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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. Jonas

    too many spans?

    I can only see two (2) spans...
  2. Jonas

    one question

    How about making <img> tags, and formatting them with a rightmargin of 1024px (standard screenwidth) - image width. I think that's an easy way of making it look like you're putting one image after another. Adding spaces with is just too difficult, and takes a lot of space in your code...
  3. I'm glad it could be worked out. I for one will not help anyone exclude certain people from a website...
  4. http://www.websitetips.com/info/css/scrollbars.shtmlCSS scrollbar is indeed a microsoft attribute, and is therefore only supported by Microsoft's Internet Explorer...
  5. Jonas


    taklya, are you like a representative of Google or something?
  6. <html><head><title>Untitled document</title><style type="text/css">html, body{overflow: hidden;}#left{padding: 5px;position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px;width: 512px;height: 100%;background-color: pink;}#right{padding: 5px;color: white;position: absolute;top: 0px;right: 0px;width: 512px;height: 100%;background-color: black;}</style></head><body><div id="left">Left content, used for menu I'm guessing...</div><div id="right">Right content, main content probably(?)</div></body></html> Try that... Of course, you can also change the width, if you want the left side to be a bit thinner. Just change the one under .left to width: xx%; and the one under .right to width: yy%;
  7. Jonas


    1. (X)HTML is the basic language for even making a website, so that is definetely necessary.2. CSS is without doubt the best way to format your site, and since dhtml is all about dynamic sites, with cool visual effects, you'd need some formatting.3. GIF is just one type of image. While GIF has a lot of qualities, like transparency, you can also use other image types, like PNG og JPG, so I'd say it's not necessary to use GIFs.4. VBSCRIPT is a Microsoft scripting language, built off of the programming language Visual BASIC. VBSCRIPT is only supported by Internet Explorer, and will have no effect in other browsers growing on the market, like Firefox and Opera. A scripting language is very necessary however in DHTML, so I'd use a language more universal, like JavaScript.Conclusion:Don't use VBScript, but rather JavaScript. You can use GIFs, but you don't have to.
  8. Jonas

    overflow: scroll and auto;

    Yeah, Dan, this is an English board. Please write your posts in English, so we can all understand. Thank you.
  9. Jonas

    No table layout

    Tried and conquered...
  10. Why did you add a period? You can write html plain. Did you think html written in this forum could influence stuff on the site? That would be really poor security...<center><table><tr><td>this would be the information in the table cell</td></tr></table></center>See?And even the preferred method:<center><table><tr><td>this would be the information in the table cell</td></tr></table></center>
  11. Jonas


    First of all, I can't even see it, there's a script causing my computer to slow down. Second, I know it's not me, because there's not a video file of me online, anywhere. But I'm sure it's a funny clip...
  12. I'm not talking of putting blocks of code into the object, but entire html documents like you would with an iframe. I've tried it with an xml file with styling, and that worked, so in theory a html file should work. You don't use src, you use data.<object data="file_name.html" type="text/html" id="id_name"></object><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('id_name').data="file_name_2.html"I guess the question is really if you can access the object file like this, if data is a part of HTML DOM. Is there something wrong with doing it like this?
  13. That still doesn't stop someone from going to your code and picking out your picture url from there...
  14. Ok, so the poll ended on what I expected it would. That's that. Thanks for submitting your vote and opinions. :)Locked.
  15. Jonas

    html 4

    I found this extremely useful entry on html 3.2 vs. html 4.0http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_whyusehtml4.asp
  16. Isn't it possible to use an <object> tag to display an external page instead of the ugly iframe solution, also requiring target attributes. If this is possible, you can use javascript links, giving your <object> tag an id, and in your javascript links use document.getElementById('id_name').data="" Would that be possible, combined with a type="text/html" in the object tag? I got the idea from looking here:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_object.asp
  17. I thought 1024x768 was world standard Of course, I could be wrong. Either way, the browser window will not be as big as your screen size because of various toolbars and stuff, so I would make smaller images if they were for background, instead of scrolling just a tiny bit to get the entire page. Or you could usehtml, body {overflow: hidden;}If they're just for the site's visitors to download, then of course full size would be the way to go without a doubt...
  18. Heh, I don't have a problem with using tables for layout. Done it myself on several occasions. But frames on the other hand are tags that are probably facing deprecation (or whatever ). The only thing I can think of that makes divs a spesific advantage is that it takes less code. But by all means, if tables are easier for you, that's the way to go. Also, tables can do something divs can't do that well, extend downwards along with another table, stretch in other words.
  19. Actually, you don't need two <div>'s, and forget about z-index. You could try something like this: <html><head><style type="text/css"><!--body {background-color: black;}div#left {width: 50%; /* will make the div half the total width of your page. */height: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px; /* sticks your div in the top-left corner of your page. */background-color: pink;}--></style></head><body><div id="left">Menu content, or whatever you want...</div></body></html>
  20. It's not that frames is a difficult way to go, quite the opposite actually, but I at least find it to be ugly. It's also moving out of the webstandards, going in the wrong direction of what future sites will be using. I'd rather use a set of <div>'s, styling them with height, width, absolute positioning, background-color and z-index with css. I don't know if you know any css at all, so that can be very difficult for you, but it's definetely the way to go, imho.
  21. No, it isn't allowed. But it could be. Then again, that's for kaijim to decide.
  22. But isn't it better to convert your excel file to an xml file if that's possible. Much easier to use as database, plus, it's platform-independent...
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