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Everything posted by Sniffy

  1. Whoa nice, I submitted this forum to it.
  2. I'm downloading NVU now to check it out.It seems to be more what I want than Scelida 2, but I'll eventually try both out.
  3. Thanks, I'll definitely look into it.
  4. Sniffy

    I'm so mad

    That's good, they should have printed it, it would have attracted quite a few customers, well I hope.
  5. Sniffy


    What do we have to do to get you to draw us?
  6. pulp fiction:I actually like the thin layout, because it's clear and easy to read.I find that happens even with CS2 depending on what I'm doing. I don't have a lot of experience behind me so I actually don't know how to use Photoshop all that well.
  7. Sniffy

    IE7 Worse?

    I thought he was complimenting himself when he said Geek Squad, I didn't know it was an actually franchaise/business.
  8. Yes, the 'O' had a little jaggedness but it isn't that noticable. If you're showing it to clients though your portfolio should be perfect.
  9. Sniffy

    learn photoshop

    Yes, I recall you recommending that before. http://photoshopcafe.com
  10. Sniffy

    learn photoshop

    Yes, I always use http://good-tutorials.com .There's always new tutorials being added.Do a search and you'll probably find the tutorial you're looking for.
  11. The page is very easy-loading though.I like the guitar in the logo.For now, I can't really give any constructive critisism sorry.You seem to be good with graphics, and with ASP.NET skills you'll surely get quite a few customers.
  12. Does anyone know of free software similar to Dreamweaver?
  13. VChris is critically aclaimed to meet Five star expectations!

  14. Actually yeah, it is there...
  15. Hopefully it will be shown in the next version of IPB on the toolbar.
  16. Sniffy


    I have a wacom. I prefer to draw things out on paper, then scan them in and trace them with my wacom in flash. I'm not a very good drawer, so anyways, if I want good results, I have to do it this way...
  17. Since this topic is over, but I'm still on the topic of Regex, I need information on the Java's Regex, how to import regex packages and make simple statements with it.I did a search before and haven't really found a reference, or basic guide to is which I want.I know (or rather have the basics) of regex in PHP & JS, do all I need really is to know how to use regex with Java.BTW: regex = regular expressions
  18. Sniffy


    You want to smoke you mean?
  19. So this site copied W3Schools.Well, it's their problem. It's just going to turn more people against them, or rather it could be a plan to attract more users to if the site actually did something like copy the skin.
  20. ConText is a free open-source programmers editor. Justsomeguy recommended it and I do too.http://www.context.cx/
  21. Sniffy


    Drugs in our water..... sounds like a good idea.... That would be a good idea actually so we don't have to worry about mass treatment.
  22. Sniffy


    I heard something about that...Anyways, why not raise the prices to the companies but still keep the same price for citizens, but fundraise to cover the extra cost?
  23. Sniffy


    I wonder if another (stronger) space telescope will be made in the next century, to replace the Hubble. Have you heard on any ideas like this, or is the Hubble as good as NASA can get right now?
  24. Sniffy


    We still need fundraisers to treat the mass amount of people with cancer, well at least I think we do.
  25. I had a lot of improper grammar in that comment, didn't I?

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