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Naive Amoeba

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Everything posted by Naive Amoeba

  1. So is bgcolor, align, valign, width, height, border, cellpadding, cellspacing etc :)Everything can be done with CSS. I mean, everything.
  2. The whole point of the head tags is that it's information that is processed but not directly shown on the page body itself. Why do you even want to?
  3. Jlhaslip is right: tables are horrible and should only be used when showing.. well, a table.Plus, you seem to have missed off several semicolons in your css code, and "valign" is invalid XHTMl, and the class "width40" is a very non-semantic name :)Just remember, design for firefox, botch for IE.
  4. You can use php, asp, asp.net, flash, perl, anything. Just go on hotscripts.comThey usually have some nice pre-made scripts, and if you understand the language they're written in, it's quite easy to strip it all and edit it to your liking.And as for ryusuke, with PHP, ASPjpeg/ASPimage and asp.net, you can get your script to automatically generate thumbnails. Asp.net is best for that, actually.Plus, why's the photo a gif?
  5. Tables and spacer gifs? Hmmm... how about, you don't?I've noticed some problems. First, it's not valid XHTML. In your image tags, you've put align, width and height, along with emitting the title property.Plus, on the wall tank one, you've written hieght not height.I didn't see the page before you added that extra BR, but i've noticed that you've labeled both your div and anchor tags with the class "tab". Two elements inside each other don't need the same tag. Plus, you've set "tab" to being display:inline. That may explain why it's messing up.You've used width="" and height="" a lot in that page, when really you should use css to do all the sizing. Including with the images.Hope this helps!
  6. For me it says "No Referer header found!"Because that would suggest that your website is not configered properly. The XHTML validator doesn't really check your javascript as such..
  7. Yeah, true. XHTML is hardly a new language, it's just remembering to put alt="" title="" etc
  8. Ah well, thanks anyway (to aspnetguy). Oh, and how could you use a where statement when you haven't selected it.. ?ThanksMatt
  9. Hi,I've PMed it to you as I don't particularly want to post my database URI to the public :)Many thanks,Matt
  10. Hey, thanks for the help but no- It doesn't correctly group them now..Compare: http://www.naiveamoeba.co.uk/song/stats.asp to http://www.naiveamoeba.co.uk/song/stats.asp?timespan=dayThe second is with the new SQL stringCheers, Matt
  11. Hi,I have this SQL (it's going with ASP and an access database):sql = "SELECT artist, count(artist) AS artist_count, [date] FROM song GROUP BY artist WHERE [date] > " & DateAdd("ww", -1, Date) & " ORDER BY count(artist) DESC"And my DB schema is song(id,artist,song,date,time).I want it to group all rows with a certain artist and count how many occurances there are, but only if the date is logged in the past week. Without the [date] selection and WHERE clause, it works perfectly fine, but selecting [date] along with the other two returns: "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'date' as part of an aggregate function."Any ideas?I appreciate any help,Thanks,Matt
  12. Zeehond, thankyou very much. It works nicely now :)Thanks to everyone else too, i appreciate it.
  13. Just tried that, comes out with the same thing.. so i'm guessing * and _ are the same.Thanks anyway.
  14. They kinda go hand in hand, so i'd learn both at the same time.Or if you really can't do that, CSS first.
  15. <head><style type="text/css">a {background: white;}a:hover {background: red;}<style></head><body><a href="#">Some example text</a></body> Actually, that only changes the background of the text. If you want to change the body's background then sorry, I don't know; you'd probably need to use javascript which would be hideous to your standards.
  16. Honestly, do not use frames.www.w3schools.com/cssLearn CSS and your pages will be so much quicker, more accessiable, more semantic etc etc.
  17. Naive Amoeba


    Well tags have become much more strict. So <img src="thing.jpg"> should be <img src="thing.jpg" alt="" title="" height="200" width="300" /> for example.Also, XHTML is much more friendly with CSS, esp CSS2. So no more table-based designs (<table width="100%" height="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> is evil).Just that kinda thing. It's great when you learn how to use XHTML web standards, and after that you'll get this nice arrogant glow when you find horrible non-semantic, slow and inaccessiable code on a corporate website.
  18. Hi,I have a website that will have a min-height of 100%, and stretch if the text is more than that. In IE, however, it doesn't allow min-height (as many CSS developers know). I tried using this hack: min-height: 100%;height: auto;_height: 100%; But it doesn't work in IE, although using _height: ***px does. I don't want an absolute value though, as I'd like it to stretch like it does in good ol' firefox.Any ideas?Thanks a lot,Matt
  19. Hi, I'm new to these forums so.. hello :)I'm using an UPDATE statement to make a value in an access database increment by one. I've tried this code: SQL = "UPDATE tbl SET my_db_value = my_db_value + 1 WHERE sql_variable = '" & variable & "'" But it comes up with an "Object required" error. So I could use an SQL select statement, put that in a variable, and then use that in an SQL INSERT statement, but that's really messy.Any ideas?Thanks a lot,Matt
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