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Everything posted by Siddhesh

  1. Thanx buddy,Thanks for the explanation...the solution works for me..thank
  2. I have some problem in parseInt property.....i have a variable temp..temp = '08';when I try the following codealert(parseInt(temp));it gives me value 0any solution?????and why it is so????
  3. Siddhesh

    form validation

    Is this the thing u required??<%dim name name = request.form("name")if name = "" then response.redirect = ("error.asp?name_null")ElseDim conn Dim rs Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/webdata/atc.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") RS.open "reg",Conn,2,2rs.AddNewrs.Fields("Name") = Request.Form("name")rs.Updaters.CloseSet rs = NothingSet Conn = Nothingresponse.redirct="confirm.asp"end if %>
  4. Your aim of answer is Perfect, But the querry is giving me error as"'Initcap' is not a recognized function name."Can U help me?
  5. Thanx, that could be a solution.But I don't want to make any site, but only data-cleaning.Can I do it?Any other solution? I m Using SQL 2000
  6. Hi,I have a table Student With Column Student NameI want to do is thatThe Names Starting with 'S' , should start with 'K'e.g Students names areSid, Subbu, Sigma, suki..Then should be convert toKid, Kubbu, Kigma, Kuki....Thanx,Waiting...
  7. U can call function on OnMouseOver event of that element.and U can refer an element by its id as getElementById("listone").class = "liststyleon" / "liststyleoff";
  8. in The OnClick event of the link, or create a button, and onClick of that button u can call this function.
  9. I think u r taking about the functionwindow.print();
  10. Siddhesh


    try This<HTML> <HEAD> <script> function Fn_Click() { document.forms(0).Submit.disabled = true; } </Script> </HEAD> <BODY> <Form> <Input Type="Button" Name="Submit" Value="Submit" OnClick="Fn_Click();"> </Form> </BODY></HTML>
  11. I m not giving u the perfect solution but you can try doing something like....For The Textarea on keypress event call a function.If The Key pressed is ENTER then add that element into a javascript aray.last element u can get by searching last and 2nd last Enter..This is the logic according to me.there may be better way.
  12. Siddhesh

    union all

    Try thisSelect *From (SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_Norway UNION ALL SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_USA) Table_AliasOrder By E_Name
  13. Is this the thing you want?? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function disp_prompt() { var name=prompt("Please enter your name","") var Age=prompt("Please enter your Age","") if (name!=null && name!="") { if (Age != null && Age != "") { document.write("Hello " + name + "! Your age is "+ Age); } } } </script> </head> <body> <form> <input type="button" onclick="disp_prompt()" value="Display a prompt box"> </form> </body></html>
  14. Siddhesh

    Trimming a Table

    This may help uSelect IP from ReferralWhere IP Not In(Select IP from Robots)
  15. Can you repeat the question in more simple wayWhat type of option you r talking aboutCheckBoxes,Radio buttons,Multiple selection Dropdowns,or List?By the way the check can be done using javascript in your code
  16. if (firstname != "") { if (firstname.match(/\d/) != null) { alert("you have entered a number"); return false; }}else { alert("Please enter your First Name"); return false;}if (lastname.length == 0) { alert("Please enter your Second Name"); frmShuffle.lastName.focus(); return false;} Is this the solution??
  17. Hey coll down just check the if conditionChange If to ifmake I small in the if conditionits javascript remember nothing starts with a big letter
  18. r u using only this code or other event to call this function?Because ur function should gt invoked by some eventOkif u want to see the result do the following<script type="text/javascript"> var test = "alpha"; if(test=="alpha") { document.write("YAY!"); }</script> Note that "I" of if is small and not Big;Or Put a button in the html page and onclick event of that button call the function <script type="text/javascript">function test() { var test = "alpha"; if(test=="alpha") { document.write("YAY!"); }}</script> If u don't want to introduce html try the first code
  19. <script type="text/javascript">function changeContent() { var section = document.navMenu.view.value; side.innerHTML="testing!"; // OR document.getElementById("side").innerHTML = "testing!";}</script> <form name="navMenu"> <select name="view"> <option value="alpha">Alphabetically</option> <option value="category">By Category</option> <option value="common">Most Common</option> <option value="search">By Search</option> </select> <input type="button" value="Go" onClick="changeContent();" /></form><div id="side"> blah blah</div> This thing is working
  20. Just change the linevar test = alpha;By var test = "alpha";Because in the first case variable test is assign the value of variable alpha which is any random value.bye
  21. You can use SQL statement on ur group page as " Order By Update_Date Desc "
  22. U might have recognise that this is javascript function .So u have to write it in the script tagLike---<Html> <Head> <script> function Fn_Drd_Change(Combo, Text) {.....write the function here......} </Script> </Head> <% Put Your ASP function/Code here %> <Body><Form> Put your dropdowns here </Form></Body></Html> I think this will serve ur purposeMy explanation skill is not so good.
  23. So sorry U r rightIve change the code. Change the function as Sub Fillcombo (TableName, name, price)SQL= "SELECT " & name & " , "& price&" FROM " & TableNamers.Open SQL, conn If Not rs.EOF Then Do While Not rs.EOF %> <Option value=<%= rs("price")%>><%= rs("name")%></Option> <% rs.MoveNext LoopEnd Ifrs.CloseEnd Sub Then in ur form use the following <P><Select Name="Drd1" OnChange=" Fn_Drd_Change('Drd1','Txt1')"><% Call Fillcombo("BAKERYandCAKES", "name","price") %></Select><INPUT Name="Txt1" Value=""></P>.. Please use different name for all dropdowns and text boxesfunction in javascriptHere value is right word function Fn_Drd_Change(Combo, Text){ eval("document.forms(0)."+ Text +".value = document.forms(0)."+ Combo +".value");} I didn't try it but will work
  24. First check ur Sql StatementThe simple code query isSelect * from Table_Name where Field1=' Value1' and Field2=' Value2 'In ASP we can writesql="select * from cars where car_id=' " & Request("car") & " ' and fuel_type =' " & Request("car") & " ' " I Think this will help uBye
  25. hi,I think this is SQL related problem and not ASPOk,U can place Specialization code along with User data i.e. which type of Specialization he is related.and according to the login u can decide the the type of specializationSorry if i'v taken ur problem in wrong way
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