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Everything posted by birbal

  1. is those written in any legal papers or just usual signed paper? how to handle this situation for outsource work where client is commuinicated by net? is those agreement covers about milestones? is there any sample example of those agreement to see how does it look? When "you" say "hard" it makes me afraid. it seems like it is completely a different skill.
  2. how does those agreement happens? are there written agreements or just oral?
  3. you can store user preferances in database and fetch it and use it later. you can also use localstorage which is new and need to use with javascript. which means it is dependent on user browser is js enable or not. if the data is not critical (eg styling as in your case) you can use localstorage alone without fall back to database storage. http://devloper.mozilla.com/localstotage
  4. IE9 most probably will support the 2D but i don't think it supports 3D
  5. reference:http://au.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.phphttp://au.php.net/manual/en/functions.returning-values.php
  6. You did not mention what is not working as expected or if any error is showing. you should have mention those so that we can help you better. while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){$categories[]= $row;}return $categories; the "[ ]" square bracets append $row to array $categories with a incremental index each time it iterate in loop. without itit it will just assign the $row and will omit the previous data. you have to return the value from the function to get the value. here the function is not returning anything now.
  7. There is option for webgl. but it is experimental in mozilla. webgl have to implemented with canvas. 3d using canvas/js is non trivial. there is some library to make this things easier. you can look into three.js. there is many more. resourece https://developer.mozilla.org/en/WebGL though the effect of the some part of the site can be acheived with 2D-canvashttps://developer.mo...a.org/en/canvas
  8. that is where interpolation make it easier, decent text editor distinguish the variable among the string by formatting it differently
  9. you have to make some effort to accomplish your task. you have to read atleast the php baiscs so that we could help you further.http://w3schools.com/php the links the scientist gave you illustrate how to prepare a mail form and how to process the data. if you have any specific question you can ask that so that we could try to lighten up. without any specific question it is not possible to solve your problems here barely anyone will write you the whole script. start by making the form first. here is the link againhttp://www.w3schools...p/php_forms.asp
  10. yes they works same but first one is relative address and second one is absolute address so it will print the host name .from the post of OP it seems like he wanted to print the host address too.
  11. it is fine. but it is best to not to use concatenate oprator where possible. it makes the code harder to read$mainNameLine = "$username $maidenname $lastname"; you can also interpolate variables for better readbility $mainNameLine = "{$username} {$maidenname} {$lastname}"; the obvious usage of concatenate oprator is when you need directly put the return value of a function in string or need to concat constant in string also if there is no sureity of existance of a variable it best to use isset(). without isset() if it does not exist it will throw a notice and will try to convert null to bool which behvaour is unpredictable. so it is avoidable
  12. its happen when you try to access any element of an array which does not exist
  13. yes they are part of standard libary. even when you use cout or cin its also defined in iostream for standard lib you probably dont need to anything to compiler. when you use file names in include directive of preporocseor<> will look into in default include directory eg #include <iostream.h>" " will look into current directory of where it being included if not found fall back to default directory eg include "iostream.h". if you want to set any arbitrary directory for look-up you have to set the include path in compiler
  14. this is it <a href="">About</a> $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] will evaluate value only in php context <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];?>/about.php">About</a>
  15. birbal

    PHP Loops

    have you tried anything?
  16. for now it is taking it as relative url.prepend the prtocol if you want to point to different site. if you want to the url being changed if your site adrees change you can add $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] in the place of host
  17. in php context i am not sure what is your question actually.how can we help you? c++ has not libary for every work as you can see in php. you have to write your own or have to use third party libary. java comes with a large libary for most of common task.which comes as package with class highercy. java has the manual where you can find easily. if you are familiar with c/c++ it will be easier to adapt other languages
  18. and also you have a problem in logic of user password checking there. It will now get the only first row of the resultset when you fetch that not the ceredintial of pariticular user. you have to add a where caluse after the query to get any paritcular user and check his password against the user inputed password. also you want to take a look into http://php.net/mysql...l_escape_string for safe querying. also you dont need quote around $_POST['var] when you assign it to other variable
  19. birbal


    http://w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp here you can see examples.video upload works same as that. it does not matter which file type it is being uploaded. you have to just check the mime type in server side to ensure
  20. It is not limited to user login in general any possible type of aribatary problem solving
  21. you have to open the firebug before you load it. if you load the site first and then open firebug you wont see anything.
  22. you can try some post to host hosts which is free but you have to be comitted with them by posting on their forums. these hosts usualy have less limitations than free ones and may fit your needs.
  23. you cant accomplish that without using session. you should take a look into http://w3schools.com/php/php_session.asp first
  24. i mean in your website how do you identify registerted user? when user login generaly it generaly set a session to mark the user as authenticated. after that you need to check that session variable existance using http://php.net/isset isset() function. if it does not exist you can assume it as non member and dont show the links.
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