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Everything posted by birbal

  1. how do you identify your member?
  2. if you want php to print it you can prepend "JO" before it before printing echo "JO{$row['jo_num']}";
  3. birbal

    Create Json data

    http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=join+using+mysql&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.mysql.com%2Fdoc%2Frefman%2F5.0%2Fen%2Fjoin.html&ei=IT-jT-H_AcmsrAfJxrTbDQ&usg=AFQjCNGXZQycUZ9UHnvO4i2-l6UslF5wRA you can use join in query which will be more efficient
  4. There is dreamweaver like software. i dont know how well that is. i dont do use those. the form in that site is quite simple which you can build easily with html-css there is notepad++,netbeans like software whhere you can write codes both are good and free
  5. http://php.net/filehttp://php.net/explode it is as simple as i wrote the steps. you first check those function to see how they works . i am sure you will get the idea if youu look into those links. if you still have problem or any specific question come back,we will help you.
  6. you can use file() which will get you each line as array. you can then explode() the line as array. after that you can use dom to manupulate xml using dom. dom works same like you may used in js.http://php.net/dom techinicaly you may avoid the xml part .the array you get from file also can be encoded as json to pass it js,if it matches your situation.
  7. opening up the page showes up me a error in firebug herecontent.fillText("AwesomeCo", 60, 0);you have a typo there. content should be context.
  8. Thanks for your inputs boen. If anyone has any more inputs about this i will like to hear.
  9. Dont want to discourage you from learning flash but flash is going to be supressed by canvas soon. I have doubts about future of falsh. I dont know why would anyone give time which going to be obsolete. i belive (personaly) its better to more cocerntrate on canvas-js rather than flash if you are aiming for web-development.
  10. you need to set the content-type header encoding set to utf-8 or specific korean language collation. same goes with database. previously inserted data wont be effected in database after you change the collation. you need to insert new one. utf-8 supports multilingual so setting the page encoding,content type encoding, mysql connection collation,mysql field collation to utf-8 should fix it. otherwsie we need to see the codes.
  11. SQL alone dont work in web application. you have to make html markup to create structure of the form, server side language (eg php,asp) to proccess the form which will connect with mysql server to communicate do you know any server side language? what is your current skills? here is connecting mysql with php tutorial http://w3schools.com/php_mysql_intro.asp (for php)
  12. birbal

    PHP form

    you need to use js. bound function on event click on radio button.that function make the both input field company nama and firm name hidden(it will not let user open two field at a time) then check the value of the radio button where the click event occurs.then check that value with condition if it matches show the related field.
  13. can you show the relevant code which is causing trouble?
  14. You did not mentioned what is happening when you run it. if post fields are array the header is being set to multipart/form-data. you need to send header content-type www/form-urlencode to get the results. if you want to send request to $url you dont need to send location header when you use CURLOPT_URL curl it is being set. httop://php.net/curl_Setopt check the list here.
  15. birbal

    php mysql insert

    yes. if you click that link it will open it up
  16. $result is returning false. it returns false when mysql_query() fails. you have to check why it is failing $result = mysql_query($sql); if(!$result)echo mysql_error(); what does it print? reference: http://php.net./mysql_error http;//php.net/mysql_query
  17. you will need to acces database and fetch the data and put it in html table dynamicaly. you can start over here http://w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp
  18. birbal

    Blog Script Help

    i am not sure about your question. doyou want to stop inserting executing external scripts?
  19. you should have salt it first you can use user credential to salt it which is basicaly quite random. eg you can use timestamp of user registration which will never be same for two user. or any other credentials. you can mix up more than one user crdential eg mixed with emailid nick timestamp. it will be a good one. you can split the strings and juggle it around to construct completely different string. it will make it more harder to decrypt. You can use mixed up different hash function to make it more complex so thus it will be hard for attacker to decrypt using rainbow tables for particular hash.also use a server specific salt which is hardcoded. storing salt in database is not a good idea. a successfull sql injection could loosen the effeicency of salt
  20. birbal

    php mysql insert

    Sequence matters. php parse line by line. you have to make the conection before you use it anywhere. You done need to use parens around variable when you assign.use http://php.net/mysql_real_escape_string instead of mysql_escape_string() now it will not matter query inserted or not it will print it. you may like to make it conditional so that it only print it when truly query inserted. check mysql_query() return value to determine succefull query.
  21. can you explain more what is not working and what are you trying to do?
  22. sounds good. can you point out any cons and/or lack of features of reputated web analytics? it did not use any of them (resrearched some) and most of them seems compelete and promising. some FREE web analytics goes beywond google analytics.
  23. I am thinking to start a new project and considering develop a web analytics from scratch. but there is already many reputated ,good web analytics. so my question is will it worth to give it time or it will be just reinventing the wheel and wasting of time? what do you think? thanks for hearing.
  24. birbal

    Next step?

    it will show undefined index when you first time load the page. when it comes to this line $s_name=$_POS['s_name'] it will try to assign $_POST['s_name'] but as still form is not been submited so it does not exist , thus it will show you undefined index. next when you will submit the form it will hold value, thus it wont show you any php notice. you can assure that it does not show notices you can use isset(). so it executes process part only when form is submited<form.....> </form>if(isset($_POST['name_of_your_submit_button'])){//process the form} it is not the thing you can do in hurry it takes time. did this hurry help you a bit to learning this stuff since 1 year? sorry, but i dont think so. if you had show some patience i am almost sure you would improved much more than where are you now. as for technical language, you have to used with it. it works like that. you are going to work in technical line. that is what it is you can't avoid that. Cocerntrate on the Basics first. without it you are going to nowhere.never.
  25. birbal

    Next step?

    where is your variables? check the one you declared an wha you used. <input type="text" id="s_name" name="Site_Name"/> check the name of your input field and your $_POST array's indexes$_POST['s_name'] they need to be same
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