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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Umm..I'll sum up what I think about the above 4 posts.HUH?No, it's not really a tutorial site, like W3S. Instead of focusing on the language, I was trying to focus on the snippets---and tutorials on HOW to make the specific snippets and customize them, not the syntax of a function in JavaScript. Hope that clears it up. Also, it's like javascript.internet.com---just much easier to use, sleeker, and cooler. :) Plus it's a php script focused-forum.

  2. Ok, I put together a quick forum so that I can post ideas for scripts, along with all of you and other people, and you can post on them when you're ready, make them, and then they'll be ready for the database.http://seekond.com/zoopRegister there, and don't be afraid to ADD script ideas, too. Thanks.

  3. That's a great idea, Scott. I'll make a long to-do list for all of you to sink your teeth into. It would be nice if you could call which ones you're doing on the list, so we know not to write a script for something that someone else is working on. I'll put it together right away.

  4. Well guys, i'm making a script database, so just keep writing useful scripts, such as PM systems, portals, CSS tricks, tutorials, and other things in the languages I listed. Then email them to me at chocolate570@gmail.com, then I can put them in the site when it's ready. And no Jonas, i'll never be able to compete with W3S. So I'm not going to even bother. :)

  5. Like what's in my signature, I'm looking for scripters of various talents. I'm opening a script database site, focused mainly on php and phpbb, but we're going to need scripts and tips of all different kinds. If you are fluent in one or more of the following topics, please post here or PM me. Also, if you can write tutorials on any of these, that would be great too:

    • DHTML
    • AJAX
    • PHP
    • PHPBB
    • PHPBB Styles
    • PHPBB Mods
    • CSS
    • IFB or IPB Styles
    • JavaScript
    • ASP
    • ASP.Net
    • ColdFusion
    • Flash
    • Dreamweaver
    • Photoshop
    • The GIMP
    • Paint Shop Pro
    • C
    • C#
    • C++
    • Java
    • XML
    • XSLT
    • HTML
    • Regular Expressions
    • Scheme
    • VBScript
    • Visual Basic
    • Basic
    • Windows
    • *Nix
    • Macintosh
    • Computers [general]

    I hope to make this a very big site. Thank you.Chocolate570

  6. I have a $30 per year hosting plan and I bought a $2.95 domain. $32.95 per year, and I get 1.2tb of bandwidth, 100gb of monthly data transfer, 3gb of disk space, fantastico, CPanel, unlimited email accounts. It works out for me. :)

  7. Use this.

    <script type="text/javascript">function clrSel(id){x=document.getElementById(id);y=x.options;for(z=0;z<y.length;z++){x.removeChild(y[z]);}}</script>

    That should work. First time I've tried out removeChild, so please don't hesitate to blame me for giving you a fault script in the likely event that this thing blows up. :)Thanks,Choco

  8. It sure works in FF. And safari. I'll check IE, but can't do opera. :SWait jonas, if you're talking about the inner part, with the glossy bar and stuff, that's not included. I was fooling around. The part we're talking about is the border and background. :) It works in IE for me.

  9. Rules:

    • No Advertising
    • Constructive comments ONLY
    • No innapropriate/adult-related sites
    • Finished sites only. If you're looking for extensive criticism, create a separate thread.

    Please follow the rules. If you don't, then your post will be removed.Show-Off Template:

    [b]Site Name[/b]:[b]Site Description[/b]:[b]Site Owner/Developer[/b]:[b]Site Address[/b]:[b]Extra Comments[/b]:

    Thank you, and don't abuse this thread. If you do, you will get a suspension.Have a nice day,~W3S Forum Staff

  10. Please. Someone. Just tell me, even if you don't mean it. Just. Tell. Me. PLEASE! All you have to say is "IE 7 Will have png transparency." PLEASE! JUST SAY IT! AHHHH! I'M GOING TO GO NUTS! Gifs rob my quality, pngs rob my ie users, and jpgs just look retarded. I'm in a blackhole of doom. And it's IE's fault. I say, die IE, die. :'(

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