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Everything posted by Chocolate570

  1. #nav a:hover {background-color:#5f5f5f; color: #000000;font-family: Verdana;}Then put a <div class="nav"> before navigation, and after it. That should work. I'm a newbie to css, so maybe someone more advanced can double-check that.
  2. Chocolate570

    DOM event

    Well, i don't think document.forms[0].event works. What i suggest: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function ya(){alert("OMG! MESSAGE HERE! OMG!")}</script></head><body><form><input type="text" value="blah" onchange="ya()"></form></body></html> That is multi browser, and will work perfectly.
  3. Ya, i got a 19/20 for the same reason as you. Cookies are just..weird.
  4. Wierd. Except, it has nothing on the page!
  5. Na-uh! I digress more than you!Before we go into CSS, i would like help with the javascript. Afterwards, i will post it in the css forum. Then you can have a go at it with all your fancy input.whatever#blah{} stuff. I really have to learn CSS...
  6. <?php$txt="<link rel=\'Stylesheet\' href=\'\' type="text/css";echo $txt;?>I guess..i don't know php. would that work?
  7. Only one? I usually have one per night. Anyway... :)No, seriously. Does anyone know how to make it work in firefox?
  8. Rofl. Well, most users use IE of FireFox.
  9. Click this:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=196From what they say, no there isn't.
  10. Chocolate570

    starting out

    Hehe..i'm younger than you! :)Html is easy, you'll get it in a snap when you get the basic concept. Then all you have to do is memorize all of the tags.
  11. Ahh! It's a bit too complex if you ask me.http://www.siteflip.com/includes/home.js
  12. Well, i have no clue how they do that. I haven't checked their source yet. But you probably do now
  13. Someone already asked about reading a file size a bit down. There's no real way to do it with javascript.
  14. You mean like what they have onhttp://siteflip.comWhen you highlight over the features links?
  15. Ok, i'm a pain in the neck, i know..I need some help.Because the answer-textbox in the calculator is "dir='rtl'" whenever the answer is a negative number, it automatically puts it to the right side. For example, if you did:90-91 The textbox would show1-So this is what i did in the operators section. if (operator=='+'){var y=eval(first)+eval(second)zoop=Math.abs(y)document.forms.myForm[0].value="-"+zoop} It turned out with the same thing, "1-". :)Does anyone know how i would accomplish fixing this without having to make the text box's dir ltr? Thanks! Choco
  16. Thanks so much. I'll get down to putting all the code in today.
  17. So, i would doinput.operator:active{background:red}:S
  18. Thanks jonas, it looks great. I will have to modify it, as originally i wanted it so that when you click an operator(+,-,/,*, etc.) the operator gets highlighted.
  19. Ok, let me clarify as i explained it horribly.What i wanted to do, i put 2 frames on the page. One frame would have a text area in it, where you can code, and then there would be a button at the top.When you click the button, it will change the rught iframe to a window, and then write what you put at the left side in the document at the write using the method i kinda explained at the top..Anyone?
  20. darn stealers! (not the football team! )Well, if you want the complete code thing to hide the css, this is how it would go.<script src="http://hostofscript/script.js"></script>Inside that hosted script, would be this:document.write("<link rel=\'Stylesheet\' href=\'\' type="text/css">Where all bolded parts are up to you. I need a second opinion;would this work?
  21. It didn't work...wierd...the code makes perfect sense. Oh well, i guess i'll stop being lazy and learn css.
  22. http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=205^^ Original topic.I was wondering; using the same concept as x= window.open("blahblahblah")x.document.write("blahblabvjoisajdfa")can't you do that with an iframe??? like, document.getElementsByIdTag('iframe1').src="variable"? To recreate the tryit editor with js? If anyone understands what i mean, please post.
  23. You'd have to ask w3schools themselves, as the thing is coded in asp.
  24. Rofl, great point. But now on to his question.Do the same thing we just showed you, except with <link rel="Stylesheet" .... etc.>
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