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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Ok, ok. I was 50% right. Thanks for teaching my something :)And if anyone quotes me this time....i'm going to suspend them. The fact I was wrong should not be circulating around on this forum....or else... :)

  2. Yes, it's possible. The code would be like:

    UPDATE table SET field = value WHERE where_clause

    Where table is the table, field is the field, value is the value, and where_clause is the where clause. :)(thanks to Ascii_OSborn for giving me the answer on that one :))Good luck.

  3. That would mean trying to parse for these characters and replacing them with the appropriate slash or space. But I am concerned whether these will really work since I am getting inconsistent results from location.pathname.
    Well, if you are getting inconsistent results, that just may be different types of OS's and browsers speaking. Unless it's only on your computer.Also, I'm pretty sure it's simple using str.replace(/%5/gi,"/");. Try that?
  4. Try this instead.

    theFrame=' <html><frameset rows="50%,50%"><frame src="frameset.htm"><frameset rows><frame src="exit.htm">'theLeaf= window.open('frameset.htm','', 'height=200')theLeaf.document.write(theFrame)document.close()

  5. My guess is because you are using document.writeif you create the elements throught he DOM then append them to the page it should work.
    var tbl = document.createElement('table')

    I believe I read somewhere that W3C is going to depreciate document.write in favor of a DOM method...don't quote me on that though. :)

    Hah! I quoted you! :)But remember, document.createElement('table') will not work in IE or Opera. There's a different way of doing it...it's something like document.createElement('<table attribute="value"></table>'). But don't quote me on that :)
  6. Thanks for the reply :) I have all the images named on a logical order (i.e. 0101.gif    0102.gif    0103.gif      0201.gif    0202.gif    0203.gif      0301.gif    0302.gif    0303.gif )Is there any way to actually change the URL of the image, or say the URL is file:\\c:/...../"xxyy".gif, and have some formula to work out xx and yy?

    Yes, actually it is possible to find out what xx and yy are. But you'll have to change your file names. For example, this would be one image:file:///c://....../fir11sec22.jpgThis would be to get the first and second numbers:
    <script type="text/javascript">x="file:///c://....../fir11sec22.gif"y=x.split("fir")z=y[1].split("sec") //z[0] is now 11, the first number, so now refer to z[0]secZ=z[1].split(".") //secZ[0] is now 22, the second number, so refer to secZ[0]//make it easier:firNum = z[0];secNum = secZ[0];//Do the stuff</script>

    And now you have seperated the numbers. :)Choco

  7. I can't figure out what exactly you're trying to do. But use this instead, you forgot a <.

    <script type=text/javascript>var strStart, strWhere, strEnd, strAll, strSlash, intLast;//set first part of link elementstrStart='<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="';//set last part of link elementstrEnd=' ">';//set slash stringstrSlash ="\\";//determine location of last backslashintLast=location.pathname.lastIndexOf (strSlash) +1;//parse pathname and append help filenamestrWhere= location.pathname.substring (1, intLast) + "helpsys.css";//build complete link elementstrAll=strStart + strWhere + strEnd;//write link elementdocument.write(strAll)</script>

  8. Sorry for spamming guys, but I have some questions that needs the be asked.First of all, I want to start learning PHP, I know HTML, XHTML and abit CSS, I tried ASP first, but its to hard for my understanding.So I sayed - "PHP it is!", but I have some problems.So, I think I want the PHP on my computer, so I will not have an upload frenzy, yet, some issues:
    • http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi - What do I install here?! there so much links, and words like "Unix" that I can't understand, if any one here can just give me a link.
    • Once I finish installing it there, where do I install PHP?
    • Once I finish installing the Apache server and PHP, where do I install the MySQL server?
    • When ill finish the 2 things above, will I be able to put .php files every where in my computer?
    • If not, where will I put the .php files?

    Ill love some answers,thanks in advance.Btw, im using windows 98 SE.Yuval.[Oh, another thing, English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if I have grammar or spelling mistakes in the post].

    1. Try looking at this: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_install.asp2. See #13. See #24. You'll always be able to put the php files on your computer, just not run them. But yes, if you install this, you will be able to execute PHP on your computer.5. See #46. Not sure about if it'll work on your OS, but it probably will.Good luck.Choco
  9. You could compare the current map to the directed input of the user using arrays and DOM. When clicking the 'expand map' thing, you could check the corner image location, and using specific filename patterns, figure out what row/column of images is to be added.This is quite an ambitious project. Post if you need more help. :)

  10. Guess who? FireFox 2.OMG! I'M A POET! LOLZ!:)FireFox 2 Alpha Pre-Release is available on download.com. Haven't tried it, it says if you install it, your current version is screwed. Maybe when beta comes out... :)

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