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Everything posted by Sniffy

  1. Sniffy


    Yeah you're right, thanks.
  2. Sniffy

    my first site

    Also, I've noticed that your pages don't share the same colors. One page has green BG, and the other has an orange BG. There's nothing wrong with this, but to make your site look more professional I'd stick to one design. I see you're doing some work as well, good job.
  3. Sniffy


    Does Mars still spin?I thought it didn't spin so one side of it didn't get much sunlight since it died and everything.
  4. Sniffy


    When do you think we'll get to explore the dark side of mars?
  5. Sniffy

    Domain Name

    I little bit dark, but still very cool and attractive. I never new there was a button generator like that for the CSS | VALID and XHTML | VALID buttons.
  6. 1tb?Whoa, that's a lot of space.
  7. I'd recommend posting this in the General forum, but this is the PHP Deployment forum, but usually team ads like this usually pop up in the general forum.
  8. 1asphost is also http://domaindlx.com , I'm not sure if it's on a different server or just another domain.
  9. Sorry, my bad. I've been getting into different types of memory and stuff a little because of my upcoming java course, but thanks.
  10. Sniffy

    I publish a site

    I won't tell, but I don't recommend taking away the ads. If the advertisers see that too many people have free hosting but with no ads, while they're paying the admin of the free host, they'll be pretty pissed and the admin will have to cancel the free hosting. Just think about it.
  11. Sniffy

    my first site

    Yeah, it is the support forums.
  12. Sniffy

    my first site

    Pretty good for a first but your site needs quite a bit of work. Did you get into much CSS yet?http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.aspEven just styling the anchors black and with an underline when a user hovers over them would make the site a lot better.I'd put the site inside a table too.With your anchors on the left, the image with the description above it in the middle, and maybe some advertisements/misc on the right. It can be left blank too if you want.Really nice for a first by the way.
  13. I don't think they import from eachother, your favorites is probably stored somewhere inside the computer and the browsers extract from that.
  14. Give me some examples of other uses please. :)Thanks for the answer as well though.
  15. getElementById() is used for an easy way to access and modify things in the document.Example: var tb = document.getElementById("my_table");var body = document.getElementByTagName("BODY");if(tb.parentNode == "body"){document.write("The table is in the right place"); You're asking for a specific table that has a parent of body, meaning it's not embedded in any tags.You can probably get the same result with getElementByTagName() and a loop but that's what getElementById() can be used for.
  16. Yeah, it seems to be pretty popular.Don't you have to pay to be a premium member?
  17. This is not the World Wide Web Consortium forums, it's the W3S forums!W3schools is different from W3C....Maybe you made a mistake.Anyways, welcome.
  18. http://experts-exchange.comGet support or support others.
  19. I don't know what's wrong with it but here are the errors.
  20. Okay, rather than hijacking someone else's topic(), this is my thread for my site problems.First off, I'm trying to position my main content in a box with a scrollbar. It's skinned and works fine on my local desktop, but when I publish it the text turns black and isn't positioned correctly. I'm really bad at making layouts, so if you can help me, that'd be great.css body{background-color: #101228;background-image: url(I:\bobsite\layout5\images\body_bg.gif); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat;}#main{ color: #fff; font-family: Palatino Linotype; font-size: 12px; background-color: transparent;}#content{ overflow-y: scroll; position: absolute; top: 205px; right: 215px; color: #FFF; font-family: Palatino Linotype; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; idth: 300; height: 150;w}.menu{ position: absolute; top: 235px; right: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;}.menu a{ color: #FFF; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none;}.menu a:hover{ text-align: center; color: #FFF; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: underline;}#squareStar{ background-color: #21233D; position: absolute; right: 5px; top: 205px; width: 210px; height: 150px;} html(index.php) <!--<?phperror_reporting(E_ALL);?><?phpif(isset($_COOKIE['admin']))$adminCheck = "<font face='Comic Sans MS'>Welcome back,".$_COOKIE['admin'].".<br><a href='updateIndex.php'>Update the FrontPage.</a></font>";else$adminCheck = "<a href='adminLogin.php'>Admin Login</a>";?> --><html><head><title>Bobville</title><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'></head><body><div id='main'><div id='squareStar'></div><table cellspacing='0'><tr><td width='200'><div class='menu'><a href='index.php'>Home</a><br><a href='games/index.php'>Games</a><br><a href='movies/index.php'>Movies</a><br><a href='tutorials/index.php'>Tutorials</a><br><a href='links.php'>Links</a><br><a href='adminLogin.php'>Update Index</a></div></td><td width='600'><div id='content'>Hello, welcome to my portfolio.<br>It's currently under construction.<!--<?php$fileName = "/home/www/sniffy.awardspace.com/updates.txt";$fileHandle = fopen($fileName, 'r')or die("Could not open file");$fileContents = fread($fileHandle, filesize($fileName));fclose($fileHandle);echo $fileContents;?> --></div></td><td width='200'><div class='menu'><!--<?phpecho $adminCheck;?><br><?php$counterF = "/home/www/sniffy.awardspace.com/counter_homepage.txt";$counterH = fopen($counterF, 'w+')or die("Could not open file");$counterR = intval(fread($counterH, 5));fwrite($counterH, intval($counterR+1));fclose($counterH);echo $counterR;?><!--<?php$length = filesize($counterF);echo "filename: \"{$counterF}\"<br>";echo "length: ";var_dump($length);?>--></div> </td> </tr> </table.</body></html> Sorry for messyness in index.php, but I'm converting it over from my old files and it's taking work. http://sniffy.awardspace.com
  21. Sniffy

    Domain Name

    Maybe it was too soon to get suggestions, and I guess I shouldn't hijack, so yeah.
  22. Sniffy

    Domain Name

    Sounds good.Perfect.Just since we're talking about layouts, I've been starting my own design, and it's coming along good.I'm going to put a link to it in my signature but I'll put it here too.http://sniffy.awardspace.com1024x768 view.Everything past the 800 mark was coded in css, meaning the rectangle running off the page and the navigation.Suggestions where I should put my content, maybe inside the star with a scroll overflow?But what should I do with the rest of the space?
  23. Sniffy

    Domain Name

    Well, I guess that would be good as well, but we'd have to see it in use before finally making a decision.
  24. Sniffy

    Domain Name

    Personally, I'd do what boen_robot said.It's just, when you haven't visited a page there's a faded arrow pointing up.
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