javascript which run independently of PHP. If you want to run PHP after the page has finished loading you have to use AJAX http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_ajax_intro.asp
  12. Make sure your server has the PHP calendar extension enabled. Instructions for installing it are here: http://php.net/manual/en/calendar.installation.php
  13. Since you want the border to be covering the image, that's probably the best way to do it with an <img> element.
  14. That HTML is kind of complicated for a simple hover border. But the reason you're seeing space below the image is because <img> is an inline element. Inline elements reserve a little but of space below them for letters with parts that go below the baseline such as "g", "y", "p". There are two ways to fix that: Make the image a block Set the image's vertical-align property to "middle"
  15. The issue is here: echo imagepng($im); You should not use echo, imagepng() outputs the image on its own. When you use echo, it adds an extra "1" to the output, therefore breaking the image.
  16. Print out the value of $sql to see what it's doing
  17. Have you determined that $_SESSION['username'] exists and has a value?
  18. The image tag will not show anything if PHP is not outputting image data. If you just print text it won't work. What is your PHP code?
  19. Either the path to the file is wrong or the file is not returning valid image data. Why are you putting a PHP file in a folder called "javascripts"?
  20. You shouldn't need anything at all. You can set widths, margins and padding as you like.
  21. There's a topic about that already: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=55499
  22. That's not valid CSS. You can't nest CSS selectors inside the ruleset of another selector.
  23. The meta tag only controls the caching of the HTML. If you want to control the caching of images you will have to configure the server to send headers with the image.
  24. You're passing an undefined variable "played" to addEventListener. I'm not sure if you are calling myplaying () anywhere in your code. Each time you call it you will be adding another copy of the event listener.
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