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Everything posted by birbal

  1. how does your form looks like?
  2. print out the query to see how does it look.
  3. you have to use url rewrite in you .htaccess. google it.
  4. you can also download validator add ons to validate pages localy. try to search on the browse addons which you are using. there is validator named as "html validator" for mozilla
  5. ye yes i was doing these in object oriented manner as you stated. thanks for confirming. do you think its relevent to draw UML before for web application? @lh9 thanks for your input
  6. start with javascript once you grasp that well it wont be hard to get the rest. if you are not in any production project you should not worried about jquery for now. jquery is library of js which makes things easier and faster to develop which is good when you are in production project where time matters. but if you want to learn js would be the best choice to start. https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference <= complete referencehttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM <= DOMhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Guide <= basic to in depth start with w3schools tutorials to get the concept and after that when you need more information look into the reference. MDN is good but remember it is browser specific. so some of them are only for mozilla . you can see in the reference which is as per w3 and which are not. w3 is the standard. you should not have trouble with that there is reference for other browser too but MDN was best for me. there is lot of examples and elaborations. you can find about ajax also into it.
  7. business websites have to be design in a such way that it fullfills business goals.other than that basic design strategy is same design wise...business color scheme is generely be light and gentle oppose to personal websites. placements of the object is placed in such a manner that user tend to follow as you want. there is some design rules eg user eyes generaly goes dark to light,dull to bright colors, small to large object,familiar object shape to unfamiliar objects. you have to put the object conciously so that user will get the message what you want to pass and click those link what you want it to. you should not junked the page with unsceray links. as less links will be use will be less confused and will tend to click it. place the links which needs it. you have to plan everything. a good designer can make user do things that they wanted. it is basic rules. but designing is such a field where you can be creative above it.
  8. http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=smarty&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CIsBEIwQMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.smarty.net%2Fcrash_course&ei=ga-uT4aYG8iGrAeA3bjdAw&usg=AFQjCNHG8zhV2RZEp6RQGIZVqKSIUF8JAQif you study this you will get some idea how does template system work.
  9. That is how i was doing that too. but i realised it was becoming critical and time consuming to manage as it was growing and i thought there should be any better orgnaized way of doing this. that is why these questions were coming in my mind. i did not know actually what to ask. I will follow your advice from next time rely thanks for helping me so far..
  10. so nice to hear about your works. motivating! do you have any personal project? if yes how do you manage those? do you write design document for those too? i guess it is not the case where anyone will need to write design documents for clients but i belive there should be something written. is there any technical term of that? how do you start to approach a problem when you develop larger system?
  11. Actualy when you access any file it uses request on server. it does not matter the file type. It was my mistake that i did not notice in hurry, you are using syncronized ajax request. Sorry for that. when you synced request it waits till its gets the response from the server. which is not in the case with async. actual problem is... y=x.childNodes[0];it is not pointing the node you are intending. you have \n after your book node. new line is considered a node here, text node.y=x.childNodes[1]; <== it will point it to the title node remember y is pointing to this <title>XML</title>node. "XML" is also considered a node (text node) which is child node of title. so to get its vvalue you haveto get childnodes of title element and then you have to get the node value of itsomething likebook = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("book");console.log(book[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
  12. you have to check the readystatechange in ajax in onstatechange callback and the response will be available when it success. send() does not mean it recives the response in the next line. it sends the data and wait for the response. here you are trying to get that what is not set yet,
  13. birbal

    Any idea ?

    http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=java+data+types&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CGMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocs.oracle.com%2Fjavase%2Ftutorial%2Fjava%2Fnutsandbolts%2Fdatatypes.html&ei=ziGsT_WBG8fqrAeK2NmmDw&usg=AFQjCNEruY-b-nO4TIUBFesUMFBl8NHFSQ apache tomcat that is what run the jsp pages jsp is used for web page though there are java applets which also works in webpage which are being embded in page. You have to see swing,awt if you google the bold words it will get you what you want. sun official website has good tutorial and manual of jdk which is also comes with downloadable format.
  14. birbal


    can you explain more what you are trying to do?
  15. You cant have same table name in a database either change the table name which you are creating or drop the previous one.
  16. birbal


    http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=url+rewirting&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CH8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhttpd.apache.org%2Fdocs%2F2.0%2Fmisc%2Frewriteguide.html&ei=wairT_7oFMGzrAeTxr2jDw&usg=AFQjCNHv7afc9FaA2urMwsoWPuxHDholeQhttp://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=url+rewirting&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CH8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhttpd.apache.org%2Fdocs%2F2.0%2Fmisc%2Frewriteguide.html&ei=wairT_7oFMGzrAeTxr2jDw&usg=AFQjCNHv7afc9FaA2urMwsoWPuxHDholeQ http://in2.php.net/manual/en/security.hiding.php <= it may be usefull to you
  17. i dont know,you can tell it better. if there is not any error what does make you think it is not right? how would we know what is not working as you intented, if you dont tell it?
  18. If you need to print the data,frequently check the data or update the data,if the data is tangible it is best to use it as element. otherwise is use it as attribute.
  19. post your current code which is not working. error_reporting(E_ALL);display_error(true); prepend it to your top of code. if there is any error showing post that too.
  20. why do you think it is not right? any errors?
  21. thanks.i got it now. BTW can i know which type of system do you develop for your client?
  22. Thescintist and justsomeguy thanks for giving the helpfull information. is the design document comes into project management? does it comes into analysis phase of software development? is it the design document which helps to estimate the hours of work? i mean design documents are made first to measure the work to yourself? before give them a quote or before you are hired? as it involves time investment so does those hours is counted for charge? or is it being charged to initiate it(design document) first?I am willing to know how does things work from intial point when client comes to you.
  23. birbal

    id = 0 (phpmyadmin)?

    they already have. when you login in your CP look for it.
  24. birbal

    id = 0 (phpmyadmin)?

    you can truncate the table (there is option for that named EMPTY). but it will delete all the data.
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