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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. Ah, forgive my ignorance...
  2. Jonas

    color names

    Yeah, I'd rather recommend using hexadecimal colors as well, or rgb.#ff0000orrgb(255,0,0)http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colorsfull.asp
  3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah. Too long since I looked at that stuff. Should have just kept my mouth shut, shouldn't I? "Better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt..."-Silvan Engel
  4. I didn't really expect anything less...
  5. I don't think it's only people visiting their site, because then the results for Firefox/Netscape/Opera would be much higher in comparison to IE than they are as of now...
  6. Tomato, tomato, potato, potato...*realises that doesn't work in writing*Ah, you know what I mean...
  7. <span style="background-color: #dddddd">Highlighted word</span>Try that. If the color is a bit light (or dark), try any of these codes:Looky, looky...Look for Shades of Gray...
  8. I don't think you 'quote' values in css...
  9. Jonas

    IE sucks!

    If it's not a bug, it must be a lack of a feature, doesn't it?Anyway, we're not helping, sorry. Anyone?
  10. Jonas

    IE sucks!

    Heh, what else can I say? I can't help you otherwise. Someone needed to say it...
  11. Yeah, VBscript only works in IE.
  12. Jonas

    Homesite 5.5

    Never even heard of it. I'd recommend an excellent program called notepad... :)Nice and easy does it...
  13. Jonas

    small css :)

    Just remember to define a type for your style tag:<style type="text/css"></style>
  14. Jonas


    http://javascript.internet.com/games/Lots of good javascript games there. I particularily like Dots.
  15. Jonas

    Where are you?

    Ok, easy on the caps lock please. Large letters on the internet usually means shouting. It's also annoying and harder to read. The map is on the link in the first post, and that's where you add yourself.
  16. For the future, please don't make more than one thread for a topic, and instead try to find which forum it fits best in.I locked these threads:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1527http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1524as this thread "version" has generated most replies.Thank you.
  17. Please don't post the same topic in more than one forum at a time. Thank you.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...t=ST&f=4&t=1522...redirecting you to the topic version that has gotten most replies.Locked.
  18. Jonas


    I think he's just expressing his confidence that this is a good community with lots of helpful, knowleadgeable people who can help him if there's something in the tutorials he doesn't understand. If that's the case, thank you, and we'll do our best to help...
  19. I know one thing, that you should have head tags in your document, and title<html><head><title>Untitled document</title></head><body></body></html>Any <style> tagset should be placed within the <head> tagset.
  20. That's when kaijim joined, so I'm thinking it'd be a bit later, seeing as when you first join the board as administrator, you have to set up the board and stuff. You'd probably be right in saying July/August, but I'm sure kaijim can correct us if he sees this...
  21. 308.1*tries more*EDIT: 316.7 :)EDIT 2: 323.4 I'm getting there... :)EDIT 3: 322.9
  22. in the<head></head> section...
  23. As I hope you know, I was kidding...
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