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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Hey, at least I asked, ok? Even if you didn't agree, i asked. :)Ok, back on-topic.Is there a way to capture the even of pressign the print-screen button?Loopholes- peopel can use graphics software that can take screenshots. Ctrl+PrintSCreen takes a pic of the current window, so you'd have to check for that too. :)

  2. I need the forms more than the javascript links. Otherwise, it's beautiful! But the forms is the whole reason i need this, (logging in an ACP), so please do that and i'll be eternally greatful. Or for at least a week. :)

  3. I know it's possible to add a code that creates extra profile settings, so i thought it would be cool to add one setting called "Comfortable With:" or something that you can set to what language you're ok with? Does anyone think this is an ok idea?~Chocolate570

  4. Is it possible to do something like:

    <script type="text/javascript">function checkThing(){if (document.getElementById("thing").value=="test"){function alertthing(){alert("Testing. Ok, so this function wouldn't be needed, but is it possible?")}}else{function uhhhya(){alert("Same thing....")}}}</script>

    Not urgent, i was just wondering. :)

  5. I'm sorry for being confusing, but it's hard not to be vague when you have no clue what you're saying. :)Ok, let me lay it out like this.In that site, it's perfect. when you go t a blocked url, it works beautifully and displays the site! GREAT! Except, when you click a link after loading a page on iribbit, it doesn't open it with iribbit, it tells the browser to open it. Completely defeating the purpose. :(What i need is for it to act like a browser itself and contain links in the software it's using to take the 'snapshot'. So when you click a link on the snapshot, it creates another snapshot, and displays that one to you.Now, the answer to:

    Do you get what i mean?
    Should be yes. :)Choco
  6. Do this:

    <head><script type="text/javascript">function hidething(){if(document.getElementById("tst").value==1){document.getElementById("divthing").style.visibility="hidden"document.getElementById("tst").value=0}else{document.getElementById("divthing").style.visibility="visible"document.getElementById("tst").value=1}}</script></head><body><div id="divthing" style="visiblity:hidden;"><script Language="JavaScript"> <!--// Week of the year script - By Ada Shimar (ada@chalktv.com)// Based on code by Duncan Kabinu, Florida Department of Agriculture.// Modified by Italian anonimous on 19.08.2002// Visit JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com) for this script and 400+ morefunction weekNo() {var totalDays = 0;now = new Date();years=now.getYear();var days = new Array(12); // Array to hold the total days in a monthdays[0] = 31;days[2] = 31;days[3] = 30;days[4] = 31;days[5] = 30;days[6] = 31;days[7] = 31;days[8] = 30;days[9] = 31;days[10] = 30;days[11] = 31; // Check to see if this is a leap yearif (Math.round(now.getYear()/4) == now.getYear()/4) {days[1] = 29}else{days[1] = 28} // If this is January no need for any fancy calculation otherwise figure out the// total number of days to date and then determine what weekif (now.getMonth() == 0) { totalDays = totalDays + now.getDate();}else{var curMonth = now.getMonth();for (var count = 1; count <= curMonth; count++) {totalDays = totalDays + days[count - 1];}totalDays = totalDays + now.getDate();}// Here is the modification: considering when start the 1st week of year.// Originally was only: var week = Math.round(totalDays/7)// Check if browser is "Microsoft Internet Explorer" or not and apply the right varvar agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)) {var firstday=new Date("01/01/"+String(now.getYear())).getDay();}else {var firstday=new Date("01/01/"+String(1900+now.getYear())).getDay();}var diff=7-firstday+1;var week = Math.round((totalDays+diff-firstday)/7); return week;}document.write("Welcome to <b>week "+weekNo()+"<\/b> of "+years+"!")// --></SCRIPT></div><input type="button" value="Hide/Show" onclick="hidething()"><input type="hidden" value="0" id="tst"></body>
  7. YIKES! That's exactly what i want! It shouldn't let the browser know which site it's going to. Except, when you click a link, it automatically gets out of that site. Which i don't want. No matter what you lcick, it shoudl automatically 'cloak' that url. Do you get what i mean?And dan, when i say snapshot, i mean like a non-graphical snapshot, a snapshot that you can interact with.

  8. See, everyone is slightly correct.What i would like to do, in more detail:Take a working snapshot of the site i would like to visit WITH MY SERVER! As in, the server should take the snapshot, no program running on my computer should have anything to do with that. When it has taken the snapshot, it should then give it to my browser, allowing me to view the page, without actually going to it. Do you get it? Anyone? :)

  9. @Hacknsack: 1. That can not be done by us, but it can be done VERY simply by the admins. It takes around 2 seconds.@Hacknsack: 2. That can't be done period. :)@Hacknsack: 3. There's a code for that, but only admins can do it.

  10. Ok, so this is what i need.I access computers sometimes in a place where my website's admin panel is blocked. :) What i would like is a program which can run ON MY SERVER, not on a computer, that will sort of take a 'interactive screenshot', meaning putting the site on the browser, but without accessing it with the computer. :) Do you get what i mean? Therefore----will be continued later.

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