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Everything posted by Chocolate570

  1. You mean !vb.net? Just VB?Try vbexplorer.com. I've heard that's a good place to learn.
  2. Yeah. Just use the substr function to break the string up into 1000character parts (or whatever) with a for loop and generate the variables, and then pass the variables on.
  3. I can get you a code--but then do you want to be able to pass the information of the pop up to the parent window?
  4. Then I would have just decreased it to negative 30.
  5. I feel that javascript will always be around, as there are not many alternatives to it. CSS has an alternative, and that is pure HTML tags. But all javascript has is JScript and VBscript.
  6. I was just about to post that MIT managed to get between a hundred billionths of a degree from absolute zero.
  7. I forgot to unescape the cookie data. :)It still doesn't work though. :'(Any suggestions?
  8. Can anyone please help me out?
  9. I dunno. What would be the point of going to the moon? :/Unless disney managed to get a theme park up there! Can you imagine mickey wearing a space suit and a jet pack, fixing a blown gasket in zero gravity?
  10. Wow..thanks for teaching me something. I never knew they were unary operators.
  11. You can't use an operator in front of the number recieving the operation. :)Just set the a-- in another variable.x=53--;document.write(x);
  12. Hey guys,I've been working on a cookie object for the upcoming Zoodles toolkit.Unfortunately, I don't currently have the resources to test this properly.That's why I need you to do the following:1) Test this in as many browsers as you have2) Tell me if it works. If not, why not.3) Point out unnecessary code that I can remove. (it's currently around 70-80 lines of code, and it shouldn't be that long.)I've taken the liberty to comment as much as I can, so you can understand what the heck was going on in my mind when I wrote htis. :)Usage:This to set a cookie:Cookie.set(cookie name, cookie value);And to get a cookie;Cookie.get(cookie name, cookie expiration);This is how to use the expiration system:You have 5 keywords. Years, months, days, hours, and minutes.You have to use a number and then one of the keywords. (currently, it disregards the number. I need to figure out a way to implement that. For now, you can just do within the year, or within the month, or within the day, or within the hour, or within the minute.)For example.Cookie.get(username,"1 months");NOTE THE S on MONTHS.If the username cookie is older than 1 month, it'll return null, otherwise it'll return what the cookie contains.Thanks so much guys. Here's the code: <script type="text/javascript">//////////////////////////////////E-Z JavaScript Cookie Object////By Chocolate570 for Zoodles ////Made in 2006 || Version One ////////////////////////////////////Start cookie object.Cookie={ set:function(name,value) { //The set function. //Takes 2 variables, name and value. if(name && value) { date=Date().split("(")[0]; document.cookie=escape(name+"="+value+"&"+date); } else { return "Sorry, you have incorrectly used the cookie object."; } } get:function(name,exp) { //Name is the name of the variable. //Exp is the expiration date in this format: //X y //Where X is a number and y is a date format. Available: //Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes y=Date(); cooSpl=document.cookie.split(";"); //*Loop through all of the cookie values.*// for(i=0;i<cooSpl.length;i++) { if(cooSpl[i].split("=")[0]==name) { //*Why hello, we've found the correct cookie.*// val=cooSpl[i].split("=")[1].split("&")[0]; date=cooSpl[i].split("=")[1].split("&")[1]; //*Just splitting apart the value and the date, held in their respective variables.*// x=new Date(date); years=(x.getFullYear()==y.getFullYear()); months=(x.getMonth()==y.getMonth()); days=(x.getDate()==y.getDate()); hours=(x.getHours()==y.getHours()); minutes=(x.getMinutes()==y.getMinutes()); //* The above are just used in the if statements to check on the date argument.*// //* Start Date Switch Statement *// switch(exp.split(" ")[1].toLowerCase()) { case "years": if(years) { return val; } return null; break; case "months": if(years && months) { return val; } return null; break; case "days": if(years && months && days) { return val; } return null; break; case "hours": if(years && months && days && hours) { return val; } return null; break; case "minutes": if(years && months && days && hours && minutes) { return val; } return null; break; default: return null; break; } } } }}</script> Thanks so much. :)Choco
  13. Do you know how for loops work? The equivilant of that is this:<script type="text/javascript">mycars=new Array()mycars[0]="Saab"mycars[1]="Volvo"mycars[2]="BMW"for(x=0;x<mycars.length;x++) { document.write(mycars[x] + "<br />")}</script>The first loop (not mine, the one part of the W3S tutorial) is a simplified way to loop through the contents of an array and access them through array[var], where in this case, var is x.
  14. Safari--hands down. Or you could use FireFox for Mac.
  15. Guess you could try this:http://www.wapsilon.com/
  16. If you code neatly with any of the server side languages and make sure your database is structured well, you'll be able to update your site easily in the future. Also, it would be a good idea to use includes as much as possible.
  17. Awesome. I'm starting a nice cookie object, and it's coming together well. It'll be accessed like this:Cookie.set("Name","expiration","value");And:Cookie.get("name");
  18. <script type="text/javascript">document.write(" "+navigator.appName+" ")</script> When integrating a variable into a string, you must add + signs.
  19. Awesome. :)Maybe you should set up a CVS?
  20. Re bad programming habits--how?And @Jesh, that's amazing. Nice work.
  21. Just to tell you, "something times ten to the power of something" is called scientific form. It is used for astronomical calculations and just basically big numbers. For example, if you have the number:500,240,524,525,852,085In scientific form, it would be:.500240524525852085 x 10^18:)Well, at the speed of light, mass doesn't exist, so that's basically the universal speed limit.
  22. 1. Can I help? Please? :)2. getElementsByClassName();3. creIframeDoc();4. var pageHTML=ajax("http://www.w3schools.com","page");5. Cookie functions, like PHP's. $_COOKIE['cookie'] or whatever. That would be so awesome, along with setCookie.1) Please? :)2) Simple. Get all elements with that className.3) Cross-browser. It would have two arguments:creIframeDoc(name,url);If the name argument is given, it creates an iframe and returns the document of it. Basically, you can then use x=creIframeDoc(name).If both the name argument and the URL argument are given, then it'll go to that iframe, change the URL, and return the iframe document.4) ajax(url,elId) would retrieve the HTML of the page specified by the variable URL. If elId is supplied, then it'll return the innerHTML of that element on the page you specified in URL.5) Self explanatory. Those are the ones I'd use the most.
  23. Maybe he's building a toolkit, and he doesn't want people messing around with important source variables.
  24. I'd tell you, but I'm afraid you don't know enough to comprehend the awesomeness of it. I used telepathy. The server was in my mind, and the language was thought controlled. Like I said, google bought it, so I can't show it to you now. :)Okay, I think I've gone off-topic enough.
  25. Also, are you using firefox? If so, you'll have to add a file:/// before the URL.
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