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Posts posted by reportingsjr

  1. You may just want to stop this right now. So far we all ready have a topic exactly like this in the php section, and it turned up a whole 2 people! (me and chocolate) That one got a lot of rants/flaming. And there is almost no way you are going to make yours better than IPB VB, phpBB, or any other professional forum. Plus since there are already a million there really is no goal. Why do something already made? Beats me but you can still try it..

  2. Use a static path. Say the images were in the folders includes/images. Includes is in the main root, and to specify the main root in a path it is just a slash: /. So if I wanted to access that includes/image folder I would do /includes/folder.EDIT: looks like the images are all working, but not to be mean. The colors hurt my eyes. Its the blue, I dont know why but it does! Try changing the colors a bit? Oh yeah, on home you said it was 23/5/06, its not the 5th month its the 12th :). Other than that it looks good.

  3. I'm having an issue, I wanted to make a chat.. But I also wanted the person on the chat to see messages directed at them, so they would be the only one to see it. (the user is logged in by the way) This is pretty much supposed to be like a pm system in a chat. Heres what i tried, you may be able to understand what I'm trying to do if you look at it:

    SELECT * FROM `chat` WHERE `to` = 'everyone' AND `to` = 'username' ORDER BY id DESC

    Anyone know if this can be done, and how?Thanks!

  4. But.. It was. Thats what im saying, Britain had a great chance and blew it off. He shot some 40 pound bullet really far.. Thats alot if you arent American. A normal pistol bullet weighs about .1 pounds.

  5. Your easiest solution would be to create a column named "id" (or something like that) and make it: key/main column, the make it an auto_increment. That way you can just search for the largest id out of the database and add one to that, then it will do what you want.

  6. No, including it wont do anything. Try to fix the error that php displays, the parser is always right. It appears that the mysql_fetch_array() has an empty result or something of that sort. Where it says "while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){" use this code:

    $row_result = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());while($row = $row_result){

    then tell us what error comes up. It may be that your table in mysql is empty so $result is returning 0, or false. That could be the whole problem..

  7. You know that the government is extremely far behind on rail guns? The guy who invented them discovered it in the 1880s I think. Yeah, he was trying to create an on/off switch for a power plant, but when he tried it a large arc of electric went towards him, blew him 20 feet away.. Yeah. He noticed though that when he did it a few metal objects got sucked into a coil really really quickly, and turned it off they got shot out. So like 2 months later he had a rail gun and presented it to the British government. It could shoot 250 miles but they didn't accept it. tsk tsk!

  8. Yeah, but that's for shooting down missiles
    Please read the posts! You seem to be posting a lot of spam. But I guess thats for the mods to decide on..
  9. For some reason every time I try and make a div be the whole page length it doesnt work. Anyone know why and a workaround? Code...

