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Everything posted by birbal

  1. I am making an attempt to build php from source. i am following https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild. so far now i am recieving this errors and it seems like it is not building php. how should i fix it? ERRORS: C:\php-sdk>cd C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14>buildconfInput Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js".Now run 'configure --help'C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14>configure --helpInput Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js".C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14>configure --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-$remainsInput Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js".C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14>nmake snapMicrosoft ® Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'snap'Stop.C:\php-sdk\php53dev\vc9\x86\php-5.3.14>
  2. ini_set('display_error',true); ini_set('error_reporting',E_ALL|E_NOICE);[/CODprepend it top of the script or make changes to the specific directive to your php.ini. (recomended for development enviourment)ht http://php.net/ini_set <=reference
  3. is there any error showing? do you have error enabled for every type of error? possible reasons..make sure you dont have any output before header call. not even a white space. it will not evaluate correct url dots will be treated as string character as it is inside double quotes.header("location: admin.php?id={row['id'] } ");
  4. The query string of the url will evaluate $_GET and the input fields of the form will be available in $_POST. in the receiving page you can work with them both.
  5. you will need to move your css to web root and have to make sure that stylesheet points to correct location. for now it cant reach your stylesheet.
  6. birbal

    CSS Drop Down Menu

    you can use :hover phseudo selector on the list items and can use css3 tranisition to expand its height on hover. you will also need to set it overflow:hidden so that at initial moment the parent item will be shown. but on hover as it will expand to its fullest the entire list will be become visible.
  7. cron job is just a schedule task which runs periodicaly to execute certain scripts. The script will be a usual php script which can do anything you want them to do. you can query the DB from the script and do certain task.
  8. birbal

    type casting

    as php is loosly typed language most of the time it implicitly be auto type casted (eg when you use arithmatic oprator,comparison oprator) in some scenerio some of them as ingolme said you need to type caste to ensure explicitly set the types rather than depending php auto type casting to avoid any misstakes and future bugs. in strict languages the rules are stricter so thus it iis essential to set the type. though It is good practice to set types even in loosly type languages.
  9. i have not used joomla or any other CMS yet. If you can describe how does it work i can make a way to it though. You cant show any file without storing it in a file when you upload. you can upload a file via ajax and store it in file in server then update the image tag's source to point to the newly created image. which will dynamicaly upload the image and will show instantly in page.
  10. did you check the file upload tutorial? http://w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asphttp://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php
  11. birbal

    xml in php file

    the content type of rss feed should be like posted in post #4 It may be possible to use text/xml as feed, its depend on the browser/feed burner how they want to handle it or they will accept it or not. It is wise to follow the standard and use appropriate content type which is set for RSS to be compatible with everyone.
  12. ip based location detection is not accurate and user can use proxies. so if people want they can come around by other way. Server conifiguration is not in your hand in shared host. so there is little to nothing you can do with server security flaws. Maintaining the secure coding principal in your script would be last resort. as most of script security flaws could be eliminated if it is used wisely. it is not bad to analysis the attack patterns so that you know what are they trying to do and you may act upon them.
  13. birbal

    xml in php file

    it sounds like you are trying to use RSS or ATOM. if it like so you have to use appropriate MIME type for them application/atom+xml: <=atom feedsapplication/rss+xml<=rss http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type#See_also <=Resource.
  14. yes it is possible,you can use like that. when you use $_RQUEST it has some conflicts cause it uses get,post even cookie data. for this reason it is best to avoid $_RQUEST and use specifically $_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE
  15. it does not limited to $_GET it could be $_POST or may be $_COOKIE or may be $_SESSION. the main idea is that where you will pull data by its id you need to pass an id value in it to run the query.here you are using $_GET because you are passing the id via URL. it does not matter how your GET query string prepared (auto generated or manually inserted). you have to just pass it to other page.to be clear $row[id] and $row['id'] is not same. when you use associative array you have to quote its the key. other wise it will be treated as constant and if constant does not exist it will evaluate its literal value which is same as "id" but will throw a error.
  16. birbal

    socket programing

    you cant have any code (except 'declare') before namespace declaration. are you trying boen's code or did you modified it?
  17. when you use form it's data automaticaly encoded by browser. if you look into attribute "enctype" where it is describe the encoding proccess. we dont use it when we use usualy because it is by default application/x-www-form-urlencoded. you may notice we change this enctype when we upload a file which encoding is different than that, when you use ajax it does not encode anything implicitly. # is reserevd for url and has special meaning so you need to encode it to tell that it is the value not the special character . you have to encode explicitly if you use ajax. it s setting the header how the data will be handled. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding <=reference of encoding
  18. ..and also another reason some of bots fetch email address from sites to spam the email owner.
  19. what i meant was member contribution in forums is topic/post created by members
  20. http://flickr.comhttp://istockphotos.com have many stock photos which you can used in websitesthere are many others. some of free. some of not. watch out for permission of images and terms and condition and lisence before you used them. some of them need credits for their photo owner.
  21. you should have to use imagecreatetruecolor() instead of imagecreate().
  22. posting the original image with that one would be more helpful. though you should use imagecropresampled() rather than imagecopyresized(). imagecopyresized() deform when it crop which could make image defective.
  23. They are called Favicon. there is also some favicon generator you can find them if you google
  24. you have to use any server side language to manupulate that file. are you using any?
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