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Everything posted by Chocolate570

  1. First, don't post the file there, second, do a really complex way of posting it through js. For example.x = sy=cz=riptdocument.write("\<"x+y+z+" src=\"\"\>")If you wanted to cloak a script src. Most people use the find option for webpages, so that would hide it.
  2. But that doesn't mean the people on his site have to use firefox...
  3. Unless you put the <A> tag in a quote box.
  4. It's coded from scratch, and programmed in asp. So it would be really hard to put on your site. You can open a new window with that code tho.
  5. Is there any way to change the background color of a button? I have this calculator i made, (beta), and i want it so tat when you click on an operator that button gets highlighted. How do you change the background color of a button, or even the outline, or even the text color!?!?! :)Here's the code: <head><title>Calculator</title><script type="text/javascript">function foc(){ zah() document.forms.myForm[0].focus()}function numberletter(){ z = "0" while (z == "0") { x = document.forms.myForm[0].value y = x.length if(y == 0) { return } for(i = 0;i<y;i++) { z = "0" for(j=0;j<10;j++) { if(x.substring(i,i+1)==j) { z="1" } } if(z=="0") { if(i==0) { document.forms.myForm[0].value=x.substring(1,y) } else { document.forms.myForm[0].value=x.substring(0,i)+x.substring(i+1,y) } i=99 } } }}function operator(operator){ document.forms.myForm[17].value=operator document.forms.myForm[18].value=document.forms.myForm[0].value document.forms.myForm[0].value=""}function alrt(){ alert("BKAH")}function calculate(first,second,operator){ if (first.length==0) { alert("Please enter 2 numbers and an operator before calculating."); zah() return } if (second.length==0) { alert("Please enter 2 numbers and an operator before calculating."); return } if (operator.length==0) { alert("Please enter 2 numbers and an operator before calculating."); return } if (operator=='+') { var y=eval(first)+eval(second) document.forms.myForm[0].value=y } if (operator=='-') { var y=eval(first)-eval(second) document.forms.myForm[0].value=y } if (operator=='*') { var y=eval(first)*eval(second) document.forms.myForm[0].value=y } if (operator=='/') { var y=eval(first)/eval(second) document.forms.myForm[0].value=y }}function clrlast(){ var v = document.forms.myForm[0].value var l = v.length if(l > 0) { var b = v.substring(0,l-1) document.forms.myForm[0].value=b }}function zah(){ document.forms.myForm[0].value="" document.forms.myForm[18].value="" document.forms.myForm[17].value=""}function called(num) //start function that recieves button clicks{ var blah=document.forms.myForm[0].value length = blah.length //put the length of the text box into "length" if(!(num=='0' && length==0)) //checking if the first digit in the box is not 0 { x=document.forms.myForm[0].value y=x+num document.forms.myForm[0].value=y } num="" //undefine variables length="" //"" document.forms.myForm[21].value=blah}</script></head><body onload="foc()"><fieldset><form name="myForm"> <center> <input type="text" dir="rtl" value="1" onchange="numberletter()"><br> <input type="button" value="9" onclick="called('9')"> <input type="button" value="8" onclick="called('8')"> <input type="button" value="7" onclick="called('7')"> <input type="button" value="+" onclick="operator('+')"><br> <input type="button" value="6" onclick="called('6')"> <input type="button" value="5" onclick="called('5')"> <input type="button" value="4" onclick="called('4')"> <input type="button" value="-" onclick="operator('-')"><br> <input type="button" value="3" onclick="called('3')"> <input type="button" value="2" onclick="called('2')"> <input type="button" value="1" onclick="called('1')"> <input type="button" value="*" onclick="operator('*')"><br> <input type="button" value="0" onclick="called('0')"> <input type="button" value="C" onclick="clrlast()"> <input type="button" value="CA" onclick="zah()"> <input type="button" value="/" onclick="operator('/')"><br> <input type="hidden" value=""> <input type="hidden" value=""><br> <input type="button" value=" = " onclick="calculate(document.forms.myForm[18].value,document.forms.myForm[0].value,document.forms.myForm[17].value)"></form></center></fieldset></body> Also, and suggestions would be nice. Thanks.PS. Please do not comment on the complex stuff at the top; i know i can make the text box read only, but where's the fun in that? :(PSS. If anyone could put the buttons in a table to make them line up it would be nice. I'm lazy.
  6. Google really needs to get a dutch translator.
  7. Can you really download it? I'm not sure you can.
  8. Yes, there would be. You would have to just do an <img src=""></img> where you want the image to appear. Then in the javascript section, do document.images[0].src="where image is"And that will make the image appear. Then checkx=document.images[0].srcif(x="what the src is"){alert("The image is displayed!")}else{alert("The image isn't here!")}
  9. I don't think there's a way to do that otherwise every pop up window would have it so you couldn't close it, and the advertisers are always in your face.
  10. Hmm...if (document.getElementById) {is that allowed? Do any actually knowledgable javascripters know?
  11. Well, you've come to the right place if you wanna learn more about web developing :)My name's choco. I'm advancing in javascript right now, and i know html.
  12. Well, if i could help it, i wouldn't use that much html on my page. But option 3 is better.
  13. No, i don't think putting the w3schools skin in ipb format would be a good idea. No offense, but it's too bland with beige and white and so on...
  14. I think you misunderstood. I wasn't flaming you. Thanks for making waht i said easier
  15. Chocolate570

    Flash Sites

    Hehe, i know which ones are yours. I go on miniclip. :)To emed flash sites, just use the embed tag. I do it on my site, which ishttp://chrisfries.net/thedarkdragonsI've embedded a couple of flash games.
  16. Hah! I knew it!*cricket*Umm...i'll just be over there...
  17. What i meant. ^^To escape the thing is to backslash all quotes and stuff.
  18. "+-->QUOTE ("Skin Selector Javascript Code Thing ") <script type="text/javascript"> var useragent = navigator.userAgent; var bName = (useragent.indexOf('Opera') > -1) ? 'Opera' : navigator.appName; if (bName == "Opera") { document.write('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="opera.css" />') } else if (bName == "Netscape") { document.write('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="netscape.css" />') } else { document.write('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="microsoft.css" />') } </script>don't you have to escape the <'s?Also, did you take out the script tag?(for external hostign)
  19. Marquees can be very proffesional used with a proper color-coordinated table and filter:alpha(Opacity="20") or w/e. OnMouseOut="this.stop"Ask dan the prof! he used marquees to create a VERY cool html fader news box.
  20. Marquees can be very proffesional used with a proper color-coordinated table and filter:alpha(Opacity="20") or w/e. OnMouseOut="this.stop"Ask dan the prof! he used marquees to create a VERY cool html fader news box.
  21. I'm between intermediate and advanced. I'm stumped at cookies, but i'm an expert on functions. Also, i have a little idea of how to use DOM.
  22. Host the picture somewhere and just change the url on all the pages, you won't have to do that much.
  23. Exactly. I stink. :)And good luck with the site
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