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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Full Name: Chocolate570Alternative name(s): ChocoBirth date(dd/mm/yyyy): Somewhere between 1990-1993, april 30Gender: MaleZodiacal sign: TaurusCountry of residance: USAHeight: 5'3&1/2"Weight: 45kgEyes: Dark, Dark BrownHair: BlackSmoking/Drinking/Drugs: No/No/For gods sake, look at my age range!Favourite Music: Aerosmith,ZZ Top, Pink Floyd,AC/DCFavourite Movies: LOTR, Shrek, The InterpreterInterest: Watching movies with friends, webbuilding[javascript,php,html],piano,gamecubePets: 1 fish.Additional comments: I have no life whatsoever. :)

  2. I'm making a new site. Now, on this site will be a style switcher. I'm going to have 4 styles, and i want the site to remember the member's style choice. I'd like to do this in javascript....php is a no-no for me, for various reasons. So, my select box will be like this:<select onchange="switchStyle(this)"><option value=blue>Blue<optionvalue=red>Red<option value=silver>Silver<optionvalue=green>Green</select>Now I need a javascript function which sets a cookie to the select option.Then I need another one that checks the cookie, and according to the cookie, puts down a different stylesheet.I know this is a big request, and I thank anyone who does it for me. :)

  3. Hey, Congrats on opening it! I know the great feeling that you own something. :)1. Well, you surf on competitors sites, and try to go a bit lower than them, but still be able to make a profit.2. iDesign???? I have no clue. I ###### at names.3. Making the web a prettier place???? I have no clue. I ###### at slogans too.:)Edit: The #'s aren't bad words, it's s-uck. Dunno why that's blocked, but anyway...

  4. Yes, I do agree that W3S's php tutorial is scanty. But it covers the basics, and anything else you'd need is covered at php.net - so if you need advanced help, go there. But yes, W3S is in need of some PHP tutorials.DHTML-I'm not sure of. If you need help with dhtml, go read the CSS/HTML/JavaScript tutorials, since it's all of those combined. :)

  5. I suggest php. A non-microsoft product,:), it's available on most servers, and is very powerful. As a combination between SQL and PHP, you can create intricate and usable web pages. :)Of course, you'll need knowledge in HTML and CSS as well. I suggest learning a bit of javascript too---it's very important to create dynamic webpages. :(

  6. If I think I know what you want---then you can use the php include() function, and keep a seperate php file for the menu---meaning, you only have to change the menu in one place.As for the other thing you wanted, you'd have to use SQL and put different choices under each main column/table, and build the menu according to what you pull out of the tables. :)PHP Tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.aspSQL Tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.aspGood luck and have fun!Choco

  7. Before posting a topic like this, please figure out your problem (one would think you know your problem :)) and then fix your topic title to reflect your problem. Then POST the problem, and don't make multiple topics. (if you did, if not, then sorry) Thanks.

  8. I knew there was no easter egg---let me give you a tip on finding easter eggs in flash games. Keep pressing the tab key. If you see something highlighted that you can click but it's not usual and not part of the game, then click. :)

  9. Well, this is in the wrong section. You can do this with simple HTML. :)Like you said, it has to be 16x16 and be saved as a .ico . Now, upload it to your server. And put this at the top of the page, in the head section:<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />Where favicon.ico is the location of your icon. :)

  10. With this statement, I mean no offense to any AOL users around. It's my personal opinion. OMG AOL SUXXORS!IT does! They make you pay so much for low speed, then they give you a crappy (sorry) browser, and then you reach the poverty line by paying for high speed, when you can buy verizon dsl in some areas for 14.99!Aol users really need to wake up. Dial up is to handwriting as cable is to the laser printer....Choco

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