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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Do you mean index.php?thing=1234&blah=424?If so, then just use this code.

    <?php$thing=$_GET['thing'];$blah=$_GET['blah']echo $thing.$blah;?>

    If you used that, you'd get 1234424. :)Hope that helps.Choco

  2. Like Scott says, i have the idea and base on how it would work, since it's not difficult at all as long as you have the correct data. What I'm asking for is if anyone can find any downsides about this idea. I don't want to implement it if doing CSS/javascript regular image rollovers have less cons.

  3. Flash is disabled more over the browser population than javascript. I'd rather have, say, a 100 people not access my web page than a million. (not exact figures)That's what I was thinking. Can anyone find any impracticalities about this suggestion? (did i spell that right?):)

  4. I've always wondered---would it be possible to implement javascript into a page, so that when a user mouses over an image, javascript would cause the image to do the following:1. Change in SRC to a animated gif.2. Wait x seconds where x is the length of the gif3. Change the image to a rolled-over imageWould this be possible if we knew how long the gif took to run, if the image were preloaded, and the browser had animated gifs enabled?What do you guys think?

  5. I made a stylesheet switcher a while ago. I use it for forums, but you can use it with a site.Head:

    <script type="text/javascript">function retriveCookie(){  cok=document.cookie;  if(cok.length <= 0);  else  {    cokStart=cok.indexOf("style=");    if(cokStart != -1)    {      cokEnd=cok.indexOf(";",cokStart);      if(cokEnd == -1)      {        cokEnd=cok.length;       }       cokFin=cok.substring(cokStart,cokEnd);       return(cokFin);    }  }}tempCok=retriveCookie().split("=");styleTemp='<link rel="stylesheet" href="'endStyleTemp='" type="text/css" />'document.write(styleTemp+tempCok[1]+endStyleTemp)for(i=0;i<document.getElementById("chanSkin").options.lenght;i++){if(document.getElementById(chanSkin).options[i].value==tempCok[1]){document.getElementById(chanSkin).selectedIndex=i}}</script><script type="text/javascript">function findSkin(){skinCh=document.getElementById("chanSkin");selOb=skinCh.options[skinCh.selectedIndex].valuedocument.cookie="style="+selObwindow.location=window.location;}</script>

    Body: (change as you want, i used a select box. Just make sure the id is chanSkin)

    <select id="chanSkin"><option value="firstskinurl">First Skin</option><option value="secondskinurl">Second Skin</option></select><input type="button" value="Change Skin" onclick="findSkin()" />

    Hope that helps---works in most browsers, from what I checked. :)

  6. I'm a week shy of 27, I guess the first program I wrote was during my last years in high school (9-10 years ago) for a class that was teaching Turbo Pascal.  That class was a joke, I got an A in the class by writing programs that made little line drawings on the screen and things.  I guess before that I wrote some BASIC for my old TI-92, and then some sweet calculator programs on the TI-82.  But Turbo Pascal was my first official programming course.  Then in college I went through the computer science program and 5 and a half years and a lot of programming later, I got a degree in it, and for the last 3 years or so I've been doing a lot of PHP and ASP.  The most recent thing I've learned is probably C#.  I taught myself HTML starting in 1998 or so, and picked up Javascript and CSS along the way.

    Woot for BASIC on the T-83!!!! :)
  7. The admins are the people who run W3Schools. They're very busy with the huge site they're running, and that's why we're here---to make sure everything runs smoothly. They do come in once in a while, just to check up on everything, but for the most part, we're here for everything.

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