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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. which posts / subforums? As mentioned, not all subforums are as active as others. If there is disrespectful behavior happening, please report it to the moderating team.
  2. thescientist


    you are free to define your API however you want. You can follow the protocal / spec to the letter or you don't. Obviously it makes more sense to and is clearer in intent and practice. i know you have aversions, but maybe read a book but you really need to learn how to make an attempt to learn on your own. http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596529260.do I still don't really get what you don't "get", pardon the pun.
  3. huh? I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure that is not the issue. I'm sure the issue is as JSG alluded to; same origin policy.
  4. thescientist


    this is the same issue we have everytime you ask these questions. what don't you get? please be specific with your questions. try doing some googling, find some blogs, read what they say, try and spend some time filling in the gaps. You really need to do this first. http://katgleason.tumblr.com/post/37836552900/how-i-explained-rest-to-my-wife
  5. see his answer and provide the requested feedback
  6. thescientist


    newegg is pretty reputable http://www.newegg.com/Laptops-Notebooks/Category/ID-223
  7. and learn to use your browsers developer tools, in particular the console and network tabs.
  8. yup. he could call it foo if he wanted to.
  9. that's very vague and with no provided, very hard to provide help. what do you have? are you getting any errors? what's the return value of mail()?
  10. again, you are posting in the Java forum, not the JS forum. I will move. regarding you question, what information you provided is extremely vague. Are you checking for errors in the console? Looking at the request / response in the networks tab? There are a few things you could be doing to figure out what's going on.
  11. he is. I think this post is in the wrong forum. I will move it.
  12. in other word, you get what you pay for.
  13. I would call it a CMS more than a framework. did you google at all? there is ton's of info available for all of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wordpress
  14. thescientist


    I think it's pretty normal to expect code problems / questions at an interview. I had them when I interviewed, and I would do the same if I was in a hiring position.
  15. thescientist


    that seems rather misleading, and a bit disingenuous to those who have made careers out of wanting to become professionals in their field. I would say a diploma in CS or related field is just as important as in any other profession. It certainly makes a difference.
  16. If your sitelinks are fine, then I'm not sure what are you asking for. those _are_ sitelinks. Then they're doing it wrong. The right way is in the link JSG posted.
  17. like niche and JSG suggested.. use mysql_error
  18. are checking for Apache error logs? can you hit the PHP file itself directly in the browser?
  19. You should have error reporting turned on ini_set("display_errors", "1"); and as mentioned, be checking for SQL errors.
  20. I'm a little confused on the expecations. Could you provide in actual steps to reproduce? I tested in Chrome and had no issue doing 1) go to home page 2) click our services link 3) click show services saw it slide up and show list of services. What browser are you using? I do see this on every page though GET http://redrhinorestoration.com/wp/wp-content/themes/redrhino/js/modernizr.custom.js 404 (Not Found) redrhinorestoration.com/:17Uncaught ReferenceError: ft is not defined (index):48Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function (index):141
  21. Typically databases and their tables are setup once, manually, and the scripts just handle the basic CRUD operations. PDO is a good native library to use for interacting with databases and is highly encouraged for any new development. I would probably create one class to handle the operations per table. Like Users, Products, etc.
  22. but they don't do the same thing, so I don't get why you are comparing the two?
  23. conditional statements evaluate expressions. so if that expression evaluates to true, then the if condition will be met. it's optional to assign the return value of the function to $x in this case, unless you actually plan to use it later
  24. maybe if you could elaborate on what you are stuck on, or provide some code that you've tried, that might help us help you. Just saying you don't get it is kinda vague and doesn't really help us identify what you need help with.
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