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Template</title><style type="text/css">body{	background-color: #858585;	color: #A9A9A9;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}div.wrapper{	width: 80%;	margin: auto;	height: 100%;	background-color: #000000;}div.header{	height: 40px;	font-size: 20pt;	text-align: center;}div.links{	width: 15%;	height: 100%;	float: left;}div.content{	padding: 5px;}div.footer{	text-align: center;	font-size: 10px;}a:link{	color: #FE9D35;}a:visited{	color: #FE9321;}a:hover{	color: #FD8300;	text-decoration: none;}a:active{	color: #A9A9A9;}</style></head><body><div class="wrapper">	<div class="header">		My template	</div>	<div class="links">		<a href="this.php" title="Blah">This!</a>	</div>	<div class="content">		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis purus felis, facilisis sit amet, suscipit eu, elementum ac, risus. Etiam vulputate risus a arcu. Ut mollis condimentum massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse volutpat. Proin auctor viverra turpis. Quisque id enim. Aenean dictum diam sollicitudin nunc. Ut gravida neque at diam. Integer turpis turpis, bibendum eget, sollicitudin ut, venenatis id, dolor. Cras vehicula, sapien et suscipit malesuada, orci sem elementum metus, sit amet dictum odio est ut urna. Aenean enim. Maecenas orci mi, tempus ut, aliquam a, accumsan sit amet, nisi. Suspendisse eu lorem quis neque iaculis vulputate. Aenean ac elit. Ut tincidunt, lorem eu vehicula varius, est elit nonummy purus, vel facilisis est augue varius eros. Pellentesque imperdiet egestas mi. Aenean viverra dictum augue. Quisque at lectus. Proin eget lorem.Integer massa lectus, aliquam sit amet, elementum sed, dictum et, quam. Duis posuere dui vitae pede. Donec quis felis. Mauris suscipit imperdiet purus. In a tellus. Fusce adipiscing erat quis mauris. Nunc viverra, lectus vel aliquet volutpat, nisl nibh vulputate dui, ut vulputate mauris arcu eu lorem. Sed non arcu. Quisque id risus. Sed consectetuer, mauris non lacinia cursus, tortor quam elementum est, id blandit neque mauris vitae nisi.Duis porta, elit vel feugiat ornare, sapien neque fringilla velit, ut hendrerit turpis sem eget diam. Sed pede nibh, condimentum vitae, mattis ac, aliquet sit amet, risus. Maecenas magna. Sed lorem nisl, pulvinar quis, semper eu, accumsan sit amet, magna. In a nulla vitae diam consectetuer mattis. Suspendisse eu sem. Donec scelerisque orci in magna. Integer in eros. Etiam nibh arcu, tincidunt sit amet, tristique ac, porttitor a, elit. Curabitur porttitor scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse est augue, commodo sed, egestas in, aliquam in, dui. Etiam vel purus sit amet lorem vehicula ullamcorper. Mauris iaculis auctor mi. Ut nunc. Nulla arcu lacus, vestibulum id, pellentesque nec, varius vel, velit. Aenean turpis. Duis scelerisque augue ut sapien.Vivamus enim eros, egestas vel, dignissim eget, fringilla quis, est. In euismod. Nulla facilisi. Sed a mi sed magna viverra mattis. Donec at leo vel ante accumsan varius. Suspendisse varius dolor et nibh. Nullam est nulla, nonummy a, viverra ac, suscipit quis, turpis. ###### sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis volutpat. Integer quis magna. Nunc vestibulum eros fringilla nisi pellentesque bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultricies egestas orci. In et nisi. Praesent elementum magna in neque. Nunc tristique orci vel lorem. Suspendisse ligula.Fusce eu est vitae magna imperdiet gravida. Morbi condimentum odio vitae odio. Mauris purus ligula, fermentum eget, eleifend non, commodo non, lorem. Duis ornare justo in neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada. Integer sapien odio, rhoncus vel, aliquam in, consequat nec, metus. Ut auctor, tortor a dapibus lacinia, sem felis eleifend risus, at interdum odio dolor in metus. Pellentesque et magna. Vestibulum posuere facilisis nunc. Sed vestibulum, justo et dictum ullamcorper, libero arcu gravida eros, et tristique tortor erat eu felis. Suspendisse blandit pede sed massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut cursus. Nam erat. In non urna.	</div>	<div class="footer">		Template made by Jon Neal.	</div></div></body></html>

    The wrapper div should extend along the whole page and the links div should go all the way down that as well.. Help!!!

  10. Psshh! Comeon, gotta think positive. Each fire will only take a pistol-bullet sized amount of whatever it uses X-D. I think if it can shoot down missiles it can do alot more..

  11. No, there is no way to edit the actual display. On dynamic drive they just cover it up, like the context menus they have, they just hide that the right button was clicked and show a div where ever you right clicked. It may just be a hover menu..

  12. I have no clue what you are trying to do, so this is a guess. It seems to me like you want to display all of the topic names in links and make it so you can click the link to view the content. do this for the links:

    <?php$links_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `book` ORDER BY `Cid` DESC");while($links = mysql_fetch_object($links_query)){	echo "<a href=\"other_page.php?topic={$links->Cid}\">{$links->Topic}</a><br />";}?>

    That should print out a list with links. Other_page.php:

    <?phpif(isset($_GET['topic'])){$topic_content = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Book` WHERE Cid = {$_GET['topic']}"));echo "{$topic_content->Topic}<hr />{$topic_content->Content}";}else{//do something if they havent selected a topic}?>

    Viola!:) that should work..

  13. Ah, you are treying to do it so you can have several different things of content on just one page. you are close! Here, use this one:

    	<? 	if(isset($_GET['page'])){		include("{$page}.php");	}else{ 		include"news.php";	}	?>

    At least thats what I would have used.. Or you can just do if($_GET['page'] == "link"){ include("link.php");}:)

  14. To abstractapproaches reply, we are talking about web languages. X86 assembly is for basic machines and such. You buy little chips and program them with assembly, I think assembly has about 30 functions and things you can do, thats it.

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